HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 79

I agree with iGor, post #768.

The system produces plenty of false signals and losses in sideways markets, like today.

Indicators are 'borrowed' from the site and re-named.

FXCruiser, by the way, have you got permission of those who wrote them?

Otherwise, you know how borrowing without permission is called...

FXCruiser is trying to present it as 'exclusive and elite', sorry but the 'system' is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Marketing and promoting is good though, as you need 'to sell sand to Arabs'.

Hehehe! Here is another johnny come lately member of iGoR's cheering squad. Hold on, I will be right with you with my post in reply to your ill-informed accussation.

In the meantime,




I guess there is a system out there that has no false breakouts, and works in both trending and sideway markets, can you tell me which one it is? I also want to keep making PIPs forever without a losing trade. The Holy Grail is finally here. Its party time


There are more newbies walking around this forum then people who know what they can expect from a trading method, strategy, system, setup, you name it...

With your topic you give the IMPRESSION that your system is a goos with the golden egg system.

On your topic you and other people give the IMPRESSION that you have develloped some sort of a magic system. You have made some posting were you say it is not the holy grail and that people have to expect losses. But your posting is not cold and one can "admire" an image of catching a 100pip move.

You post ONLY images of nice trends were one can catch trends (and I do not even mension the postings with every time different set ups) .

There is compleet silence about the sideways markets (were your system performs very bad) or better no images at all to find what happend in a sideways market OR even better would be, well explained rules were one can stay away from sideways markets.

Your system doesn't beat any simple set up that would work with the crossing of 2 simple MA's. But we know how bad such a set up performs in a sideways market.

Your method (if followed by the rules ...ahumm rules) has a hitrate well bellow 50% positive hitrate.

Your method has well over more "most consecutives losses" then "most consecutive winners"...Having 10 consecutive losses in a row with your method is not abnormall. And having 5 consecutive losses is more rule then exception.

I would not take the time to make any postings in your topic if you would be more honest about your system. There are plenty of systems here and on other forums. Do you realy think I take the time to post in all those forums or topics that offer a method or system to tell people what I think about it?...

I do not care. But I do care if authors of topics trow sand in the eyes of newbies. Or make them believe that they have a goos with a golden egg method.

If one can post or open a topic and explain how one can stay away from a sideways market with a trend following set up, I would consider that as very close to a golden egg method.

If you say that asking money for your method is of no importance then that means that you are here to help. So do I. Well do it in a way that you are not desceving people or mislead newbies or make your method sound better then it is in reality (Hiding information is the same as misleading information).

Don't try to attract as much possible people to your topic or your trading boudoir with misleading information to give yourself some sort of an ego boost.

Maybe now you are going to refer to some posting were you stated that people have to be awere from losses and that your method is not a holy grail but you know as good as I that you make your method sound a lot better then it is in reality..a lot better....

friendly regards...iGoR

well said iGor, another HINDSIGHT IMAGINARY PIPS system, no realtime trades AS USUAL, newbies TAKE CARE


hey fxc,

please don't waste your time or energy to answer these posts. this is a free forum. nobody is forcimg anybody to look at, or use Hama. if anyone looks at it and doesn't like it, just go to another thread and learn something. i have looked at hundreds of threads and ideas that did not appeal to me. it is just part of a learning process. no need cater or respond to meaningless posts. in fact, these posts would look rather silly if you never responded to them.

it reminds me of the story of the lady who called the cable tv company and complained that there was porn on her pay per view channels. sheesh!


The basic problem with most newbies is that believe any system they come upon is the answer to all their prayers, whether it be this system or any other system posted. I believe one thing that is always pointed out to all, trade in demo for awhile before committing money to a live account. No system is the Holy Grail nor should any system ever be conceived as such. Whether a system is designed for trend or range trading, one should always have more than one set of tools as part of one's trading arsenal.

I have tested many systems from here and other sites to find something that is suitable to my taste that I can use for trading. For some systems, I see people posting great results, but if I am unable to generate comparable results in demo [not backtesting] after a few weeks or months, I will just move on to finding another strategy to try out. No system is perfect for all conditions, one must always trade with discretion and not just take any signal that comes along.

As of now, I do not have the unexpired version of HAMA PAD, so I just go back to the basics I am accustomed to using, that is, Pivot Points, basic indicators and candlesticks, and most of all, don't have trades open when news are about to come out. There is nothing wrong with going back to basics. I also trade live with other systems posted elsewhere in TSD to trade which have given me good results. One thing I always do, confirm with other indicators to be sure I am on the right side of the trade since I dislike bad trades as I'm sure we all do, but no one is perfect.

I don't need to help you..as you said...I'm not your friend. And the only help you seek is true PM's. You try to keep every kind of information out of your topic.

It was never my intention to mension my topics but you asked for it (sorry beggeeeeeed for it): if you want to keep away as much as possible from sideways markets well learn the whole T_S_R method. A day like today (only sideways market action) trading the 3 majors by the rules, would have resulted in a break even day. I hope for you that your cheering club can say the same.


You see. What kind of a pro is that? You got it wrong again. But what the heck, just another exercise in futility. I am just glad I made it through the 3 Rs.

Thank you very much, iGoR. You're so kind!



PS: I have referred them to your TSR and chatroom way back. Coz I thought you were.... Aaaah, forget it.