Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 108


October 23rd 2007

October 23rd 2007

EA trade on FXDD live account.

Settings are here:

2007.10.23 Sell GBP/JPY 232.82

2007.10.23 Closed @ 233.41 With -59

Total since october 17th, 2007: +177

gj-3.gif  16 kb

October 23rd 2007

October 23rd 2007

EA trade on FXDD live account.

Settings are here:

2007.10.23 Sell GBP/USD 2.0333

2007.10.23 Closed @ 2.0366 With -33

Total since october 17th, 2007: +144

gu-3.gif  15 kb

October 24th, 2007

October 24th 2007

EA trade on FXDD live account.

Settings are here:

2007.10.24 Buy GBP/JPY 234.58

2007.10.24 Closed @ 233.85 With -73

Total since october 17th, 2007: +71


is that link related to SIMBA or SIMBAS approach ?

hi all

is that link here related to SIMBA or SIMBAS approach or is just a coincidence ? does anyone know something more about it, maybe subscribed to it in the past ?

Collective2: SIMBA5


Hi tsdpka,

Both the link for SIMBA5 and for PIPMACHINE are related to me.

PIPMACHINE is my main system,you can see,as of today the following statistics..



PROFIT 144.864 USD




WIN% 75.7%


ANNUALIZED RETURN 102% over 459 days

SIMBA5 was my new countertrend strategy,as you can see,it was not very intelligent nor very profitable,I could have renamed it as a test,but it will not have been true,it was a mistake both as a trading strategy and ,obviously ,as a personal back step in my trading development,I thought I had got the way to profit from countertrend short term strategies based on volatility..and ,instead of that,I was disciplined by the market



PROFIT -93.386 USD




WIN% 50%

ANNUALIZED RETURN -93.4% over 97 days

So,these are the reasons why I said I am a bad and profitable trader..I am bad,because after so many years trading I am still capable of entering into a stubborn spiral..and I am profitable because,at least this I have learnt,I know how to trade with 75% accuracy,AS LONG AS I STAY WITH THE TREND.

In real life,the simba5 experience costed me and my partners 30% of our account,and believe me when I say that I have needed almost 3 months to recover what I lost in practically 3 weeks.

I use C2 for tracking purposes,and I would recommend you to not subscribe to any of my systems(specially simba5 ),the reason why is that,believe me,You will not be able to follow the recomendations...there are some funds and professional investors that subscribe to the 10 or 20 winning systems of the month,handling a portfolio of related trades,allocating a small percentage of their total equity to this strategy..but unless you are extremely well capitalized..don`t do it




thx for your honesty

kind regards




hi all

is that link here related to SIMBA or SIMBAS approach or is just a coincidence ? does anyone know something more about it, maybe subscribed to it in the past ?

Collective2: SIMBA5


Hi tsdpka,

Both the link for SIMBA5 and for PIPMACHINE are related to me.

Trading System: PIPMACHINE

PIPMACHINE is my main system,you can see,as of today the following statistics..



PROFIT 144.864 USD




WIN% 75.7%


ANNUALIZED RETURN 102% over 459 days

SIMBA5 was my new countertrend strategy,as you can see,it was not very intelligent nor very profitable,I could have renamed it as a test,but it will not have been true,it was a mistake both as a trading strategy and ,obviously ,as a personal back step in my trading development,I thought I had got the way to profit from countertrend short term strategies based on volatility..and ,instead of that,I was disciplined by the market



PROFIT -93.386 USD




WIN% 50%

ANNUALIZED RETURN -93.4% over 97 days

So,these are the reasons why I said I am a bad and profitable trader..I am bad,because after so many years trading I am still capable of entering into a stubborn spiral..and I am profitable because,at least this I have learnt,I know how to trade with 75% accuracy,AS LONG AS I STAY WITH THE TREND.

In real life,the simba5 experience costed me and my partners 30% of our account,and believe me when I say that I have needed almost 3 months to recover what I lost in practically 3 weeks.

