Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 11



Im not a bad trader, probably better than you

Simba was talking about ego..but with that answer of yours i only have one thing to say HEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEE...HOHOHo..HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAA..oh you realy made me laugh.

Oh my God not try to drag me to this nonsinse now so enough..i'm not answering you any more caz i don't have time to lose like you better trader..oh no here i go again HAHAHAHA..HEEHEEHEE so let's leave simba to continue his thread



I believe Simba mentioned that he does not use a stop loss.

My dad demo traded for 2 months aggressively without a stop loss. He did quite well, winning more than 70 percent of the trades. He told me that stop losses simply lead to losing.

Then he opened a $500 mini account. On the second day of trading his real account, the market suddenly went 200 pips against him and wiped out his account. Luckily it was only $500 and not his retirement fund.

as I know ...good system must have SL . If u've got a big pips with no SL at all

it's your lucky time perhaps ....


Forex Indicators Collection



Thanks for the explanation. I know I am jumping too fast, but how about false breakouts, the %R is above the -5% and the trend is down and red?

OK, anything between -5% and -95% is not a signal, one should already be in the trade based upon the rules:

SHORT: above the -5% and red trending down

LONG: below the -95% and blue trending up

Would there ever be a case where say for example, above -5% and red but not trending down? The only reason is that in your post of the rules, you had said the following:





So far so good.

So far so good Simba. Papertrading...will start to post trades next week. Just focus on explaining the system step by step...who want to learn, will, and who doesn't want to learn, won't. Simple. No system is 100%, discipline is key. If you understand that your system will lose sometimes, then there will be no surprise or fear when it does, because you also kow you can make it back.

Good MM will come into play if currently no stop loss is used.

Does this chart look right?

simba1.gif  15 kb

downloading indicators

I'm new to this forum and I really appreciate this system. I am having soooo much trouble finding out how to download the indicators and putting them on the charts. Once I download them, Metaeditor pops up and I have no idea what to do from here. I compile, but they wont show up on my charts. Can anyone help me out and give me step to step analysis? It would be a good help and thanks so much. this is my first time downloading indicators. THANKS

Hi Yungdannyboy,

1. Download all the below three named indicators in desktop (or in a new folder) and save it.




2. Open the indicator in Meta editor(double click, it will open automatically), compile it by pressing 'F5' and

SAVE it in 'c:\programs\meta trader4\experts\indicators' folder.

Do it one by one for all the three indicators...

3. Open Meta Trader platform and go to View & the Navigator (or press Ctrl+N)... In the Navigator Panel, go the customs indicators and right click

on the indicators one by one (SALT.mq4, xpMA_v2SATL.mq4, #MTF_xpMA_v2SATL.mq4) and 'Attach to a Chart'...

Indicators part is over and now you need to attached the template...

4. Download the template (simbabasic5m.tpl) and save it in 'c:\programs\meta trader4\templates' folder.

5. Open you GBP/USD chart in Meta trader, right click on any part of the chart, go to 'Template' (you will see all the existing templates)and click on 'simbabasic5m.tpl' (which you already saved in templates folder)...

Hope to have been assitance...

P.S. Simba has promised to pose the updated template with 90 periods...

Let's wait.




The indicators should be exactly named like that:




When I downloaded them they had another name and it didn't work... But now it works after I renamed them.

BTW great thread, I will also papertrade this

Simba was talking about ego..but with that answer of yours i only have one thing to say HEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEE...HOHOHo..HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAA..oh you realy made me laugh. Oh my God not try to drag me to this nonsinse now so enough..i'm not answering you any more caz i don't have time to lose like you better trader..oh no here i go again HAHAHAHA..HEEHEEHEE so let's leave simba to continue his thread

o sorry, you are the best trader in the world. lol. lol. lol. Thats why ur licking asses in this forum.



I believe Simba mentioned that he does not use a stop loss.

My dad demo traded for 2 months aggressively without a stop loss. He did quite well, winning more than 70 percent of the trades. He told me that stop losses simply lead to losing.

Then he opened a $500 mini account. On the second day of trading his real account, the market suddenly went 200 pips against him and wiped out his account. Luckily it was only $500 and not his retirement fund.

Hi raj, Thanks for your post,it is right on Target.

First ,sorry to everybody but this is going to be the longest(cross your fingers,my friends),and one of the most important of my posts.Be so kind to excuse me and believe that for every minute I probably waste of your reading time,I have invested 5 to 10 writing and polishing this post.

