What Really Works From One Professional - page 71

I think we should get back to learning this system in this thread.

I quote the above, because, although I agree with the spirit of the statement, I disagree with wording. (It's a subtle, but I believe important, distinction that needs to be made.) And, really, I'm not trying to start an arguement (we've had enough of those), I just want to share my thinking/understanding....

EDIT: Nothing personal towards supa is meant by the above paragraph. His/her post just happens to be worded perfectly for me to illustrate my point below. That's the only reason I quoted that post and not someone else's.

What JD has given us here is not a system. A system implies that everything is in it's place and that you just follow it, step, by step, by step... That's not what JD shared with us. He shared with us a perception of the market (V formation) as it pertains to the London open, and that perception allows us to create a Model with which to trade by.

He showed us the tools that he uses and gave us an overview of how he uses them. No, he didn't spell everything out perfectly, like we all would have liked, but that's because it's not possible. JD doesn't use a "system" that we can Follow, he has a Model that he Trades.

Each of us has the opportunity to take our new found perception of the London open and learn to TRADE it. Whether we use price action, indicators, Elwave, or whatever, to enhance our perception of the market, we can all be successful, each in our own way, by applying what we've learned from JD in a way that fits our own style.

In addition to the above, JD has done 2 other things....

  1. For many people, he's broken the spell of the almighty EA. So many people want to try to automate everything, even though the best traders in the world apply discretion to their trading. Hopefully JD has shown them it's not about automation, it's about trading.
  2. He's told us, and I assume most of us choose to believe him, that he's been super fuckin' successful trading the forex market and that it's something we can all learnto do. I emphasis learn, because most people don't want to do that. They/we don't want to learnto be successful, we want to findsuccess. Most all of us have been trying to FIND that magical combination of indicators that will make us successful, rather that trying to LEARN how to trade the market.

So JD, I for one believe I will be a better trader as I apply the things I've learned here, and I just want to say thank you. Hopefully you'll decide to stick around here.

If you're still inclined to teach us (I know we'd all appreciate it), maybe you could talk with the forum moderator about setting up a thread that only You are allowed to post in. Then, if you're so inclined, you could post some charts along with commentary on what your thought process was while the trade was developing. It would be nice to see your winning trades (how/why the trade was taken, how you managed the trade, and how/why you exited). It would also be nice, and probably more important, to see some of your losing trades (again, to see why you took the trade, and then what made you finally decide to exit at a loss.) This could all be done after trading hours so as not to interfere with your trading. In a separate thread, we could have a discussion about what you post. If the moderators won't setup a locked thread, then perhaps this can be done on another forum (no disrespect intended towards Forex-tsd.)

Well, thanks again. Hopefully you give my idea some consideration.


or if our meta trader platform runs on the same time zone this template merely draws the vertical lines at 8am and 9 am to give you an idea of what the price action is. I just submitted a request for an ind that does this but we will see.

Others alternatives, please chose suitable for you.


Its not a problem keris, i was not offended.


movin on up

Great posts folks & loads of em !

Good healthy debates & respect being shown so it looks like we have turned things around here. Just a pity I'm away from my PC next week though.


thank you

Thanks Papua

timezones can be set to do what i wanted.


As promised yesterday, the 1 minute GBP/USD chart showing how I played the 'vee'

Regards Chris

As promised yesterday, the 1 minute GBP/USD chart showing how I played the 'vee'

Regards Chris

hi chirslee,,

did not see your attachment..can you repost thanks


I can see it.

and in your quote above

Can you see other attached pictures ?



Is there any way on a 1min chart to scroll forward just 1 candle at a time besides dragging the price with a mouse? The forward / backward arrows move to many candles with a quick press.

I've been scrolling back through the charts & tried to prejudge the price movements from the london open with good accuracy but sometimes if i move the mouse too much it advances about 5 candles & spoils it. I'm trying to get as close as possible to a real time scenario if you understand what I'm getting at.

Is there any way on a 1min chart to scroll forward just 1 candle at a time besides dragging the price with a mouse? The forward / backward arrows move to many candles with a quick press. I've been scrolling back through the charts & tried to prejudge the price movements from the london open with good accuracy but sometimes if i move the mouse too much it advances about 5 candles & spoils it. I'm trying to get as close as possible to a real time scenario if you understand what I'm getting at.

Press F12 key to advance 1 candle at a time.

Hope that helps
