Traders joking, the beginning - page 499

The state of Utah, which you think of as a very conservative state, is considering a bill that would allow the sale of edible marijuana for medical use, which is very good news for people with imaginary back problems.


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Joe Biden Releases (Both) Emails He Wrote As VP

In what could be aprelude to a Presidential run in 2016, on Friday Joe Biden released to the public both e-mails that he has written while serving as Vice-President for the past six years.

Biden took pride in announcing that he had sent both messages from his official government e-mail address, adding, “I have nothing to hide.”

Minutes after the e-mails were released, the media pored over the treasure trove of materials, which offer a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into Biden’s tenure as Vice-President.

The first e-mail, written to President Obama in December of 2009, asks about the time and place of the White House holiday party.

The second and last e-mail, written in May of last year, asks the President,“Is our Internet slow today? I’m trying to watch something,”followed by a frowny-face emoticon.

According to Biden’s records, the President did not respond to either e-mail.

The world's oldest person turned 117 today. And she celebrated the same way she did last year — by driving her car into somebody’s living room.

Forex trader: What is a million years like to you?

God: Like one second.

Forex trader: What is a million dollars like to you?

God: Like one penny.

Forex trader: Can I have a penny?

God: Just a second …



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A developer has created a zero-gravity martini glass, which promises to let astronauts drink cocktails in space without spilling. Our astronauts are drinking? Guys, the first step is admitting to Houston that you have a problem.


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According to a new study, men are naturally programmed to want more than one woman even when in monogamous relationships. And the scientists who conducted the study want to know if they can crash on your couch for a while.

Neither Hitler nor Stalin would imagine that...door to door "WELLNESS"CHECKS"!!! Activist Post: SC National Guard Drills Door-to-Door ''Wellness Checks''