What Really Works From One Professional - page 67


What can I say....

It's a very sad day when people who haven't had ANY firsthand experience of a system at work or even spoken to the person presenting it then go to great lenghts to discredit and insult him, if only because they themselves fail to understand it.

(As for the post towards mister niceguy, I can see the irony in my above words on my reply to him, but please bear in mind he is SELLING something and blatantly pointing to HIS webpage in his post in a thread that has nothing to do with him or his style. That was my problem with him. If it works, he's a good guy and helps in other threads etc then ok, sorry.

But please don't post off topic hints at your website (which SELLS a product) in other threads. Just start your own thread, if its good people will read it.

Please, no more sidetracking on this issue, just ignore this.)

JD, I am truly sorry for all the bottom feeders, know-nothings and wannabe's that are found anywhere you look and go in life. Be comforted in the knowledge that their jealous minds will remain so the rest of their time without the relief of ever actually achieving those things they so desperately wish they had for themselves. Life will serve them, no matter what they will boast to know, have or achieve and try to announce to the world to compensate for the reality that is their sorry existence.

You always were and are still the real deal and no penny-pinching demo-buster can change it. And to those who think my nose is anything but an unhealthy pasty white: go to hell, you don't know the difference between due praise and sucking up.

Thank you for all you've done and helped us with. It's really been the key to unlocking the door into a new world for me.

I hope you'll fast forget these losers and intrigue-ridden, mentally plagued individuals.


Thanks Jerxoff

Piponacci, I'll 'step up' as you call it...

See post #509 for spoon feeding, very kindly provided by Supa - otherwise do what we all do - read the thread, study the markets, get to know what the indicators are telling you, demo for 3 or 4 months, then decide if you like it.

Oh, and ignore anything Morpheous aka jimmy, aka jimmy22, aka whatever, aka cerc, and probably aka pip-gandalf (what an idiot) says.....


Thanks for stepping up "as I call it". What's the hostility all about. I read the whole thread. The part I didn't get was testing the system for 3 or 4 months like you did. That must've been the toughest part since JD69 didn't unravel his system but a little over a month and a half ago.

Spoonfeeding? Are you part of the chatroom?

Funny how I didn't see your name referenced anywhere in Supa's PDF. you where too busy being spoonfed I'm sure. I guess that jerkoff attitude is all you brought to this thread.


People are fighting and losing their lives in a real war so you guys can sit here an call each other cunts! Grow the fuck up people.

The door has swung wide open for someone like you Xerof to prove you weren't spoonfed this whole time yourself since you have so brilliantly mastered HIS system. The choice is yours (since JD has decided not to use up his time with the nonsense going back and forth here), you can let the thread die, or we can make it stronger.

Evolution of a thread. take and take and take until the thread is long enough to where people come to the last page looking for info, then the early comers have to start protecting the thread starter from the pure ignorant takers looking for EA's and everything else handed to them. They protect because they haven't sucked the tit dry yet. That protection gets out of hand and turns into what we have here.

From this point forward, if you want to keep the thread alive that is, Learn to determine who is purely ignorant from those who are trying to grasp the basics and dig into the system and this shit won't happen.

It's time to put your pride in your back pocket and

man up!


Do it for Jimmy

I just like to say thanks to all the guys who made a positive contribution here as I have learned alot.

As for the others who contributed towards the downfall here I'd just like you to bear this in mind........

I, like nearly everyone else here, was here to learn from others & hopefully learn how to trade the forex market to make a full time living from it. Not millions but just a living. I watched this thread from the beginning cos i liked the style in which jd presented it & straight away something "clicked" inside me & told me that this guy was the one to follow.

After 6 weeks of getting up 2 hours earlier than normal & being glued to my screen 12+ hours a day it now looks as though it's all over here & as a self - employed person I have turned business away for many weeks just so i could get a head start with this. I've cancelled my summer holiday this year due to not working but I figured that this was more important short term.

I can't tell you how gutted I am

Same here my friend... same here.

But it doesn't have to end. There are many here who have taken pleanty and have the experience to lay it back out there. Many have sat here after reaping the benefits of being in early with nothing further to contribute but giving every new name a hard time. I know this is very easy for some of you who have the experience, but for people like Jimmylad and myself, it isn't there yet. Some of you may have been brought up with Elliot Wave theory bed time stories, but I haven't. If there was just one person on here who could take a minute and start with the basics of the system again, we would have a fresh start. What are the fundamental concepts of the system? What is the pre-requisite reading to help set up the core understanding of it?

Thanks for stepping up "as I call it". What's the hostility all about. I read the whole thread. The part I didn't get was testing the system for 3 or 4 months like you did. That must've been the toughest part since JD69 didn't unravel his system but a little over a month and a half ago.

Spoonfeeding? Are you part of the chatroom?

Funny how I didn't see your name referenced anywhere in Supa's PDF. you where too busy being spoonfed I'm sure. I guess that jerkoff attitude is all you brought to this thread.


