Goblin "BiPolar" Edition - page 40


Welcome back, bluto.

Still plugging away at some mods to BiPolar, but could use your input. Dunno how (or if) you're going to participate, but we could use you.



make pips, not war

before dave came out with his separate majics idea Goblin didn't worked at all.

now with putting it on separate charts for buying/selling I found it was a clear improvement, even if it isn't safe enough yet, and credits are all to dave, so...

can you Bluto quit giving yourself so much credit for bipolar, ok? can we stop the bragging now, please?

the bipolar existence is insignificant, it is the idea of running goblin on separate charts that is counting.

further I totally agree with dave to flip the coin and try to boost a small account to make some money and then reset all, perhaps it is the only way to make these junk martingale systems working. my 0.002

I don't mean to defend bluto here but IMO it is rude to call it a junk system. If you don't like it or if it is a junk, why not just leave it?

make pips, not war

Right on! That's the stuff!

Welcome back, bluto.

Still plugging away at some mods to BiPolar, but could use your input. Dunno how (or if) you're going to participate, but we could use you.


Be glad to help you, m8. Just send me a PM with the specifics.


The forum is a collaboration of ideas, its for sharing trading concepts and code, not for calling other people names. Whatever happened in the past couple of weeks shouldn't matter much anymore, we should focus on improving what we have right now.

Bluto, next time you release an EA into the wild you should call it the Blutonator.


more backtests...

more backtests....

may83604.htm  506 kb
june30525.htm  378 kb
july16158.htm  312 kb
aug-96.htm  129 kb
sept-76.htm  113 kb

Here's the last of the backtests....

The last two statements I took a month with poor performance, tweaked the settings, and made it a winner.


The forum is a collaboration of ideas, its for sharing trading concepts and code, not for calling other people names. Whatever happened in the past couple of weeks shouldn't matter much anymore, we should focus on improving what we have right now. Bluto, next time you release an EA into the wild you should call it the Blutonator.

Hey now! I'm diggin it. "Blutonator" -->
