What Really Works From One Professional - page 64

There is a rumor among traders from this forum that JD faked information and claimed things like he is in monte carlo etc - when actually he never left home .....so whenever he messed up trades he claimed he was In exotic places ( I have two friends who checked his ip address from his emails)....

According to the rumors he attacked good people in his chat room and snatched indicators and ideas, and tried to elicit information from people when actually it is he who tried to assemble a trading system and not the opposite.

So, this is just a rumor, and I hope JD would clear his name.

Afterall, he is the author of the "V" (what the hack is that all about ?).

you are truly pathetic...

What system?............. LOL

Does anybody ACTUALLY know this mysterious system?

If someone does then PLEASE spell it out.

Everybody is guessing as far as I can see.

'V' shapes, I see 'V' shapes......

There's one.....

There's another one....

How are you supposed to trade 'V' shapes??????

Toss a coin, heads for a inverted 'V', tails for a normal 'V'

What are the basic rules of this system?

Entry, exit etc.

Please...... knowledge first, experience later

do you need some glasses? read this entire thread, observe price action during London open, you can't miss it. of course it won't be a perfect "V" but the pattern is there EVERY DAY...

scott TTM:
you are truly pathetic...

Scott, there is no point to discuss that. Mart is right, leave them alone. There is nothing we can do to keep this thread directed to the trading strategy. So we will have to put up with these distractions.

Part of the fourm live


Enough is enough!

@ Supernoob and everyone else who was lucky enough to get on board a month ago, please be a little more patient.

On the 24th, Supernoob said;

"first off, please try to keep the focus on the topic at hand, which is, even if not the original poster, currently the JD/Elwave trading style.

To be honest, I'm appalled at how quickly an obvious freeloader/me-too mentality is springing forth from all these people who haven't even given it the smallest time of day to begin with, haven't even read up nor invested time or effort, but start crying out "I wanna mirror your trades / please post all your info, software, manuals" etc"

Let me remind all of you how you all became lucky enough in the first place;

Pikachumon said to JD;

"Can you just simply POST your trades to this THREAD just after you enter a trade and we will get the email of the posting instantly and then I can MIRROR your trades!!!"

That's how it all started.


Now this post is not intended to be inflamatory but rather to ask all of you to get back to the focus of this thread and help those of us who are starving to learn this system, just as JD did for you. The chat room is locked down and this is all we have. Time would be much better spent over the next few pages explaining entries and exits and the use of Elwave and the other indicators in conjunction with those entries and exits. What are the underlying factors and the general overall philosophy.

We have the basis for an amazing thread in our hands and all I see is a constant battle between the haves and the have nots. It's flaunted in our faces without the benefit of being able to observe in a chatroom or getting the guidance all of you benefited from through JD.

Nothing personal, I just want to see and end to this pissing match so I can learn this strategy.

You guys have all of the power, lets's see who will step up and get back to making this thread what it should be.

Now, Can anyone explain what they believe are the fundamentals of the strategy?


Trading the V- Fundamentals

Wow- what a thread! I came late to this party but I'd like to thank JD for pointing me in a new direction. First, my $.02 ( which these days is only worth $.0143 anyway)- anyone complaining on this thread should just be greatful for all the time and info put forth by those involved. Everything is right on this thread that you need to know, and if its not, well, you have a very good place to start. Ever hear of Google? Keep your eyes on the prize cuz Mr. T aint got time for no jibber-jabber, if you know what I mean. Anyway I had always wondered about that London Open "V"- anyone who has spent any time at all looking at charts above a one-minute time frame would have to have seen it. In my research I found this PDF from Currency Trader Magazine which should explain anything left unresolved in your mind about the London Open. If I messed up the attachment you may get the article from :


Best of luck to all!


Ho Hum - another one who wants it on a plate.....

Piponacci, I'll 'step up' as you call it...

See post #509 for spoon feeding, very kindly provided by Supa - otherwise do what we all do - read the thread, study the markets, get to know what the indicators are telling you, demo for 3 or 4 months, then decide if you like it.

Oh, and ignore anything Morpheous aka jimmy, aka jimmy22, aka whatever, aka cerc, and probably aka pip-gandalf (what an idiot) says.....


Wow- what a thread! I came late to this party but I'd like to thank JD for pointing me in a new direction. First, my $.02 ( which these days is only worth $.0143 anyway)- anyone complaining on this thread should just be greatful for all the time and info put forth by those involved. Everything is right on this thread that you need to know, and if its not, well, you have a very good place to start. Ever hear of Google? Keep your eyes on the prize cuz Mr. T aint got time for no jibber-jabber, if you know what I mean. Anyway I had always wondered about that London Open "V"- anyone who has spent any time at all looking at charts above a one-minute time frame would have to have seen it. In my research I found this PDF from Currency Trader Magazine which should explain anything left unresolved in your mind about the London Open. If I messed up the attachment you may get the article from :


Best of luck to all!


good catch on the V trade PDF info.......

For all those non believers in JD, shame on you...............

nuff said....

Oh, and if you still dont believe, we have a "TOASTER Expert Advisor" JD can sell ya,

it makes great english muffins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah but it wasn't like JD laid out his strategy in legible form. Bits and pieces here and there. You can't blame someone for not understanding it. I don't think JD made one mention of DT ZigZag. I read the thread twice and saw nothing about that indicator.

Right lets get one thing fucking straight, i DO not need this. The rumour is not among traders, its amongst wana be traders who contacted me pretending to be programmers trying to extract my walk through of my trades. When they didnt get it they did the same as every other fucking gobshite, they threw their dummie out of the pram..My ip address is fake, for the very simple reason as we have seen..What indicators have i snatched? and as for ideas, there is nt one fucking sensible one on this forum...I gave you a trading system you cunt and all you can do is question it....the person in question wanted to be a trader, infact he has tried to tarnish my name when he couldnt get his own way...the only indicator that worked was the one i sent him, As for wolve waves indicator, well it speaks for its self......theres nothing worse than people thinking they are smarter than they actually are.....forex programmer being one of them, to name but too fucking many............so, let me say this, no more help, no more tips, no more free fucking charting, no more free fucking signals, no more chat room, no more fucking nothing....Like everything in this life, man, the human being has destroyed it again...so i bid you all farewell and good luck....i do not have time for petty squables, and if you didnt you maight make somefucking money....Goodluck to all those that have actually put the hard work in and tried to get somewhere, rather than the fucking losers that email me wanting free signals...and you know who you are.....wheres you system, wheres your strategy, ?

Thanks for everything JD. Appreciate all the info you provided here and help offered. Many thanks and take care. Good luck to everyone else who found this thread as useful as I did, some great info was offered here thanks to JD and his system. Best of luck all.


I Totally agree with u JD.. Those fucking idiots and loser ruin all for us, who really want to trade and learn from you.. This people will never become traders and they know it...so the only thing they can do its screw other pleople work...What alse can i said.. I can`t blame u man, i would probably do the same...

The only thing i can say its Thanks for what u have teach us so far, for us (u know who we are) its really appreciate...

Wish u the best in your trading and in your life!!!

Good luck
