HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 85



Is this software still available for free?

I did send a PM to the author yesterday , But today when I visited the website in his signature it was written that Hama Group is closed, apply to be in waiting list. What does that mean?


i m gr8:

Is this software still available for free?

I did send a PM to the author yesterday , But today when I visited the website in his signature it was written that Hama Group is closed, apply to be in waiting list. What does that mean?


To ALL who have requested the HAMA PAD v.1 recently:

Please accept my personal apology for the delay and any incovenience it may have caused anyone. Unfortunately, my time the last few days were consumed on responding to some of the issues posted here regarding the use of HAMA PAD v.1 as a suggested trading approach.

Anyhow, I have already sent an email to you ALL. Please read the DISCLOSURE NOTE in the email. If after doing so, you still feel that you would like to receive the HAMA PAD v.1, please reply to my email accordingly.





I still have not received email from you regarding HAMA PAD version 1. No matter what one had believed previously, HAMA PAD version 1 does work for me in live trading. I hope to hear from you soon regarding the unexpired version.


Et p h...

Read post 838

Et p h... Read post 838

He is talking of Hama Pad 2, but I am talking of Hama Pad version 1. My version 1 expired weeks ago - still waiting for the unexpired version from fxcrusier.

The PIPe PIPer:
From my own experiences on MT4 platform,

FXDD is most stable.

Neuimex also good , but uses more input/output bandwidth

NorthFinance, ok, rare occasional automatic re-logins

MigFX, slightly better than NF, but demo must renew every 30days.

I'm sure everyone else has differing opinions regarding their experiences. Feel free to share.

Thanks for sharing. The freezing or hanging of the real time live charts you have reported/posted the other day must have been caused by the MT4 platform. I have been using PFGfx when those incidences have occurred. Since, I have switched it over to North Finance platform two days ago I have not received any report of similar incidence.





Your right missed that...


Was It Another GOOD Trending Friday?

I was feeling a little better this morning (Friday PST) and I managed to check on the GBP/USD charts before and after the news release. Using a couple of intermediate and advanced trading techniques on HAMA H2, I was able to placed some live accounts trades and closed at net 277 pips with a couple of losses at -12 and -15. I still have two open trades with total floating PL of +314. Yeah, I know it's just one of those lucky trending days taking place once in a while that I happened to catch. But what about those whipsaw and ranging market conditions today? Same thing as any other day, no trade from me.

I have not been in the Trading Room the last couple of days due to minor illness but from reading the text chat transcript, several participants seemed to come out with some positive pips. Here are some posted: Traders Leon +20, +50; Brandon +51; Genesis +20, +15; Aris +100; Greg +16: William +10; among others. There were other trades not posted.

As we ALL already know, no two or more traders using the same indicators/systems will have the same results. The trades called and done at the Trade Room were based on HAMA v.1 with entries and exits guided by the H2 real time live charts on webinar for GBP/USD only.




HAMA - Beyond Systems & Indicators


"I'm reminded of Vic Sperandeo's outstanding book Methods of a Wall

Street Master, as he talks in detail about some of the more subjective

success factors needed in this business. Unfortunately we can't detail

all of his wisdom, so we'll explain the ideas most important to us...






I found the trading room a very good experience the other day and I hope to meet you sometime over there. I'm going to make it a normal part of my day from here on out...at least for a long time. For me it serves two purposes:

1) trading is often a lonely endeavor and the communication with others was very welcome, and

2) this style of trading is something that I definetly believe I can learn but I need to be around other traders who are already successful at it so that I can accelerate my learning curve

Regardless of what some have evidently said, it was $10 well spent. I'm hoping that maybe the trading room will develop into a place where a sort of group-learning and peer-mentoring process takes place...Please keep up the good work and don't be discouraged. Everyone who reads this thread is a big boy/girl and can and should make up his/her own mind. If they can't then they shouldn't be trading, period.

Brandon W.