RandyCandles - Information - page 63


Here is another one late day US Session. It is 9osc crossed, stoch crossed, and it was under the yellowt3. easy money? is anyone out there alive?

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live easy 10 pips on 1min chart eur/jpy

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for your post #622 and #623, what is the EST time of those moves? I think you and I have a big difference in the clock times of our MT4 programs ... so I want to match them up

I have not been using this new indicator, but have been watching you guys use it ...


first one like i said was late us session on 5min time frame. so that was what..1:05? maybe not so late sorry. second post was a few minutes ago so that was... 6:48. all times EST. I use FXDD and 5oclock starts new daily


right ... I had stepped out so missed the 1:05 ... I hate that .... but it was right there ... a little bit lulling into distraction with a slow afternoon

and the one just now at :48 -- you know ... I think I need a 2nd monitor so I can have a nice large chart section for the top of the MT4 display ..

Eur/Jpy displays what appear to be small movements on my MT4 chart, but in fact the Eur/Jpy covers a lot of pips in its moves by comparison to most of the other pairs ... so I did not even notice that one ...

thanks for the posts !


Alive? You Bet...

...and making money on the 1M and 5M E/Y. I have added two indicators that make this even better! The Mouteki and the FibPiv. These provide solid evidence of support and resistance areas.

mouteki.mq4  22 kb

yeah. a few pages back we discussed how eur/jpy had all the big moves as the gbp/jpy but only 4pip spread. and yeah, two monitors makes it easier. i just have mt4 installed in two different folders and open them both up haha.


7:42 EST was sitting under yellow for a bit, both stoch and osc were crossing. another easy 10 pips, and btw the white line is a 50 sma, which it nicely bounced off of.

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Carmel -

- would you do a quick screenshot showing your indicators and attach it?

- what is your time zone? am trying to see if I can avoid being all alone watching the screens and missing things ... am trying to line up a couple of IM contacts. Even if you're not having any big conversation, it keeps you more alert, or me anyway.




Yep, there it is alright ... at 7:43 on mine ... these 1 min eur/jpy are pretty useful

I just can't get into a rhythm to stay focused after a certain amount of time