HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 142

A reporter once asked Albert Einstein what was the most amazing discovery of man, in his opinion. Know what his response was? No? It was "COMPOUNDING"

Compounding is the way Warren Buffet amassed his fortune. Every year, he doubled his net worth. Had he listened to your, Igor the Ignorant, he'd probably be broke and bitter, wishing he had at least tried.

I hope you don't have children because this backward and dillusional way of thinking. It needs to fade into obscurity along w/ you.

Oh, and I won't reply to anymore of your post. I know how important it is for you to have the last word. Makes you feel like you were right.


F.F.L. (akademikjeanius)


Sorry fellow HAMA's but I don't take well to ignorance or stupidity.

Wow.Somebody had to do it and you sure did.I like you man.


This should give you some relief from your weekend "pips n ticks" blues. SMILE!



Kane Trading on:
Jim's 10 Favorite

'I want to blow up my account'

Trader Tricks

The following is meant to be satirical, done in a fun format, hopefully to better get my point across. Given my mathematical background, I decided to do this in an If/Then format.

If: You are trading without a fully comprehensive 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

Note: All of the following tricks would actually be covered under a comprehensive 'Trading Plan', so you really only need the first one.

If: You deviate from your 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: Trade without a stop in place,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You over leverage your account with these ridiculously low margins they offer, or risk more than a small fraction of your account (I prefer a 1% theoretical) on a given trade, or put too much into a single position (even if it is still below your theoretical risk per trade), or into multiple correlated positions,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You trade without 'context' from at least two higher timeframes from your setup timeframe (the 'traded timeframe'),

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You put more than 10%-20% maximum into the setup part of your 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think you are ready to be a professional trader with less time, effort, money, and resources than it takes to be a doctor, commercial airline pilot, professional athlete, architect, or similar professional,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think you can start a trading business grossly undercapitalized (or any business for that matter),

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You keep trading when you are sick, tired, have a headache, just had a fight with your husband or wife, have a family crisis, are depressed, or are going through any serious event in your life, and so on,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think this is an easy game, a way to make millions in your pajamas, that all that junk you see on infomercials is 'real', as well as all that stuff you get in the mail and at just about all those 'we'll teach you to trade in a weekend' seminars, and that you can make a living on a few thousand dollars trading part time in a highly leveraged market like futures or FOREX,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

Disclaimer: This is meant to be satirical, for fun. I hope everyone took it that way. No one should ever light anything up in their back yard with lighter fluid. Do not try this at home, no matter how many of the above you are guilty of!

H2 install

Forex for Life has given me a call, we still can't understand why this isn't working. He will contact me tomorrow when at his computer and we'll try again. Thanks for all who have contributed. Delage


Well put, el cid. One correction: There are TOO many people who knock away at good ideas. Delage


Indicators and access to the Google Groups

Hi again Fxcruiser,

I posted the message below yesterday - could you please look into this and let me know when I can get the package? I am very keen to get started.



Hi Fxcruiser,

Sorry to be a pain. I have been away for a week and this is now the first time I can check my emails. To date I have not received the H1 or H2 .

Could you please forward those to me?



PS. I signed up long before the 7th July.



I am glad that you have seen what search and read can do. I should have an email out to you sometime this weekend. I see that you also trade stocks and options. So, you too will enjoy my next posting on Apple, which by the way was also traded call in OptionXpress last week.



Very good, I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your rest of your weekend guys.

Gramski, are you serious? If you are, please petition for a permanent visa for me to the Ozzie land. I'll go clean your house and cars, too, each week.

BTW, do you have socialized or government paid healthcare there. I just finished watching Sicko and got really very, very, SICK. Also for job benefit, can you provide me a high speed broadband access, dual service please for back up just in case. Oh, a trading room space, (the garage, attic, or basement will do. I will bring all my computer equipment so you don't have to worry about it.

Thanks again for all your support and the many ideas you have presented at the other forum.



Err, yeah I am....could start our first hedge fund! Love y'r humour and candor though. ...

Yep, Burnin' both ends to keep up the creative candle...


Originally Posted by iGoR

You have some nerves my friend !

You came in my room and presented me this money management system


Forex_For_life: You're room? Correction, I posted this on E.J.'s thread and a thread of El Cid's :


YOU get your facts straight.

First you say in a previous posting that you presented me a money management system and that I SLAMMED IT.

Then you say that you presented it in EJ's room or to El cid. If you presented it to them how could I have slammed it ????....

Again you came into my room. You gave me a link to that money management system. And I took more then half an hour to explain to you in a correct and polite way that this system does not work.

I defended myself here on your accusations of me slamming you, with facts and not with lies or with personal assumptions. The only thing you can do is attacking and getting personal. I will not lower myself to your level.