First I thank you and all the others that just touched this subject,because I was wondering if somebody would touch this and another point(position size for papertrading the basic system) that I deem fundamental for trading,even for papertrading ... I USE STOPS,allow me a disgression first before elaborating.

If you want to learn something from papertrading,you have to start from the basics ,and then increase the complexity,and for those that will start posting something similar to "papertrading is worth nothing,when trading live you experience fear/greed that you do not experience with papertrading.." Yes,YOU ARE PARTIALLY RIGHT,nothing like live trade with your own money on the table,BUT, Imagine you are going to submit to surgery and that the surgeon explains to you that he has never operated,EVEN AS AS ASSISTANT SURGEON,NEVER TRAINED,EVEN WITH CORPSES..What will you do,submit to the knife?or...

"Your country is going to war.You are forcefully conscripted,you can only choose if you want to be trained for 3 months or just sent to the front after 3 months of office paperwork..before going to the front(so,in both cases you go to the front the same day),Or Just go the front now-ie:Why papertrade?,well probably when the trained ones start going to the front ,the one that went 3 months ago untrained will not be alive,and,surely,the survival ratio after the war ends will be higher in the "military trained "group." What will you choose?.

SWAT,SPEZNATZ,SPECIAL FORCES practice their drills in this order Crawling,walking,running...don`t you think that probably they know something about surviving difficult environments?Trading is not an easy environment,believe me..

How many penalties do you think Ronaldinho,Maradona,Pele,Zidane,etc,had to practice IN TRAINING,to score in a real game..

Hope I have made my point clear.Read "Enhancing trader performance" by BRETT N. STEENBARGER..HE EXPLAINS IT MUCH BETTER THAN ME...and he is right.

I use stops,PLEASE READ THE POST WHERE I explain that I use,in the advanced mode,a variation of the Chandelier stops...AND.............................

Obviously,if I have devised the advanced,I am not trading the basic..; ),and JFYI,I always have an exiting point,usually some variation of the chandelier stops,or,occasionally, a variation in an indicator state.

Many years before I even knew of the existence of the SATL,I learned by the school of hard knocks that you NEED and exit strategy to survive.

Just go "trade live"-with your money, markets like Futures of coffee,lumber or silver,get locked in an unfavorable limit up/down move that lasts several days/weeks,and you will know the meaning of Fear,I REPEAT, you will know the meaning of Fear..and for those that are thinking that in a limit market sometimes(when the market just opens limit up/down) the stops do not work,you are right, that case you can cover trough the option market..and you cover asap,paying whatever implied volatility they are quoting you..and then,for those markets,you change your exit strategy from stops to hedging with options,but this is not the subject of this thread and there are excellent books on the subject like DAVID CAPLAN"The Options Advantage" ,SHELDON NATENBERG"Option volatility and pricing strategies" and many others...

I just used this disgression to make ABSOLUTELY CLEAR to you,first that I USE STOPS,and second,that YOU ARE GOING TO USE THEM WITH THIS SYSTEM, but NOT FOR NOW,my friends,remember?Crawling,Walking,Running..

I want you to papertrade,exactly as I posted the rules,without stops,and 30pips TAKE PROFIT,as a training drill,on a 5M TF.Because I want you to get the feel of the system,and to feel that sometimes after having the market move against you 60/70 pips,you will end up making your 30 pips like clockwork,CLUE:YOU WILL START THINKING ABOUT WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR STOP,20 pips,7 pips? No,my friends,no,the Volatility of GBPUSD and the stop catching habits OF ALL OUR BROKERS(but the ones that do not "counterpart" you) will make it a difficult consistent way of making money.

Next,I want you to get the nasty feeling of "why 30 pips,I could have made a bundle today"(CLUES:1-WHY 30 PIPS?,What are the elements we should consider when we set targets?2-Shall we set targets?) and I want you to get the feeling of "unbelievable,i just doubled and then destroyed my paperaccount in a few days"-hopefully in that order when position size is not the right one and you use a 1M need to post the Clue for that,right .There are times when reducing the TF to 1M,i.e:increasing the frequency of trades,do not use TAKE PROFIT,have a wide Chandelier stop,accumulate positions,and exit when SATL 4H changes colour will make you a bundle.

There are times when this same Strategy will kill your account faster than a bullett ..sorry my friends,this is the only way I know that has some probability

to instill a basic trading strategy-safe(low losses) in bad times,and profitable in favourable times..and it will take us several weeks to practice the drills..and hopefully you will have internalized both the "reasons why of the rules" and the feeling of when you can increase or have to decrease your level of risk and frequency of trades--within a limit .

