Traders joking, the beginning - page 10

The only God I knew is the One that created the Universe and the Creator of you and me. He is not a small forex one-a-bee trader. You are an insult to the human race if you think you can call yourself god. PS. There is nothing wrong with my attitude. You should be removed from this forum.

Well Roets. why do you call me an insult in the human race? only for use a nickname.

Well Jodetter, i saw all your comments in public section and all are negative stuff. FXGOD

Yes, they are negative to scumbags like you.

You want to sell a system that you can't even or don't even use yourself for $20,000.

People like you show the lowest form humanity will go to deceive and scam other people.

Go figure....


Great forex System

Thanks God............

Guys, I have no idea why you are complaining.

Finally god has given us a forex system that works:

Here is the setup:

Use only daily charts.

1) Become a loser in the forex, using as many nicknames as you can.

2) Look for other forex loosers in forums.

3) Download a Grid ea .

4) Place a thread with a godly title and suck up to the admin (thus he will not remove the

5) Charge 20k, because we all know that people appreciate prices.

6) Get a private PM from a new wannabe.

7) hagle with the wannabe and sell the god system for 5k.

And there you have it, a great forex system.

Hey God, there is a Metaquotes competition, maybe you should enter it....and when you win, they will not need to decompile your system because its free .....

Thank god


Let me explain one things. how i see , nobody here like comercial section. every daily chart have max and min, what would happen if you calcule in candlestick chart ( high - open - close - low ) the difference bettwen high- open and close - lose and you have a signal. the system work in this way, another things i liked the idea of multi lot scalper (but no in scalper way) and i use it to do a perfect system. i dont know if you understand but the logic is easy. my idea is not destroy to anyone here, and i expect the same thing.

FXGOD. (is only a nickname)


I think that here in forex-tsd forums exist many threads about breackout system, well my system work in this way but with the multilot action and a little help from system of nina (catfx50), and some tools from codersguru. Best regards and hope the best day for everyones.


ps.- fxgod is a nickname, is no for disturbe to anyone

Well Roets. why do you call me an insult in the human race? only for use a nickname.

dude forex is a emotional sport you DONT come around calling yourself fxgod and charging 20k for a basic system that again guarantees nothing the system is just a part of success in this business. You insult us

Let me explain one things. how i see , nobody here like comercial section. every daily chart have max and min, what would happen if you calcule in candlestick chart ( high - open - close - low ) the difference bettwen high- open and close - lose and you have a signal. the system work in this way, another things i liked the idea of multi lot scalper (but no in scalper way) and i use it to do a perfect system. i dont know if you understand but the logic is easy. my idea is not destroy to anyone here, and i expect the same thing.

FXGOD. (is only a nickname)

God, Thanks for pointing that out for me....When I read your handle I thought it was your real name.

(Earlier, I was giving Pipsmaker hassles for his (now) mere 6k ask for his EA. I take it all back. That goddamn kid is a saint compared to your crap.)

Let me get this straight...

You name drop all over the place and then suddenly come up with the Forex Grail (that the people you 'respect' obviously haven't thought of yet) and want to sell it as the most expensive EA of all time.

What a crock of shit....Get lost.



There's not a lot to say except...


You deserve to be banned for this.


Expert Advisor: Veninvgroup

Statement: 11772 - Pedro Echenagucia

Looks like this guy is a really dedicated parasite.

More deceptive sales practices from Veninvgroup. Tryin' it again under a new name. What a surprise...

I guess he's too slick for purse-snatching.

Well you have very bad attitude. FXGOD

Hello FXGOD = Pedro Echenagucia,

it is very clear that you are the one who indeed has a "very bad attitude". You seem intent on taking naive traders money. The thing with you and most other internet scammers is that you don't aim to get a little of the naive persons money, you aim to get quite alot!

One must think why are you doing this? You say you have an EA that makes money yet you forcefully seek to sell it. Why don't you use it yourself. You made some money from some people who bought your last EA in your closed thread "I'm selling my new EA". So, be content with that - go and use that money to trade live with and make money- then when you trade live with your own EA and we can see live statements from you, you will have more credibility.