Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 45


In the first place I strongly believe in sharing knowledge. Suppose you are my neighbour and you have a problem with, let's say, your pc. As it happens I know a lot about PC's and I not only solve your problem within minutes but I also teach you how to deal with these problems in the future. And the next time you will help me with my broken lawn mower because you know all about these machines! And that's the basic of sharing knowledge; Helping each other!!!

You are not my neighbour, but now we have the Internet and all the people in the world (if they can connect to the Internet) became suddenly neighbours and can help each other with all kind of problems by just sharing their knowledge (Internet will be described in the history books as one of the greatest revolutions of this century). So this is what I'm doing. I can make Expert Advisors and share my knowledge with other people. No more, no less.

On the other hand I have my limits. I have to be honest about that. If there's a big spender over there that's offering me a job as a developer with a nice office, the best pc in the world, a nice looking secretary and with the restriction to not make my products publicly available, I think I will accept that (just dreaming now!). But it will never change my thoughts about the concept of sharing knowledge! Never!


Who are you kidding?

You had me totally believing in your sincerity. Until, you said "..., a nice looking secretary...". This is where I jump off the bandwagon. Unless you have the world's most understanding wife, and I believe that woman now lives in French Polynesia, there is no way you could say that and expect to have consortual piece at home.






what's time frame for V5 ?


Hi Hendrick.

Hi Hendrick.

Thank you for the way you're sharing a knowledge of yours and what is the most important, the philosophy you as a human being are imparting to all of us. That kind of approach is not very common nowadays and that's remarkable.

God bless you, if there is any.



Who are you kidding?

You had me totally believing in your sincerity. Until, you said "..., a nice looking secretary...". This is where I jump off the bandwagon. Unless you have the world's most understanding wife, and I believe that woman now lives in French Polynesia, there is no way you could say that and expect to have consortual piece at home.


Just kidding Wackena. I love my wife. I did so in the past and I will do so in the future!



what's time frame for V5 ?

Timeframe is M15


Who are you kidding?

You had me totally believing in your sincerity. Until, you said "..., a nice looking secretary...". This is where I jump off the bandwagon. Unless you have the world's most understanding wife, and I believe that woman now lives in French Polynesia, there is no way you could say that and expect to have consortual piece at home.



Top of the league and going strong very well done to you, this is obviously the level of success where people start to have a pop at you, dont take it to heart it is unfortunately the world we live in , success breeds contempt in a few others. Nothing wrong with having a secretary on the side and a miserable wife 1000,s do it

Phoenix Sux! You'll lose all your dough. Lol. Happy drawdowns, suckahs!!

I just reported you to the moderators. This is not the right place for you.

At least try to explain why you think Phoenix sux. Do you have statements? Hope I can test your own EA one of these days. Are you calling it Sux v 1.0?


Hi Hendrick,

My name is Wilson from Hong Kong. I am new to this forum and just complete this 46 pages of this topic.

I just want to express my gratitude to your effort, expecially, you contribute your own time that is making something beneficial to people even you don't know who they are.

Prehaps you will suceed in the competition and in all your subsequent trading!!



Just kidding Wackena. I love my wife. I did so in the past and I will do so in the future!

Well done Harry. Anyone that can recover that quickly and do it so eloquently with words, proves that they have experience along with their knowledge. I'm definitely back on the bandwagon. To be honest, I never really jumped. Just trying to invoke a little jocularity.

Congratulation on 1st place in 2006 ATC.

Have a great weekend.



Hendrick -

We all owe you a great debt of gratitude for sharing your intellectual properties of Phoneix with us. Your technical brilliance is exceeded only by the nobility of your willingness to help advance the education and odds for success of others in becomming better traders. I really hope Phoenix is a runaway winner in the contest. Cheers!
