Dolly system - page 69

Good grief, I know this is redundant but I just saw the new Dolly and whoever you are, this is one beautiful piece of work. My hat is off to you CJA and anyone else who works on this. Weasel

It certainly is pretty. Hey guys how about posting some daily results on this thread? It would be nice to see how the dolly is performing.


Yeah, how about a new thread with live trading report?


What the ....

Doble vandervull 111 CJA, .... So it not gona be clone or any name any more . I use to put rubberbend on the screen fer some time ...before created the indi .Hayya... Many Many Many Thanks Ha C J A hokky hokky a . EEE HAAA HAg EM HI !!!


Just take a quick look today at Was Wes Shoss , Now they put up the MM line TOO ... ???? where the hell they get the IDEA ?????? SOUNDS FAMILIAR ???? Look at the theard WHAAAHAAA AHAAA......FOR... XARD777 & CJA they indebt to you now buddy .

Just take a quick look today at Was Wes Shoss , Now they put up the MM line TOO ... ???? where the hell they get the IDEA ?????? SOUNDS FAMILIAR ???? Look at the theard WHAAAHAAA AHAAA......FOR... XARD777 & CJA they indebt to you now buddy .

Thats right...bless


Dolly Graphics #8

Dolly Graphics #8

- Fib Levels added with option to take data back to previous days, Fib Levels on/off & TEXT on/off,

- move Fib TEXT & Extend line length if required.

- Revised code and removed excess objects to increase speed.

- Fib Display able to be Short (Cover only the Graphics) or long extend to previous Day or more.

- Adjustment of Dolly & Daily Average colours in inputs

- Adjustment of BUY/SELL Levels in inputs

- Daily Average labels delete when Daily Graphics are removed.

These are the latest additions and alterations, now the colours for the coloured graphics can be changed in the input tab

The Daily Fib levels by default are turned off

I am still working on a GMT adjustment at present

Dolly Trade Times #2

- have added the EUROPE Close

- Each session able to be turned on/off individually

- Line colours now can be changed in the input tab

-Text has display on/off




No doubt about it cja is the best! thanks a million



good job CJA but london open 10 ? ny 15? i think it is 8 and 13 gmt


Its rocking gold...thanks a tera byte

From day before yesterday GBPUSD up + 160 PIPS

thanks for the wonderfull work...its a lot of hard work...don't know how to pay you back else to just say thank you very much.


top guy cja