FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 58


simple screen shot


Hi Ogeima, thanks, but I get a lot of error messages of this type in the log file (C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\logs):



22:28:31 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:31 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5

22:28:41 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\WHC Trader 4\experts\indicators\HMA - Light v1.0.ex4' on the GBPUSD,M5




First I compiled both files with Metaeditor. Both files are in the indicators folder. The log file is some 5 MB large :-)


Detective das has found the cause of the error.

Ogeima's files were downloaded by the internet browser as hma-light-v1.0.mq4 and hma-market-rotation-v1.0.mq4

But it has to be exactly HMA - Light v1.0.mq4 and HMA - Market Rotation v1.0.mq4.

So I changed the files names as to be seen above and now it works. Thanks again.

Detective das has found the cause of the error.

Ogeima's files were downloaded by the internet browser as hma-light-v1.0.mq4 and hma-market-rotation-v1.0.mq4

But it has to be exactly HMA - Light v1.0.mq4 and HMA - Market Rotation v1.0.mq4.

So I changed the files names as to be seen above and now it works. Thanks again.


Actually, the filename of the Market Rotation indicator doesn't matter at all, you can call it "potato" if you wish!

And actually, the filename of the HMA Light indicator doesn't matter either, you can call it "chips" if you wish! But in that case, you'll need to edit "potato.mq4", in order to change its iCustom() call of "HMA - Light v1.0" to "chips" instead.

Anyhow, das is more practical than me: simply make sure that you save the HMA Light indicator exactly as follows: "HMA - Light v1.0.mq4" "HMA(space)-(space)Light(space)v1.0.mq4"

Yes, I'm getting hungry!


Hi everybody,

I send slovak translate from Marko.


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Hi everybody,

I send full Slovak translation TSR from Marko. Thank!


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Artic - Can you add this links at your complet content?


need help

Hi everybody,

I send full Slovak translation TSR from Marko. Thank!


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Artic - Can you add this links at your complet content?

Hi frantacech,

this system is very excellent for me. But I have some problem with the audio and video file because me and some trader, our english are not good. I have waiting for long time, if somebody could help us with making PDF file of your audio and video file..

If it is possible, thank you very much..

Hi frantacech,

this system is very excellent for me. But I have some problem with the audio and video file because me and some trader, our english are not good. I have waiting for long time, if somebody could help us with making PDF file of your audio and video file..

If it is possible, thank you very much..

Sorry, but this is FxIgor sytem, not my.

If do not understand english or slovak/czech, you need find somebody for translate.

I only uploader slovak translate from Marko.

Hi frantacech,

this system is very excellent for me. But I have some problem with the audio and video file because me and some trader, our english are not good. I have waiting for long time, if somebody could help us with making PDF file of your audio and video file..

If it is possible, thank you very much..


I think it is hard work to make a pdf file ,its take a long time for trader but maybe you could use new version Windows media player from WinVista.There is possible set exactly speed (for exam. 85 %) of playing .This very has helped me to understand Igors video.


anyboby are testing or using the tsr H1 indicator by frantacech?

i think there any problem. For example:

EURUSD 07.30 15:00 (GMT)

1-step rsi up

2-rsi up

3-MAs cross up

4-Slop MA up

but there is no signal in TSR H1 indicator.
