What Really Works From One Professional - page 65


This was always going to be the outcome...lol

Thanks for the time you have given JD. I for one appreciated the opportunity to be shown the best technique for ripping shit out of the cable every day, week in week out - thanks again. I have enough understanding to continue on without having to put up with the never-ending shit too....

To the other fucking wankers - you could probably make better money as lettuce washers at McDonalds than trying to get to grips with FX - so long tossers



Yo wuz up people...

Woah, a rude awakening, I come back from vacation and all hell broke lose...What gives?

Let me backtrack whats going on here... Reading some comments here, I must say its uncalled for! Cmon people, JD is showing you one way of trading so stop dissing him with bad remarks!

No one put a gun to your head and said this is the way! You either adopt his system or take it like a grain of salt, and go your merry way. NO NEED to insult the guy.

Good luck JD, cya around!


Oh fuck

What a shame.

Some of the childish shit on this thread has been mildly amusing, but i am sad to see that it has descended to this.

My kids are better behaved than some of you muppets. Who can blame JD for fucking off?

Well whats done is done. Thanks to JD for all your help, and thanks to all the people who contribute, constructively, here and in the chat room, and best of luck for the future.

For anyone who is genuinely looking at this and hasn't been in the room, re-read the thread, study the screen shots, then sit and watch the the first few hours of the London session, as often as you can, and just see what happens.......every day.

As for the rest of you.................well done.



Thank you JD for all your help. I have truly learned a lot as I am sure the rest of the people who have attended the chat room and who made a leaping progress owe a great deal of gratitude to you

I know you have made the decision to discontinue your teaching and nobody can argue with your reasoning. I would just like to appeal to you that by doing that you let pip-gendalf and others to achieve their purpose so you will stop teaching to achieve the syucces thru hard work and effort. Please read the recent post from pip-ganif below and perhaps you can see more despicable purpsose in his post.

I hope you can see that stopping the mentoring would only send a wrong message to those bustards.

Best of Luck to You!

I wanted to know your opinion about this:

Assuming one of us Creates a super smart Forex system that makes 100% in 3

days. And assume that this system is posted here and now.

I have worked on the forex for over 3 years to perfect my systems( I am nowhere near 100% in 3 days) - now - assume that some new guy who just Googled something got to this forum and without any effort at all he downloaded a magical ea and made a 10000000$...

Is this fair? I think not !!!

Would we all benefit from getting the amazing system = no - because - if everyone had it - The forex would crumble , and everyone would lose money.

My plea is mainly to the forex forum administrators :

1) I think that if you get such a system - you should remove it immediately from the forum for the beneft of us all.

2) All the Americans here would talk about freedom of expression etc.....but just note that if such a system would be created and everyone will have it AMERICA would CRUMBLE into a hugh defecit and a world war could start (history teaches us that).

I think that the forum is great, but here and especially here , all those of us who invested a hugh amount of time and effort should not be punished by spreading amazing systems, which would only be counterproductive as illustrated above.



There is a rumor among traders from this forum that JD faked information and claimed things like he is in monte carlo etc - when actually he never left home .....so whenever he messed up trades he claimed he was In exotic places ( I have two friends who checked his ip address from his emails)....

According to the rumors he attacked good people in his chat room and snatched indicators and ideas, and tried to elicit information from people when actually it is he who tried to assemble a trading system and not the opposite.

So, this is just a rumor, and I hope JD would clear his name.

Afterall, he is the author of the "V" (what the hack is that all about ?).

Right lets get one thing fucking straight, i DO not need this. The rumour is not among traders, its amongst wana be traders who contacted me pretending to be programmers trying to extract my walk through of my trades. When they didnt get it they did the same as every other fucking gobshite, they threw their dummie out of the pram..My ip address is fake, for the very simple reason as we have seen..What indicators have i snatched? and as for ideas, there is nt one fucking sensible one on this forum...I gave you a trading system you cunt and all you can do is question it....the person in question wanted to be a trader, infact he has tried to tarnish my name when he couldnt get his own way...the only indicator that worked was the one i sent him, As for wolve waves indicator, well it speaks for its self......theres nothing worse than people thinking they are smarter than they actually are.....forex programmer being one of them, to name but too fucking many............so, let me say this, no more help, no more tips, no more free fucking charting, no more free fucking signals, no more chat room, no more fucking nothing....Like everything in this life, man, the human being has destroyed it again...so i bid you all farewell and good luck....i do not have time for petty squables, and if you didnt you might make somefucking money....Goodluck to all those that have actually put the hard work in and tried to get somewhere, rather than the fucking losers that email me wanting free signals...and you know who you are.....wheres you system, wheres your strategy,


O.K Good things don´t last forever.

I was not a member of the private Paltalk chat but i got a lot useful information from this thread. The V pattern , Gann theory, float and the MM lines were not a part of my trading now they are. So for that thanks J.D.

Right lets get one thing fucking straight, i DO not need this.

I was surely shocked when I read the posts today. I think I'm one of the guys which put a certain amount of effort in learning and reading to get in more in touch with your strategy. But it's not only about your perfect system, it's about a general understanding, what is really going on! And only for that I thank you a million times JD!

Whatever you do in the future, I wish you all the best. Thanks so much for showing us the right path. I can't say I'm really there, but I will go on with learning to become a 'real' trader! Please keep in mind that in a forum like this you will always have people destroying nice groups like we have (had) one - for whatever reason...

There is a rumor among traders from this forum that JD faked information and claimed things like he is in monte carlo etc - when actually he never left home .....so whenever he messed up trades he claimed he was In exotic places ( I have two friends who checked his ip address from his emails)....

Like your system your words fit in many scenarios!

Thats the worst statement i've ever heard..............

Hi JD,

I want to thank-you for sharing the knowledge. It gave me enough confident to start a real account.

All the best!



I don't know anything about JD, his system or his tutorial, but it's sad to see some people ruin other's bussiness when everything seems going well.