Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 102

El Cid

Your statement above quite clearly shows that you haven't actually read this thread or if you did, you failed to understand a single word, or perhaps you just have a poor memory.

I aint got time to read the same rehashed technical anylysis over and over again

This thread has 4 stars and over 120,000 views, and more importantly attracted contributions from talented individuals, who all possess a very unique attribute, and that is the disipline of focusing on a single problem. Thats quite a valuable skill to develop. You have good technical knowledge but really poor knowledge in the trading area.95% of traders loose and the 5% do not visit this board, almost 99% are failures who are clueless and u keep their 5 stars cause u need them like a hole in your head.A very famous strategy called Hans has 1,200,000 views and 5 stars ,every nutter who traded it has blown their accounts ,but u guys are too clever for me and put up these points .Time to move on for me.

In the time that these people spent developing their simple system, which is based on exploiting repeatable market behavior, how many different strategies and EA's did you work on, 10,20,50,100, 200? How many different threads did you create here, and at moneytec, strategybuilderFX, forexfactory, Trade2Win, FXFisherman etc.I would like to put all that knowledge I acquired in one trading set up or an E A

Ask yourself why you need to do this, what are your objectives, what do you hope to gain, and are those objectives currently being met. If the objective inst being met, its time to change the strategy. After all the definition of insanity is doing the same thing time after time and expecting different are right about that


You really havent got an argument .

Telling me to read books by failed traders turned anylysts on indicators .Give me a break !These guys know the only sure way to make money is selling books,courses ,training education,signals and scamming people

There is always room for perfection with the simba strategy but u carry on and u will learn a few things from me

I can't respond any more on this thread, and Simba you carry on helping people but don't ever come into my territory asking for a slagging, cause u will get it


El cid

el cid:
This thread was always boring , now let me move away from ametuers

This is a very interesting thread, with lots of useful information, and I don't know whats your problem, if you lost money then maybe you should take a rest form trading for a while


guys, let's focus on the thread, any personal attacks only provoke more interraptions, dirt and very bad 4 the thread

argument taken care of - it's gone;

you can't stop destructions, but you can ignore it - let's try to keep this thread clean - let's move on?


El Chutia

el cid:

You really havent got an argument .

Telling me to read books by failed traders turned anylysts on indicators .Give me a break !These guys know the only sure way to make money is selling books,courses ,training education,signals and scamming people

There is always room for perfection with the simba strategy but u carry on and u will learn a few things from me

I can't respond any more on this thread, and Simba you carry on helping people but don't ever come into my territory asking for a slagging, cause u will get it...


El cid

EL CHUTIA,the only one getting an slagging is you,multiple orifice slagging..though you must like it so much that you keep asking for more..I wonder which zoo you escaped must have been fun while you were there

As I told you before,you can keep posting here as long as you want...I don`t care about you,besides pitying you and trying to imagine which brand of vinegar do you breakfast on...probably something strong

And I will go to any thread you deem your territory,even to the zoo , when I see fit and have some time for fun...fortunately for you I have better things to do with my time..USUALLY;),so,I will pay you sporadic visits and will try to bring you some bananas,though will try to give you the instruction manual since I believe that you may be tempted to consume them using the wrong orifice..

BTW,I wonder which of your multiple personalities has convinced the others that you have anything of value to write,besides providing fun to others and giving them an ego boost by comparison ....

Hope your 200$ account is growing and that you could save some money to buy a change of drawers..and a couple bananas



guys, let's focus on the thread, any personal attacks only provoke more interraptions, dirt and very bad 4 the thread

argument taken care of - it's gone;

you can't stop destructions, but you can ignore it - let's try to keep this thread clean - let's move on?

Thanks for your words..

Try to look at it this way:

1-The thread was already completed since several months ago,there were some posts with questions and some replies from my side and other contributors,but very sporadic,the bulk of it was already done and explained,at least for those that want to understand

2-El Chutia,in his magnanimity has decided to provide some free entertainment,so that several people have become interested in the thread,initially for fun,then because they have seen something useful for them

3-Some of these people will benefit from it,so we should be thankful to him...this must be the only time that El Chutia has helped somebody without asking anything in exchange,not even a new pair of drawers

Believe me,I don`t give a dime about him...and I don`t think the thread could be expanded,since everything has been clearly explained..if you have any idea or contribution,please feel free to post it..

The only thing that I was planning to do was taking the EA and the original settings,finalized in the period February to mid April..and test them,GBPUSD,GBPJPY in the period mid April to now to post its continuous performance on a 6 month basis,frankly,we run several forward tests until April with Frantacech,they are in the thread,but they were too short,even if profitable

You can do it if you want,just use the settings included in the first posts of the I told you they were optimized in sample and out of sample since 2001 until March / anything from there onwards will be a true out of sample test..anyway I can advance you that the system has been profitable ,but better to test and post so that we can learn from it


Hi ppl

I see some nice action on here Well, for those who are simply enjoying themselves - have a good time , and for others - a word or couple of simple facts.

This thread is very valuable and teaches us many things, if we are ready to be taught those things. And nothing someone says or writes is going to change that. One could say all day long it is nothing but crap, but it would have absolutely no effect. It makes me feel somehow confused when I see people trying to prove the obvious to some idiot, who chooses to live in world of his dreams. And, more important, everyone is free to believe whatever he wants to believe. The fact is some beliefs are more profitable than others in forex, but again, everyone is free to lose money in his best way. So, as SIMBA said it some time ago, if I see a guy who denies obvious things, no need to prove him otherwise - he is my food.

So high five to el cid for coming here and enjoying us, and keep it funny, dude!


El Cid:“-Your indicators drop out of your system faster than a whore's drawers because they don't work.

Go complain so I get a ban so I can be rid of lowlifes out of my life “

SIMBA: - “Keep posting your interesting appreciations as long as you want… oh, and don’t forget to trade your 200$ account with any of the EAs you appropriated, you might even win enough to replace those fast dropping drawers you are constricted to wear …”

who considered to wear what - it’s not a my business

some might consider also site www. - various techniques with or W/O any indicators

and if they decided not to wear any underwear - it’s not a my business...

el cid:

That indicator you were farciful about actually put me back one month because it is useless.I had to have another one made .Thanks to the clowns of trading ,my plans are one month behind

Anytime you want me to repost proof about uselessness of indicators let me know.So run and hide and remove posts cause u guys are waste of space

El Cid

SIMBA: "test, test, test..."

"try it first" - doesn't mean "try it first on real account and see what happens"

-why would someone do that? ????

the important lesson from real life example - don't be stupid ...


...I thought those indicators was completelly "fool-proof", but Simba wanned to make sure...

...I thought those indicators was completelly "fool-proof", but Simba wanned to make sure...

you know what they say, "make it foolproof, and nature will make a better fool"