What Really Works From One Professional - page 28

Heres todays chart, it was a liitle tedious to say the least and took its time....just to clarify the V. its usually the first 2 significant moves form the open...we are not looking for sysmetrical v but the action of the search......

could you show a Elwave chart from the morning? would be interesting to see what then happened

Heres todays chart, it was a liitle tedious to say the least and took its time....just to clarify the V. its usually the first 2 significant moves form the open...we are not looking for sysmetrical v but the action of the search......


Looking at the chart, which wave do you most likely trade off of when the V happens?

You numbered 3 of them....


Heres todays chart, it was a liitle tedious to say the least and took its time....just to clarify the V. its usually the first 2 significant moves form the open...we are not looking for sysmetrical v but the action of the search......

thanks so much

about the manuals, i have sent you a pm, its only a doubt, no work to do

good trades


false alarm


So I wonder what ever happened to the guy who posted the original post that you thought was so stupid...... They all come and go I guess.

Anyways, I have a suggestion....

Maybe we can start a NEW thread, you naming it of course and being the moderator, and with your agreement you can post a "How to" with using the charts and such and how to set it up and how to interprete the signals..

What do you think??


is a nice idea

what do you think about Jonny?


I don't know what works all the time. I only know some things work to some degree some of the time. I do know one thing however which doesn't work all of the time.

That is for two opposing viewpoints to declare contempt for each other and refuse to colloborate.

I would like to hear more from 006 who started this thread. And while he has expressed less than enthuiastic support for hard fast systematic rule based trading which is required for automation. I would like to know what kind of automated hands off trading system he would consider most worthwhile pursuing. What would it be based on? What would it's parameters and limitations be and how would he suggest the user interact with it.

I admit it I do have difficulty mastering my psychology in trading. I'm hedging to look at automated systems. I know myself well enough to know how I perform in live trades. I've exploded several demo accounts and enough of a real money account to know that without some intense kind of proven and validated system that I can trust I'm better off confining my activity to demo accounts for a good long time yet. If I failed to factor that in I'd be totally foolish. I don't really want to lay out my whole psychological trading profile here. I just want to see more collaboration between people who adhere to the discretionary philosophy with those who prefer the systematic automated approach. Balance is what I'm looking for and I'm not seeing it on this thread yet. I know it when I see it. I see more of it in 006's posts but he's like a distant planet on this thread which only orbits every few weeks or so.

come around a little more will ya 006? I'd like to be the beneficiary of your experience.

some people compose music and others improvise music. I find value in both ways of creating. is there not a valid place for both science and art?



I don't know what works all the time. I only know some things work to some degree some of the time. I do know one thing however which doesn't work all of the time.

That is for two opposing viewpoints to declare contempt for each other and refuse to colloborate.

I would like to hear more from 006 who started this thread. And while he has expressed less than enthuiastic support for hard fast systematic rule based trading which is required for automation. I would like to know what kind of automated hands off trading system he would consider most worthwhile pursuing. What would it be based on? What would it's parameters and limitations be and how would he suggest the user interact with it.

I admit it I do have difficulty mastering my psychology in trading. I'm hedging to look at automated systems. I know myself well enough to know how I perform in live trades. I've exploded several demo accounts and enough of a real money account to know that without some intense kind of proven and validated system that I can trust I'm better off confining my activity to demo accounts for a good long time yet. If I failed to factor that in I'd be totally foolish. I don't really want to lay out my whole psychological trading profile here. I just want to see more collaboration between people who adhere to the discretionary philosophy with those who prefer the systematic automated approach. Balance is what I'm looking for and I'm not seeing it on this thread yet. I know it when I see it. I see more of it in 006's posts but he's like a distant planet on this thread which only orbits every few weeks or so.

come around a little more will ya 006? I'd like to be the beneficiary of your experience.

some people compose music and others improvise music. I find value in both ways of creating. is there not a valid place for both science and art?

Hi, i don't think you know what works at all, and there are probably a few people on this thread that would beg to differ with you and have made a positive start to there understanding of how trading works. I wouldnt like to hear more from 006 because like you i think hes full of shit, are you his son.?Sounds like you've blown your money and are looking for someone to blame, we all have lost money, but to make a good trader this is part of the plan. Sounds like you want one of those magical EA's to hold your hand and tell you "dont worry child everything will be alright, the big bad market wont hurt you anymore". Get a fucking grip, and try and learn somthing of why you have lost your money, and not try and get even and chase it back. Get to know thyself. You've just laid out your whole physcological trading profile out, if you didnt mean to you.ve done a fucking good job. So how i can sum it up is, if you aint found it now, you aint never gona find it.. Bets you can do is find another job, or source of income, dont come on here if you cant say anything of value, cos theres enough philosophy on here to turn old grass hopper in his grave..So instead of coming on sprouting bollocks, show us what ya got, show us ya hand, anything you can do..as i said before and i'll say it again, "the proof is in the pudding"..



Hi for those of you who have to the time to try and learn to better their trading, well done...The chatroom is an excellent idea, and while i do not trade every day i will try to help as much as i can.....There are times when i'am in and out of the chatroom, but any questions just email.

Hi for those of you who have to the time to try and learn to better their trading, well done...The chatroom is an excellent idea, and while i do not trade every day i will try to help as much as i can.....


There are always critics !!!! I for one am totally impressed by the PUDDIN!!

I told you would be popular on this site, and I called it correctly. You have taught me more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the last 4 years of trying to learn this business. Cause thats what it is, a business. For those who think they can win at this game, well game over. This market will eat you ALIVE

I have friends who blew their entire accounts from a black box training, and that is not the way of trading this market. It will take TIME, WATCHING, LEARNING, EXPERIENCE, and most of all HUMILITY............And more watching, and watching, and watching. Sit back and just learn. Dont try to beat the market, cause guess what? You lose.......

You think multi million dollar money managers are gonna let little traders like us rule the market, no way. You think investors like Warren Buffet who can moves these markets care, no way. JD said one thing that has stuck, go where the SMART MONEY is. (I hope I quoted you correctly!)

What freaking proof?? In the last 2 months I have doubled my account.

Listen and learn friends........


Hi for those of you who have to the time to try and learn to better their trading, well done...The chatroom is an excellent idea, and while i do not trade every day i will try to help as much as i can.....There are times when i'am in and out of the chatroom, but any questions just email.

The only thing i could say is:

Thanks so much for the help, for the support, for all you are doing!

Another thing, could you send me your email andress? (by PM if you prefer)