I use C2 for tracking purposes,and I would recommend you to not subscribe to any of my systems(specially simba5 ),the reason why is that,believe me,You will not be able to follow the recomendations...there are some funds and professional investors that subscribe to the 10 or 20 winning systems of the month,handling a portfolio of related trades,allocating a small percentage of their total equity to this strategy..but unless you are extremely well capitalized..don`t do it




just a short reply to your message


1) the SIMBA5 system has been a real account and C2 does never allow to change the name to "test account". you can have a test account but this has to be defined just from the beginning and you are not allowed to change the name later to "test". so it's not true that you could have renamed it to test.

2) as to your your pipmachine system

  • has been for more than a year with no profit (almost breakeven).
  • after about the first 12 months it seems you have totally changed your trading approach. there is an obvious structural change in your results.
  • though, your risk ratios are very bad. i'm specifically referring to the ADP ratio which is extremly low stating a very high risk trading approach.
  • the drawdown has been near 50% of account's size

do you think is fair enough to charge subscribers i'think 59$ per trade by taking such high risk trades for reaching this 75% win ratio ? you dont need to answer to this message (you have already answerd with the previous message) but if you have traded for long time and you still continue to operate the way you do on these two systems, then it might be affordable for you but IMHO totally unfair to subscribers.

kind regards



1) the SIMBA5 system has been a real account and C2 does never allow to change the name to "test account". you can have a test account but this has to be defined just from the beginning and you are not allowed to change the name later to "test". so it's not true that you could have renamed it to test.

2) as to your your pipmachine system

  • has been for more than a year with no profit (almost breakeven).
  • after about the first 12 months it seems you have totally changed your trading approach. there is an obvious structural change in your results.
  • though, your risk ratios are very bad. i'm specifically referring to the ADP ratio which is extremly low stating a very high risk trading approach.
  • the drawdown has been near 50% of account's size

do you think is fair enough to charge subscribers i'think 59$ per trade by taking such high risk trades for reaching this 75% win ratio ? you dont need to answer to this message (you have already answerd with the previous message) but if you have traded for long time and you still continue to operate the way you do on these two systems, then it might be affordable for you but IMHO totally unfair to subscribers.

kind regards


tsdpka..what is the problem with you?It seems you are right,it is not possible to change designation after issuing trades...from vendors private page for system editing,I saw this box when I decided if killing the system or try to use for tests,or just leave it there,or change it to options trading..or whatever,just after the fiasco

Designate as a Test System. This decision can never be reversed. No one will ever be able to subscribe to this system.

Type "I Agree"

I understood that there was this possibility,I thought it was unfair,that`s all,same as rescaling or scaling the system,it destroys all the purposes of having a public track record..If I rescaled simba5 to one tenth its original size,I could have done it at any moment,haven`t done so,and I had ample time to do so after the fiasco..I could claim that the sum of both systems was extremely profitable,and it will be unfair..BTW I don`t know nor do I care if this is somehow "pointed out" at the systems page

1-I don`t charge subscribers 59$ per trade,I charge 59$ per profitable trade,I started doing so a couple months ago,when as you rightly posted,my strategy,due to the simba5 experience ,changed a lot,check for yourself the results,including apd ratio of the last 25 trades,they are much better...I think it is the fairest way to charge,and ,believe it or not,the only subscribers I have are big funds,that keep subscribed as long as I am on a winning streak..

2-I don`t understand the tone nor the content and intention of your post..I expressly told you not to subscribe to any of my systems..why this hate?Was there any misunderstanding?Is it personal?

3-I think I have hundreds of posts here at tsd,2 threads with nearly 150k joint views..and I HAVE NEVER PEDDLED ANY OF MY SYSTEMS TO ANYBODY...You brought the issue of simba5 and to be fair to myself I posted all the necessary information,including pipmachine`s for everybody to judge..AND EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU NOT TO should be clear to anybody that when I say that having mysystem at C2 is purely for tracking purposes,and , since I haven`t done any effort to promote it in my threads,JUST THE OPPOSITE..probably I AM SAYING THE TRUTH..

4-Why I am charging 59$ per PROFITABLE trade?C2 costs money ,and there is the fund effect,so these (few ) months I am on top the funds subscribing to my trades pay for my C2 rent,and,since C2 besides costing money,then takes a cut of the income probably I will have some extra profit left for me..and sincerely,if I am planning to increase it to 159$per trade,or to decrease to 9.99$ what?It is for me and the subscribers to decide if this is a worthy business proposition or not.

