HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 118


Trades on Forex - June 15, 2007.





Hello FXcruiser

Tks for this thread I discovered two days ago, sounds a great one.

I sent you a pm yesterday in order to receive Hama Pad


"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons."

"Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure."

---- Jim Rohn

Let me address here the many concerns about the request for indicators in this thread. From the very start, I have managed this thread very different from any other thread in this forum. Instead of posting and freely handing out the indicators, I have chosen to send them by email and on top of that you have to complete a User Info form before you get it yes, it did create additional work for me. Frankly, I use ordinary indicators which are available all over the net and on most platforms but it's the idea, that "creativity out of nothingness" that Gramski referred, too, that makes them somehow extra ordinary.

Again, many of you who keep requesting the HAMA PAD v1 are simply not reading the thread. I have done my part, put lot of time and effort into the HAMA PAD v1 (btw, there is no HAMA PAD v2), the H2 Trading System, and the Z3 Convergence System [now being developed]. YOU have to do your part and please do some reading and learning. I have talked a lot about PDF - PATIENCE, FOCUS, & DISCIPLINE in this thread. You just gotta have those to be a trader, that is even before you get to any level of success not just in trading but in life. I am not being rude nor arrogant here. I just want to save you and me some valuable time and effort. Like trading system requires some filter, these processes are my filters. You have to go through these and the PDF to join and much more to remain in the Traders Lounge and have the benefit to use the H2.

Anyhow, and once more, here are the scoops on these trading approach and systems to help clear some issues and concerns:

---- 1. PLEASE READ MY POST HERE. This may help you in what you're looking for.

---- 2. The H2 Trading System is not for sale. It is only available to members in good standing of the HAMA Traders Lounge on an exclusive use license basis as one the membership benefits. When you join the HAMA Traders Lounge, you are not purchasing/buying the H2 Trading System. The HAMA Forex Trading Room is a co-learning/sharing environment.

---- 3. The Z3 Convergence System and the Z3 Goldeneye are not YET available for distribution. This is my finale. Both will continue to undergo rigid forward demo testing on real time live data and real account live trading to insure it's accuracy and precision in both demo and live ticks and order fill environment on MT4 and other trading platforms.

Having stated all these and I hope you take these into consideration, I will be sending out email sometime this week, to those who have registered in Google Groups and will consider re-opening the mmbership very soon. Again, if you have requested anything from me via PM - private message -, do not expect a reply from me as I expect you to keep up with this thread postings for updates.

I truly appreciate all of you for your interest. My best wishes to ALL.




Here is an EYE to EYE look at GBPJPY today! Z3 Market Watch is now previewing in the HAMA Trading Room - Forex.




Would love to preview it but still waiting for confirmation of my membership and details of H2 to be received

Would love to preview it but still waiting for confirmation of my membership and details of H2 to be received

Dave1 and all other interested TSD members,

Sorry for the delay. You should ALL be receiving an informational email this weekend no later than Monday close of US session. Thank you for your patience and understanding.




On July 4th, 2004, USA will celebrate Independence Day. On 7.7.7, rather July 7, 2007, the Z3 Traders will launch its Declaration of FREEDOM. From the start of this thread, one of my considerations in developing a trading system is to come up with something that will enable our traders to achieve FREEDOM, freedom in time, money, job, among others. We all have the power and the right to choose but not always the freedom. Anyhow, on 7.7.7 (07), we will launch our FREEDOM trail, the first step, the Z3!

In line with that and while watching Fox TV series "24" and PCD (Pussycat Dolls) concert on MSN video via the internet, I keep seeing this Chase commercial with the Freedom song. I search for it, first found the original by the Rolling Stones and later, which I like better, is the version by Soup Dragons. So, here it is. ENJOY!

I'm FREE - YouTube - Soup Dragons - "I'm Free". Pump up the volume on your speaker.

Gramski, please finish up my lyrics on this and have one of your local reggae group record it on MP3 and mpeg. It will be good for what Ferrufx called the "Gramski Award".

Here are the first couple lines from the song:

Don't be afraid of your freedom


I'm free

To do what I want

Any old time

I said I'm free

To do what I want

Any old time

I say

Love me hold me

Love me hold me

'Cause I'm free

To do trade what I want

Any old time

And I'm free

To be who I choose

Any old time

I'm free

Zukunft - to the future - to FREEDOM!



Fxcruiser, I like the date you are launching Z3 .

Until then, let me post two trades from yesterday, following H2 to the letter.

Blue lines are long entries, red lines are my exits. You will notice that I exit on the second red dot, just to be sure that current momentum is changing.

First long entry was at 1.9935. I always close the first half of my position when I get 20 pips and I move S/L to B/E. I exited first half at 1.9958 (20 net pips gain). Other half closed at 1.9945.

Second long was at 1.9964. First half close at 1.9987, second at 1.9992.

As a sidenote, on a demo account, I did not exit my first long, based on the preliminary Z3 indications in the trading room. Price went up 60 pips as I'm sure you know.

By the way,

Thanks a lot fxcruiser.

gbpusd.gif  33 kb

Nice day trading Ssotiro!

Fxcruiser, I like the date you are launching Z3 .

Until then, let me post two trades from yesterday, following H2 to the letter.

Blue lines are long entries, red lines are my exits. You will notice that I exit on the second red dot, just to be sure that current momentum is changing.

First long entry was at 1.9935. I always close the first half of my position when I get 20 pips and I move S/L to B/E. I exited first half at 1.9958 (20 net pips gain). Other half closed at 1.9945.

Second long was at 1.9964. First half close at 1.9987, second at 1.9992.

As a sidenote, on a demo account, I did not exit my first long, based on the preliminary Z3 indications in the trading room. Price went up 60 pips as I'm sure you know.

By the way,

Thanks a lot fxcruiser.

I like your second trade a lot. I saw exactly the same thing live...it was a clear and crisp continuation situation...well spotted!