FX Sniper´s Ergodic CCI Trigger - page 10

Tiger, FXSniper's Ergodic, limit (counted bars) : Igorad, post 23: just want to remind : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174948/page2


i dont understand what this indicator for..


hope u tell me more..



Tiger, FXSniper's Ergodic, limit (counted bars) : Igorad, post 23: just want to remind : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174948/page2

Thanks FXBS I have tried that version and it uses evem more CPU resources!

Is anyone trading and making money using this indicator. If so please let us know and also let us know what if any type of filter you use.



"SMI Ergodic" - what SMI stands for? can't be StoMomentum..?

smz mom? - cant find defenition


no, thats what i see (clear beckground):

all bars count (pos = Bars - 1; ) and Bars-counted bars

and the more stuff you have running, the more load you pushing recounting all the bars over and over


Right fxbs.


How many chart bars are you using?

How many charts open at same time?

Other indies attached?

My MT does not overpass 6%


FX_Sniper's_Ergodic_CCI_Trigger_Alert_Fast basically revritten by Mladen

"CCI" in FXSniper's Ergodic name - deep tradition, has nothing to do with CCI

double alphaPq = 2.0/(1.0+pq);

double alphaPr = 2.0/(1.0+pr);

double alphaPs = 2.0/(1.0+ps);

double alphaTrigger = 2.0/(1.0+trigger);

for(i=limit,r=Bars-limit-1; i >=0; i--,r++)


buffer[r][mtm] = Close-Close;

buffer[r][absmtm] = MathAbs(buffer[r][mtm]);

buffer[r][var1] = buffer[r-1][var1] + alphaPq*(buffer[r][mtm] -buffer[r-1][var1]);

buffer[r][var2] = buffer[r-1][var2] + alphaPr*(buffer[r][var1] -buffer[r-1][var2]);

buffer[r][var2a] = buffer[r-1][var2a] + alphaPq*(buffer[r][absmtm]-buffer[r-1][var2a]);

buffer[r][var2b] = buffer[r-1][var2b] + alphaPr*(buffer[r][var2a] -buffer[r-1][var2b]);

buffer[r][var2c] = buffer[r-1][var2c] + alphaPs*(buffer[r][var2] -buffer[r-1][var2c]);

buffer[r][var2d] = buffer[r-1][var2d] + alphaPs*(buffer[r][var2b] -buffer[r-1][var2d]);

if (buffer[r][var2d]!=0)

ErgoCCI = (500*buffer[r][var2c]/buffer[r][var2d]);

else ErgoCCI = 0;

MainCCI = MainCCI + alphaTrigger*(ErgoCCI-MainCCI);


if (alertsOn)


if(MainCCI[1] ErgoCCI[0]) doAlert("short");

if(MainCCI[1] >= ErgoCCI[1] && MainCCI[0] < ErgoCCI[0]) doAlert("long");


Thank you, FxSniper; Thank you Igorad, Thank you, Mladen

Right fxbs.


How many chart bars are you using?

How many charts open at same time?

Other indies attached?

My MT does not overpass 6%

i had no problem with neiter one of them, though "all bars" (older) version was go like from 2-4 to 8-16 % cpu on empty stomah; bars- counted (later, Igorad) - basically doesn't takes much cpu- 0;2;4...usual


well, as they say - there's never anough speed...

Linux, could it be - if "SMI" in SMI Ergodic - "Sto Momentum Index", than our Ergodic - osma of Stochastic (SMI)? hmm

ergo tsi = osma tsi

TSI = ds mom/ds abs mom

sto: (cl-ll)/(hh-ll); ds, (hh+ll)/2 etc - what it has to do with momentum? could it be they made mistake?


i had no problem with neiter one of them, though "all bars" (older) version was go like from 2-4 to 8-16 % cpu on empty stomah; bars- counted (later, Igorad) - basically doesn't takes much cpu- 0;2;4...usual

Thanks for your replies everyone, I have deleted FXSnipers indicators now as they crash my MT4. Maybe I'll revisit them when I upgrade my laptop. Won't be anytime soon though. In the meantime I am using the BH-Ergodic with CCI as that runs fine on my computer. Cheers and happy trading.