5-Yes,I am a risky trader,I had a 40% dd..but contrary to most,I recovered from it..and more..SO WHAT?I manage my money and that of my partners,and as long as we get these returns ,it is up to us to decide,..not you...the potential subscribers have this info available,if they want tosubscribe to PIPMACHINE they have the "see all" systems of this vendor and can even check the simba5 fiasco,so they can decide too,is that unfair?I don`t think so....oh and BTW yes my APD is very bad,but it is still same or better than 82.2% of the systems out there,just click on it at C2..

I would like to ask you a question..why are you so upset by the fact that I manage my money, have a system at C2 with 75% winning trades 144% up in 15 months(as of today and to the day,102% annualized),40+%drawdown..and charge 59$ per profitable trade(after having spent like 13 months giving 90 days free trial,to see that the only ones that profited were big funds or rich private investors)and ackowledged the mistake I committed with simba5(-93%)???Is dishonest being profitable and risky?Is dishonest acknowledging my mistakes?Is dishonest charging 59$ per PROFITABLE trade,with all the information disclosed for everybody to see?Do you want me to post a pic of the last 20 or 25 trades,since I started charging 59$per profitable trade?Is dishonest telling everybody at the Forum when the issue is raised NOT TO SUBSCRIBE,instead of profiting the promotional advantage of having 2 threads,with near 150k views?

I can understand you believe my APD ratio is low,because even if technically there are 82.2% of systems with an APD of 0.20 or lower,I agree with you,it is low...but I can not understand the rest of the you have any personal issue with me ?

You brought this issue here,I replied in fairness,I would like to have a fair reply from there any personal issue?What is your problem?


nothing personal with you

tsdpka..what is the problem with you?It seems you are right,it is not possible to change designation after issuing trades...from vendors private page for system editing,I saw this box when I decided if killing the system or try to use for tests,or just leave it there,or change it to options trading..or whatever,just after the fiasco

Designate as a Test System. This decision can never be reversed. No one will ever be able to subscribe to this system.

Type "I Agree"

I understood that there was this possibility,I thought it was unfair,that`s all,same as rescaling or scaling the system,it destroys all the purposes of having a public track record..If I rescaled simba5 to one tenth its original size,I could have done it at any moment,haven`t done so,and I had ample time to do so after the fiasco..I could claim that the sum of both systems was extremely profitable,and it will be unfair..BTW I don`t know nor do I care if this is somehow "pointed out" at the systems page

1-I don`t charge subscribers 59$ per trade,I charge 59$ per profitable trade,I started doing so a couple months ago,when as you rightly posted,my strategy,due to the simba5 experience ,changed a lot,check for yourself the results,including apd ratio of the last 25 trades,they are much better...I think it is the fairest way to charge,and ,believe it or not,the only subscribers I have are big funds,that keep subscribed as long as I am on a winning streak..

2-I don`t understand the tone nor the content and intention of your post..I expressly told you not to subscribe to any of my systems..why this hate?Was there any misunderstanding?Is it personal?

3-I think I have hundreds of posts here at tsd,2 threads with nearly 150k joint views..and I HAVE NEVER PEDDLED ANY OF MY SYSTEMS TO ANYBODY...You brought the issue of simba5 and to be fair to myself I posted all the necessary information,including pipmachine`s for everybody to judge..AND EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU NOT TO should be clear to anybody that when I say that having mysystem at C2 is purely for tracking purposes,and , since I haven`t done any effort to promote it in my threads,JUST THE OPPOSITE..probably I AM SAYING THE TRUTH..

4-Why I am charging 59$ per PROFITABLE trade?C2 costs money ,and there is the fund effect,so these (few ) months I am on top the funds subscribing to my trades pay for my C2 rent,and,since C2 besides costing money,then takes a cut of the income probably I will have some extra profit left for me..and sincerely,if I am planning to increase it to 159$per trade,or to decrease to 9.99$ what?It is for me and the subscribers to decide if this is a worthy business proposition or not.