Raj,and all the others that just touched the matter of stops(sorry there are many posts,PM ,etc,I can not reply to everybody directly,but I read all your posts in this thread,so,understand that sometimes I can not reply DIRECTLY to everybody),I thank you for your contribution,please keep contributing..and papertrade the drills,Crawling,Walking,Running..Just do it.

Monday morning ,before London opening,if not today,I am going to post the rules-with the grey points that arised the past days explained,mainly affecting temporary changes in colour/slope of the SATL-,template,repost indicators,etc..and I am going to either ask you to Papertrade them in 5M TF(No Stop,TP 30 pips,POSITION SIZE) or to papertrade a variation(No Stop/Wide Stop,No TP,just accumulate positions,POSITION SIZE,EXIT ONLY ON CLOSED 4H PERIOD CHANGE IN COLOUR OF SATL) in 1M will depend on my advanced indicators increasing(Not confirming,you never have confirmation..confirmation is 100% and this does not exists in my level of trading) the probability of a 4H minitrend increased sustainability .

In addition(I told you this post was going to be (specially ) long ),bluto has kindly Pmd me asking me the permission to create an EA,first I have to thank Him publicly for his offer,second,I told him yes,with the only condition that We ,he and me first,then a group of volunteers, tests that the EA works as it should,so,basically,first he is going to create the EA,then we are going to test that it replicates the real trading workings of my basic system,then we will need a group of dedicated volunteers to test variations(SYSTEMATIC VARIATIONS FOR CONSISTENT PARAMETERS1-SATL versus JMA(with different JMA periods,adapted to cyclic model of GBPUSD),versusDECEMA(same about periods,etc)..etc..2-4H vs 1H,1D TFs..3-TP OR NO TP?..4-STOP OR NO STOP AND,IF YES,WHAT LEVELS(we will, test No stops-even if I think them necessary,believe me-BECAUSE we will learn a lot from it and from the SYSTEMATIC LONG TERM TESTING OF THESE PARAMETERS),and ,finally we are going to post the EA for all the Forum members to use,if they want .This is a Manual trading systems Thread,and ,I do not believe in the -systematic-use of EAS,but we can learn a lot from EAS if we use them as tools to test and ,systematically,test our assumptions.

Several years ago i learned to (mostly) trade buy dips/sell peaks in an uptrend/downtrend,and,since I didn`t know advanced digital filters,I used a combination of SMAs and EMAs to filter the noise((a moving average is a digital filter,with ,usually,a lot of lag(depends,I didn`t have the SATL,but when I started to use the HULL MA .. it gave me very good results)) ,but for what we need a SATL is better,and systematically testing this assumption even better .

I compared several TFs before deciding on 4H for trend signalling,and on 5M (occasionally 1M and exceptionally 15M) for trading,several MAs/DFILTERS,before deciding on SATL,several currencies before deciding on GBPUSD,and I honestly believe I chose the best combination,BUT,if a systematic testing as it should be done(only an EA can do that),shows that there are different more profitable settings..I will switch to them faster than a Bruce Lee friends...

By the way,my text was too long ,so,it continues on the next post..sorry,sel-explanatory.

Best Regards,





LAST...AT LEAST..;) I asked codersguru to improve the code of the "modified by me-non coder" indicators,He did(this guy is unbelievable,not only as a coder,he deserves a statue..he helps everybody,..and for those that think that I am ass-licking-I am referring to a specific individual that is starting to "tocarme los cojones"-..just read some of codersguru posts,and you will understand your sorry state of personal misery..You-our pet asshole- You know I am referring to you my next post,or tomorrow..I will explain to you what I think of your misery..). But There is a small problem with the MTF appliability,and if codersguru has the time to solve it ,I will post the new version-for the moment use what I will post Monday morning.

Basically the trend we are going to see is the same,but from the point of view of comparing with JMA,DECEMA,T3,versatility,entry/exit arrows,etc,if he has the time to do it on MTF,the improvement is exceptional.

Well (for the next post.. I am going to write a book..;) )Sincerely sorry for the time I took from you,but I tend to correlate several different fields(aka disgress),and I have found that this part of my personality is basically unmovable.Also,understand that ,from Monday to Thursday,I will not have much free time so I can not reply personally to most of you-with the exception of our "thread pet asshole"(man,you won the far),to whom I am going to post a due reply either in a few minutes or in a few hours.

I will try to keep in touch during slow market hours and North American closing,and,of course,I will post ,Monday before London opening,a post with the rules clearly stated,the template,and the indicators for those that just came to our thread,or those that need any clarification.

Best Regards,




