What Really Works From One Professional - page 62


Darn, I've been rumbled. Even my fake Canadian accent didn't fool anyone. OK. I surrender. You guys are just too clever for me! And I broke the golden rule of not having the same opinion! Bad Guy!

Happy trading all.

Darn, I've been rumbled. Even my fake Canadian accent didn't fool anyone. OK. I surrender. You guys are just too clever for me! And I broke the golden rule of not having the same opinion! Bad Guy! Happy trading all.


what opinon are you talking about? You never oferred one! You never asked any questions either.

Perhaps, you should keep this brain covered and not let it so exposed. This might keep you out of logical lapses and emotional support.

Darn, I've been rumbled. Even my fake Canadian accent didn't fool anyone. OK. I surrender. You guys are just too clever for me! And I broke the golden rule of not having the same opinion! Bad Guy! Happy trading all.

You came, you spammed, you saw.


Hello DEX

I had Luck:))

Today I would sell around 370, and first target would be 311 and second around 250...

My two cents

Hello DEX

I had Luck:))

Today I would sell around 370, and first target would be 311 and second around 250...

My two cents

there was pivot line at 374. it's a good point there. good luck.


I've cashed in on a couple shorts since the european open, and the "V" is as plain as day now. Looks like it may top out in the 370's too!

Thanks guys



I really like this forum and have learned a lot from it, but I have to say, some of the people here are just straight-up morons! (I'd use much more foul language to describe them, but I'll leave that for their flame responses.)

I read a lot over at forexfactory, too. There are a number of posters there that offer some form of "pay service". And you know what, they still participate in the threads. And, what's even better, everybody there thinks they're great and love the contributions that they make.

Yes, they may not give away all their "secrets", but they make very meaningful contributions and the people there appreciate the substance of their posts.

You guys don't give anyone here the opportunity for that to happen. The first time somebody mentions a service/product that they offer, you start crying spammer. And then, you don't shutup until they're gone.

Yes, some people are just plain spamming and nothing they would say is wanted or needed. But, you won't ever know one from the other 'cuz you chase them all away.

BTW, NiceGuy777 has made a lot of good contributions at forexfactory. Everyone there knows he sales his "system"... Many people have asked him to explain his "special fib method"... he doesn't ('cuz, well, it would be pretty stupid to try to sale something after you posted it in a public forum)... but, when he makes a good post, they appreciate the value of it. They don't constantly try to rip him new asshole like you guys did.

I'm sure you'll say that you're just trying to protect the integrity of the forum, but really, that's just a bunch of shit. You just think that EVERYTHING should be free and you don't like it when it's not.

Well, I guess I'm done now. This isn't directed at everyone here, of course. But, those of you that are pissed of after reading this, well, you're probably one of those people I'm talking about.

Enjoy the rest of your day,




Does the 374 pivot become a support level now that we've blown through it?

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Where did you get the Dinapoli Detrend oscillator? Damn, I want to get that. I'm not trading right now but what happened? You sell at DTZIGZAG and it is still going up?


Right now price at 3/8 and i think it will go up until NY session