FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 61


MiHD mirror?

For those who missed the first session today here is a sound recording. Warning the file is about 55Meg in size and goes for 6 hours. I used .wma for file format as it offered the best size/quality. For anyone just starting out or still very new, there is some great info here in this first day, just get ready to sit through 6 hours of class

P.S: For those who havent listened to the quick intro/guide audio file I would do this first.

Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!


RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace

RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace

Can you please upload it in MiHD.net coz it support download manager and I am on a 56kbps dial up and often got disconnected, thanks.

After i uploaded the videos i have received messages from people that have different problems so they can not see the videos.

Some do not know what a zip file is and/or how to unzip them.

The files are compressed to make them smaller and the file ending is .rar To unzip/extract them you have to use a software.

There are a lot of good free software out there that can do the job. Just Google it.

I use WinRAR. You can download it for free here: WinRAR

Some can not get the videos working in mediaplayer for some strange reason.

Others can not download that big files because of limitations at their ISP and a lot of other problems people have.

So people have asked for help but there is not much i can do.

I have been trying to do some things but i guess there will still be some that have problems out there.

The best solution that would probably work for everybody is to upload the videos as flash to a website so people can play them online but as far as i know there are no free webhost that do that. At least not with big files like that.

The biggest one in .swf format is more than 100MB so we need a webhost that can take flash files bigger than that.

If some of you know a free webhost that do that please let me know but don't "spam" this thread with tons of links to different webhosts if you are not sure it will work.

It is better to send me a PM or maybe come to the PalTalk room and tell me.

I have uploaded the videos to google but that is very bad quality so it is not good to learn from it.

A "real" server would be far better.

Anyway if it can help you here is the links to the videos at Google:

Google: TSRbasicPart1

Google: TSRbasicPart2

Google: TSRbasicPart3

Google: TSRbasicPart4

Google: TSR1H_Mechanical

For those that don't know how to open a compressed file i have made some self extracting files.

Just download the file and double click it, then chose a folder you want to save it and it will extract itself ready to play.

The videofiles you extract from this is .wmv and they will work in mediaplayer.

Download them here:

RapidShare: TSRbasicPart1.exe

The same file: TSRbasicPart1.exe

RapidShare: TSRbasicPart2.exe

The same file: TSRbasicPart2.exe

RapidShare: TSRbasicPart3.exe

The same file: TSRbasicPart3.exe

RapidShare: TSRbasicPart4.exe

The same file: TSRbasicPart4.exe

RapidShare: TSR1H_Mechanical.exe

The same file: TSR1H_Mechanical.exe

The video part 3, 4, and the mechanical trading are corrupted. Can you please provide me with the mechanical trading video in mediafire.com?

The video part 3, 4, and the mechanical trading are corrupted. Can you please provide me with the mechanical trading video in mediafire.com?


Exactly what do you mean when you say corrupted?

Do you have problem with the download link or do you have problem with the file after you have it downloaded on your computer?

The files are downloaded many hundreds of times and as far as i know you are the first that have problem so i think the problem may be at your end.

But tell me what exact problem you have so i know what i can do to help.



Exactly what do you mean when you say corrupted?

Do you have problem with the download link or do you have problem with the file after you have it downloaded on your computer?

The files are downloaded many hundreds of times and as far as i know you are the first that have problem so i think the problem may be at your end.

But tell me what exact problem you have so i know what i can do to help.


I downloaded the mediafire links, not the rapidshare link and after I extract it using winrar, the winrar replied with the message that the archived file is corrupt, therefore it can't be extracted. I only need the mechaninacal video though as I have download the original part 3 & 4 in mediafire links provided earlier by iGor.

I downloaded the mediafire links, not the rapidshare link and after I extract it using winrar, the winrar replied with the message that the archived file is corrupt, therefore it can't be extracted. I only need the mechaninacal video though as I have download the original part 3 & 4 in mediafire links provided earlier by iGor.

Hi again.

If you read the post where i posted the links you see i say this:

"Just download the file and double click it, then chose a folder you want to save it and it will extract itself ready to play"

That means you don't need winrar or any other software to extract the files. If you run the file it will do the job itself. All you have to do is to select a folder where you want to extract the video too.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you still have problem.



thanks for your info


TSR with Stochastic Oscillator

Does anyone ever add the Stochastic Oscillator to TSR?

I think it would be great to refine the TSR with the help of stochastic.


Mega Trend line

There is the mega trend line in the TSR chart when I download the TSR, but in the earlier post by IGOR, there is no mega trend line in his chart.

Should I remove the mega trend since it is confusing when the mega trend is going up but the big trend is going down. As i focused only 10-20 pips, most of the time the price is moving accordingly to the big trend, rarely on the mega trend.

Pls help. Thanks.


untitled-1.jpg  130 kb

If anybody has a problem with the download or only a dial up connection, i also can send it on a Cd or DVD. But you must pay the shipping but i think its not so much.

Its not a comercial offer. I only will help people, which do not have a Broadband Internet Connection. The offer is for free. I pay the CD and the package, but not the shipping cost.

You understand? Sorry, my english is not very well.


Posted this spreadsheet as information for the trading group.

Because the zorro trading group topic in the commercial section needs to wait for aprovals of the attachements

and I needed to explain something quickly.

