Dolly system - page 68

I have tried to refresh at 01:00 and I got a new day pivot line

but after 3 hours at 04:00 I found the pivot line is changed.

Something wrong with this??

thanks for your help before..

Read Post 654

Refreshing will NOT update the graphics and Pivot, you probably changed timeframes and then it updated.

Big Joe:
Nice web site. Why you become greedy ? At start, this expert should be free, no ?

Law if nature, people get greedy

It is a shame


Ok so just to get this Dolly trading system straight in my head, if the chart shows candles in the Buy area and a strong Up trend then I can be safe to make a Buy trade, correct? and Visa/Versa for Sell?

What was the talk about the graphics not refreshing scenario? Do you guys think that Super 8 is one of the best trend mapping indicators?



can someone post here this Super 8 indicator please

can someone post here this Super 8 indicator please

You can find it on Post # 8


edit....Sorry guys I'm posting this reply in the wrong thread as this thread should be for dolly only. Goldensight

Big Joe:
Nice web site. Why you become greedy ? At start, this expert should be free, no ?

Why is GBP/USD Dolly Indicator not on the price points? I'm trying to figure out if it is safe to buy again.

Read Post 654 Refreshing will NOT update the graphics and Pivot, you probably changed timeframes and then it updated.

Thanks cja

I miss that one.


latest files - indicator and template

Where can I find the latest files - template and indicators?


Good grief, I know this is redundant but I just saw the new Dolly and whoever you are, this is one beautiful piece of work. My hat is off to you CJA and anyone else who works on this.