People are fighting and losing their lives in a real war so you guys can sit here an call each other cunts! Grow the fuck up people.

The door has swung wide open for someone like you Xerof to prove you weren't spoonfed this whole time yourself since you have so brilliantly mastered HIS system. The choice is yours (since JD has decided not to use up his time with the nonsense going back and forth here), you can let the thread die, or we can make it stronger.

Evolution of a thread. take and take and take until the thread is long enough to where people come to the last page looking for info, then the early comers have to start protecting the thread starter from the pure ignorant takers looking for EA's and everything else handed to them. They protect because they haven't sucked the tit dry yet. That protection gets out of hand and turns into what we have here.

From this point forward, if you want to keep the thread alive that is, Learn to determine who is purely ignorant from those who are trying to grasp the basics and dig into the system and this shit won't happen.

It's time to put your pride in your back pocket and

man up!

My god someone has written something truthful.

Thanks Piponacci

There are people here who understand his system but won't help others.

Worse than that they shoot other people down for asking for help.

It a "US" and "THEM" mentality.

It a "US" and "THEM" mentality.

Syd Barrett is dead.

Ok, he had nothing to do with it.

Sorry for a post that doesn't rant ;-)

Syd Barrett is dead.

Ok, he had nothing to do with it.

Sorry for a post that doesn't rant ;-)

Shine on you Crazy Diamond...



I just like to say thanks to all the guys who made a positive contribution here as I have learned alot.

As for the others who contributed towards the downfall here I'd just like you to bear this in mind........

I, like nearly everyone else here, was here to learn from others & hopefully learn how to trade the forex market to make a full time living from it. Not millions but just a living. I watched this thread from the beginning cos i liked the style in which jd presented it & straight away something "clicked" inside me & told me that this guy was the one to learn from.

After 6 weeks of getting up 2 hours earlier than normal & being glued to my screen 12+ hours a day it now looks as though it's all over here & as a self - employed person I have turned business away for many weeks just so i could get a head start with this. I've cancelled my summer holiday this year due to not working but I figured that this was more important short term.

I can't tell you how gutted I am


I don't know anyone who has benefited from jonnydenver69 in the chatroom. All people there trade their own systems, because he never explained a "system". I believe he needed the chat room for his own ego. I learned more about his lamborginies and ferraris than about the system he uses. He comes to the chat room and make comments about what he is expecting today, for example a downtrend. Then he says "well, it could really go higher", is silent about the other half of the day and after the day is over and the trend has changed in a direction he never mentioned, he says us how much thousands of pound sterling he made. Ok ok, he made some hints about the market at all, some other pieces here and there, but thats not really useful to learn his system. If that would be true we should see people who can trade like jonnydenver69 (or some who get the hang on it). But that is not the case.

It seems something must be wrong with him and his emotions. His first extreme choleric reaction in the paltalk chat room was strange, after people asked and asked about how to set up elwave. Any healthy person can estimate such a reaction by new users. It was understandable to restrict the users in the room, but not his extremely choleric reaction to kick off all users at that time. His action now is equal strange, especially that the users in the chat room tried to learn hard and sitting almost 12+ hours a day in front of the PC and made nothing wrong to punish them. Now most of them try to trade their own systems, with fibos and stochs, because jonnydenver69 teached us never his system. His system, if there is any, seems discreationary and black boxed to all of us. Sure, there are people now who will say anything to get him back to the room. They react because of the same emotions like people who blindly believe in a preacher who speaks about a person that walked on water 2000 years ago. He has nothing to offer, but he abide the feeling that he can bring wealth to all of us. Or if not yet then anytime soon... in the golden age...

A real contribution would be to show at least the users in the chat room how he trades. No signal calls needed, but a deep insight on what he looks and which signals or patterns shows him when to trade and when not. Like if you are in driving school and the teacher besides you can react on your actions. If he really believe that there is any "system" that most people can trade (remember he said it wouldn't be "rocket science"). Its very easy to draw a 'V' line (or whatever that should be) on a chart and post it here in the thread AFTER the day is over.

I'm not angry but I'm sorry for him. I believe that he had a good and strong feeling to help others but it seems he is not able to do that. He has failed, not anyone here!


Thanks for your kind response Piponacci - it really makes me want to set aside my life just so I can help you.

You don't know me and I don't really owe you any explanation but just for the record I also was very 'late' to find JD's strategy.

But I have a slightly different outlook than most of the bleaters - I am willing to work these things out for myself from what is provided without continually harrassing the originator. But hey, thats just me - don't hold that against me, its obviously a genetic disorder over which I have no control.

In any event it seems apparent that anyone who does offer help eventually gets crucified, so apart from the established group of contacts I have formed over the years, with whom I shall always be willing to share my expertise, why should I bother?

So I wont



My apologies

I understand Xerof. Sorry to have come at you like that, I was just just frustrated. I have done all I can do with understanding this system, but there are too many questions I still had. No hard feelings.