Goblin Bipolar mod H - page 15


So what (robust) systems are you using?


I was simply commenting. Not trying to start an internet feud. So I say, my system isnt up for public debate, however, I will respectfully comment on this system and share anything I feel pertent. Other then that, I do not intend nor would I participate in clouding another thread with anything that is not directly related. That being said, my trading is not directly related. My approach is similar in aspect. As I said, lets stick to this threads topic at hand.



These type of scripts are going to blow up sooner or later, and yes, it will carry a large drawdown for a long time if the market is moving fast on the wrong side of the market. As far as I know, this is just a variation of Goblin Bipolar and 10pt3 script, which can carry large drawdown as well. It is bound to happen, just depend on Mr. Market. You need to have a big account and small trades unless you want to see 100% gain quickly and then it blows up just as fast. Quite logical. Perhaps, Bluto will solve the problem and make lots of money.

Systems with a very robust approach will trade in all market conditions.

If there is a system that works in all market conditions, then that is truly the Holy Grail. We know there ain't one.

The term ROBUST has been loosely thrown around by some.

If there is a system that works in all market conditions, then that is truly the Holy Grail. We know there ain't one. The term ROBUST has been loosely thrown around by some.

I beg to differ. Many systems can be traded over many types of markets, slightly tweaked maybe, but in any case, many can be, if there robust in design. Im not going to debate, in fact, im rather done with this thread so dont look for a response to any following comments. I often find this site to have a black and white side, white being the rather educated (in regards to trading) and the, well, the other side of the spectrum. In which case, most come up with a very uneducated response. To responde with a smart ellect point of view, you have to make sure your info is correct.

In any case, you can beleive your opinion if you like. Take a peak at some of the pros in history, if there system was robust, it was traded in multiple markets. Do some research. Linda Bradford, for one. All of the infamous turtle traders for another. Many out there, Holy Grail? I think not. Doesnt need to be. You have your thoughts apparently mixed up. IMO.

Anyways, good luck with this all. I can tell you its on a path to be rather profitable. Changing market conditions are probably going to eat it up without adjusting parameters and timeframes. But in any case, have fun, and, some advice, set risk to LOW.

One more thing, many of you should pick and choose the words you use and those to whom you respond. The people on the other side might be alot more valuable then you know. These boards have pushed away many great resources, lke them or not, autofx for example being one of them. A few others I have always seen have slowly crept away. That seems to be an awfull trend. You newbies might want to keep the lips tight on your co-posters. Some of the people you push away can get done in a week what will take you all a year. The trading community, especially those who frequent internet message boards, is rather small. So, after a while you learn those who are educated and those who arent. But by all means, have at it.

- secXces

hello Viatoris

i use 1H TF.



Fine thank's Ibda ) Would you write me the backtest's parameter settings of EA ?



Pecunia non olet:
When you were testing all possible alternatives before reaching this informed conclusion, how did you set up your Curvelet Analysis tests?

I assume you tested the entire parameter space in your Goertzel Discrete Fourier Transform tests. Which turned out to be better, the Goertzel DFT, nth Order Fading Memory Polynomials or End Point Fast Fourier Transforms?

- - - -

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Sorry, I am not sure what that means.

I am only interested in practical applications of trading strategies.

I tested a few EAs similar to GOBLIN, before it appeared on this forum. I am a below average coder with average intelligence. I have used other peoples EAs and modified a bit and traded on live accounts without blowing my accounts.

There is too much noise in the small time frames. Referring to the larger time frames when using small time frames yield superior results.

Regardless of how good the strategy is, there are times that you will lose strings of trades and/or undergo significant drawdown.

That is where very strict money management comes in, especially in strategies like GOBLIN that does not use a stop loss.

If there is a system that works in all market conditions, then that is truly the Holy Grail. We know there ain't one.

When you were testing all possible alternatives before reaching this informed conclusion, how did you set up your Curvelet Analysis tests?

I assume you tested the entire parameter space in your Goertzel Discrete Fourier Transform tests. Which turned out to be better, the Goertzel DFT, nth Order Fading Memory Polynomials or End Point Fast Fourier Transforms?

- - - -

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

William Shakespeare, Hamlet


hello viatoris

it is forward test result (live demo account) not backtest result.

i'm use DEFAULT setting, only change LotsIncreaseBy to 2.0 and UseMoneyMgmt to False.



Fine thank's Ibda ) Would you write me the backtest's parameter settings of EA ?


statement.htm  127 kb
hello viatoris

it is forward test result (live demo account) not backtest result.

i'm use DEFAULT setting, only change LotsIncreaseBy to 2.0 and UseMoneyMgmt to False.



Thank you for posting this statement ibda,
