Traders joking, the beginning - page 17


Check out my equity graph. I have already surpassed my $1,000,000 goal and am on my way to knocking Bill Gates off his throne! And I haven't even had my morning coffee yet!


Stop sending me messages, seriously.

Damn! My pair is just all over the place and Delta9 ain't missing none of it!

15493 pips!! And I decided to switch to nanolots so now I'm making even more money!!



Damn! My pair is just all over the place and Delta9 ain't missing none of it!

15493 pips!! And I decided to switch to nanolots so now I'm making even more money!!





Muakakakaka.... sl;dkjfl;sakjdf;lsakjdf;ls!!!!

Hey David! Come join the fun! I'll send you the Delta9 EA so we can both brag about how great it is and leave everybody else out in the cold!


Why aren't people picking up on the absolute absurdity of my posts?

My computer couldn't even handle the awesome money-making


of the Delta9 EA, and blew up! But, I've got it running on a backup now and it's still sucking in the cash like the Forex is going out of business. I fully expect to be able to retire by the end of the night. And Bluto, if you're reading this, YOU SUCK! Your EA might be making me rich, but I have nobody to thank but myself for working SO HARD.



My computer couldn't even handle the awesome money-making


of the Delta9 EA, and blew up! But, I've got it running on a backup now and it's still sucking in the cash like the Forex is going out of business. I fully expect to be able to retire by the end of the night. And Bluto, if you're reading this, YOU SUCK! Your EA might be making me rich, but I have nobody to thank but myself for working SO HARD.



Where did you get this Delta9 copy that created that graph? It must be Beta ver.1.26. That drawdown at the 552 click has me concerned. I think somebody decompiled and tampered with the code. Maybe an array or something got fiddled with.

Where did you get this Delta9 copy that created that graph? It must be Beta ver.1.26. That drawdown at the 552 click has me concerned. I think somebody decompiled and tampered with the code. Maybe an array or something got fiddled with.

Yeah, I fiddled with it, you douche bag. Your Beta version wasn't making me enough cash, so I took out some of the safety features and made it more


. You just don't know how to code or trade, Bluto. You're worthless, give up.

Hey David! Come join the fun! I'll send you the Delta9 EA so we can both brag about how great it is and leave everybody else out in the cold!

Are you serious?! I have tonnes of EA with that kind of backtest equity curve, but I'm not sure whether they're delta 9.




Are you serious?! I have tonnes of EA with that kind of backtest equity curve, but I'm not sure whether they're delta 9.




My Delta9 is extra speZial! You can't get it from anywhere, not even from Bluto. Guaranteed to make you a millionaire over-night, or your money back!

My Delta9 is extra speZial! You can't get it from anywhere, not even from Bluto. Guaranteed to make you a millionaire over-night, or your money back!

alright, i had enough fun. i'm outta here. i dont have delta 9, but i have some curve fitted EA, and also some of them can exploit the demo server to make good profit on demo account. seriously, i'm still depending on my finger to finger a few pips everyday to make my living. good luck ryan.

askhfksdhfsldflshdf!!!!!!!(damn, i'm addicted to add these few lines everytime)