5-Yes,I am a risky trader,I had a 40% dd..but contrary to most,I recovered from it..and more..SO WHAT?I manage my money and that of my partners,and as long as we get these returns ,it is up to us to decide,..not you...the potential subscribers have this info available,if they want tosubscribe to PIPMACHINE they have the "see all" systems of this vendor and can even check the simba5 fiasco,so they can decide too,is that unfair?I don`t think so....oh and BTW yes my APD is very bad,but it is still same or better than 82.2% of the systems out there,just click on it at C2..

I would like to ask you a question..why are you so upset by the fact that I manage my money, have a system at C2 with 75% winning trades 144% up in 15 months(as of today and to the day,102% annualized),40+%drawdown..and charge 59$ per profitable trade(after having spent like 13 months giving 90 days free trial,to see that the only ones that profited were big funds or rich private investors)and ackowledged the mistake I committed with simba5(-93%)???Is dishonest being profitable and risky?Is dishonest acknowledging my mistakes?Is dishonest charging 59$ per PROFITABLE trade,with all the information disclosed for everybody to see?Do you want me to post a pic of the last 20 or 25 trades,since I started charging 59$per profitable trade?Is dishonest telling everybody at the Forum when the issue is raised NOT TO SUBSCRIBE,instead of profiting the promotional advantage of having 2 threads,with near 150k views?

I can understand you believe my APD ratio is low,because even if technically there are 82.2% of systems with an APD of 0.20 or lower,I agree with you,it is low...but I can not understand the rest of the you have any personal issue with me ?

You brought this issue here,I replied in fairness,I would like to have a fair reply from there any personal issue?What is your problem?


please don't get it wrong. it's nothing personal with you but when looking to your numbers and your ratios it's clear to those a little bit able for judging about systems that your approaches are very high risk driven and not long term proven. you are just truying several approaches which is not a problem as long as you don't ask for fees (especially expensive fees) for the advice. when suggesting these high risks trades the risk according to this price model is always on subscriber's side. you have nothing to loose. if you are lucky you get the 59 $ but you have nothing to loose. people managing larger funds are smart enough to choose among much better approaches but this is not the point. the main point is that you choose large S/L's for reaching the win ratio but the risk is always on subscriber's side (expensive fees and large drawdowns). i pointed to all that because when looking to your approaches it's claer that you are by far away of having a really good approach, though you state to trade for many years. i can't understand how someone can give so much advice to others, ask money for it and when looking to the really hard facts (the numbers and longer term proof, etc.), then it's only a small disaster behind that and again, please don't take it personal. the same applies to many others. what is positive about you is that at least you let verifying your trades at C2. others are just publishing nice pictures and making all possible claims and try to attract without providing any verifiable facts.

kind regards



1) the SIMBA5 system has been a real account and C2 does never allow to change the name to "test account". you can have a test account but this has to be defined just from the beginning and you are not allowed to change the name later to "test". so it's not true that you could have renamed it to test.

2) as to your your pipmachine system

  • has been for more than a year with no profit (almost breakeven).
  • after about the first 12 months it seems you have totally changed your trading approach. there is an obvious structural change in your results.
  • though, your risk ratios are very bad. i'm specifically referring to the ADP ratio which is extremly low stating a very high risk trading approach.
  • the drawdown has been near 50% of account's size

do you think is fair enough to charge subscribers i'think 59$ per trade by taking such high risk trades for reaching this 75% win ratio ? you dont need to answer to this message (you have already answerd with the previous message) but if you have traded for long time and you still continue to operate the way you do on these two systems, then it might be affordable for you but IMHO totally unfair to subscribers.

kind regards



I think that SIMBA is one of the most honest sellers you will find, Instead of promising the moon like OTHERS Signals and EA sellers and deliver junk, the track record and past performance of SIMBA is there on C2 and everybody can check it, about price, is your decision to accept it or not, I will like to buy Bugatti Veyron, but if I don't have the money or I have and don't want to spend it because i think it's a overprice US$ 1.8 million car I WILL NOT BLAME THE manufacturer, simple I will not buy it.

If you think that the performance of Simba is a bad one, I invite you to check the performance of OTHERS signal sellers at C2 WITH THE SAME period of time as SIMBA PIPMACHINE

Yes, track the performance of all systems with 15 months or more and please come back here and post how many systems of the 3-4000 available ? outperform PIPMACHINE in return and drawdown.

Probably you will arrive to an interesting conclusion..............