RandyCandles - Information - page 65


on rads its a 27t3 MA. on mine i switched to a 21 because of forexfactorys philipnel had a 5 min system based on using a 21 and i rather like it. I also switch the 9osc to 21, but it doesnt' really shift it all that much.


on the 1 minute these moves are over in 5-8 min ... if you snooze, you lose


like the one on EURJPY just now at 9:19 EST - 9 pips in 3 min


Well - been at it several hours, so gotta shut down and do some things ...

Rav, catch up with you later

If anybody reading this wants to try a Yahoo messenger if we're both online to spot things better or not get bored, please let me know ...

night, all

Well - been at it several hours, so gotta shut down and do some things ...

Rav, catch up with you later

If anybody reading this wants to try a Yahoo messenger if we're both online to spot things better or not get bored, please let me know ...

night, all

Why not make use of the room at trading rooms that was originally set up?

It would be good to have ppl in that room, so as share setups, and keep each other company!! When I am at my computer after work for trading, I do feel a bit isolated.





I think Skype would be a great place to have a chat room. Very easy to set up and you can use voice if you wanted to.

Why not make use of the room at trading rooms that was originally set up?

It would be good to have ppl in that room, so as share setups, and keep each other company!! When I am at my computer after work for trading, I do feel a bit isolated.




Anyone interested in discussing Goldenequity's addition to the original Randy Candles he presented?

I've been playing with it some, but have made the mistake of trying his template and can't handle that many currency pairs (I only have one screen) with both the RCs and the waterfall/fan template.

What I have seen is impressive and well worth pursuing. If everyone is comfortable with what they're doing, great.

Please post if interested or otherwise, pm me and let's talk about it.



sundowner, seems to be a few people with yahoo messenger. i dont really know about skype and all that, dont they charge? id gladly set up a room and leave it on 24/7 for the candle discussion. PM your yahoo name if you got it.


No Skype is totally free


sundowner, seems to be a few people with yahoo messenger. i dont really know about skype and all that, dont they charge? id gladly set up a room and leave it on 24/7 for the candle discussion. PM your yahoo name if you got it.

anyone got details on the original room? do we need set one up?

vegas, PM me your yahoo/aim name if you got one and are gonna be up for frankfurt/london open