(FPI) predictive price - page 8


is there right?


is it possible to use FPI for arbitrage? awyas buying the cheapest pair


the tow orders still open

drawndown: 7%


why this thread is so quiet while has good potential?


Take Profit

The EA works great as far as predicting trends. However, trades don't close properly as set in the settings.

Any ideas why?


Perhaps because it works?

why this thread is so quiet while has good potential?

Nothing on screen

Admittedly,It's been a long day and I might have missed something(likely) but I am using Forex LTD and I do not show anything and nothing is listed as having been added to my chart. Can someone help uncluster me? Thanks


Once again.....Thanks for little. Luckily I persist and after 3 years of searching found a guaranteed 40 pips every 15 hours. I intended to share but people were so caught-up with the same-old same-old crap that just get's you killed it was TOO much trouble to help-out someone who was doing something DIFFRENT. Oh well, NOT my problem now. Have fun with your dead-ends. $0.00


Well...it is my loss...and it is nice to know another trader has found SOMETHING that works..

oh well...


Once again.....Thanks for little. Luckily I persist and after 3 years of searching found a guaranteed 40 pips every 15 hours. I intended to share but people were so caught-up with the same-old same-old crap that just get's you killed it was TOO much trouble to help-out someone who was doing something DIFFRENT. Oh well, NOT my problem now. Have fun with your dead-ends. $0.00

Yes, Nicholsen thought his FPI thread was under-appreciated. Really the retail investor has a more difficult time applying it.

The point of these open forums is for ideas and methods to be shared. No one person has developed a completely unique system, but every person has had flaws in their trading they sought to improve. Sharing allows another user to hear you and, if they have over come that same flaw, to reply with a way for it to be overcome.

If no one can answer, that may mean 1-2 things:

1 They do not know.

This is commonplace. A W1 breakout trader will have little to over a 5min MACD scalper in technicals. However both may be interested in the others application. The key is having someone come across your question whom can provide answers. You need a range of users (public forum), and time.

2 They choose not to share.

This is the users own desicion, though not one I personally agree upon. As long as there is room open, someone will try and charge for what is given freely. The self-centeredness if these indiviuals, who might sell a free EA online for example, is the main reason prominent contributers slowly stop.

The other reason prominent userrs may stop contributing is because of their own profitabiltiy, but they would freely answer questions asked to them. When you are profitable, sometimes you simply want to help others

This thread is part of a useable method, Nicholsen certainly contributed with a great indicator and support. To post about great profits and not to share, is simply acting as a troll.

This is a general response to various threads Ive seen with these "troll-like" replies. Not saying the poster is one, but for a responsible user, these comments are not constructive use of a forum.

Thank you.