The "XO"-Method......... - page 30

hey, valeo, that indicator u posted back,i believe it belongs to perky, u r using on 15min not5 min charts?

Chris, I changed it so that I can use it on 5m chart as well, but I must be honest, it does not do much for me. Neither the 15m one Perky posted or the one I changed is as good as the XO-combiantion we are running at present. However, I am still testing Perky's indicator until next week Friday.


Unscrupulous "traders".........

When I posted the XO-method here, I asked for help to further develop what looked like a very promising method. I never suggested that this could be the "Holy Grail" - little did I think that some trader will take the entire Thread and move it to another Forum - in this instance at StrategyBuilder.

There this guy who calls himself Paultx, openend up by stating that he found it elsewhere and proceeded to give the link, but then he "rubbishes" this thread in his very first posting. Thereafter, he tries to make it out that he "knows it all", but he misses the point all the time.

I have no problem if this is taken elsewhere, but than at least just ask everyone interested to refer to our Thread so that we do it right collectively.

Thread is here if you wish to avail yourselves:


Hi Valeo,

It's amazing that in the small world of Forex testing and development somebody

should have the crass opportunism to do that.

To further compound the problem he then sells the origin of "his" idea

at a discount, while rubbing salt on the open wound!

Let's just be glad we are not associated in any way with the fellow you mention.


Hi Valeo,

It's amazing that in the small world of Forex testing and development somebody

should have the crass opportunism to do that.

To further compound the problem he then sells the origin of "his" idea

at a discount, while rubbing salt on the open wound!

Let's just be glad we are not associated in any way with the fellow you mention.


Thanks my friend. Take care and have a much deserved restful weekend. Wishing you and your family well, always.

Thanks my friend. Take care and have a much deserved restful weekend. Wishing you and your family well, always.

I am on both sides. I have worked with Paultx for several months and found him quite helpful and not intentionally malicious at any time. I read his opening thread and his opinion is that forex-tsd threads have a way of messing up good systems by trying to perfect them to the point of useless.

I don't necessarily agree with him on that point, I have read many threads where good intentions seem to mess up a, confuse, a good system. Having worked with ValeoFX on this I know his intentions are to improve the XO - not ruin it.

Just my opinion, Paultx is trying to be helpful but does not hold a high regard for the forex-tsd forum - that is his right. He is still a good guy and I hope you all will not assume his intentions are negative towards you all.

Anyway, I am a believer in the XO. Let's stay on task.

Peace to all.


Let's Move On

I am on both sides. I have worked with Paultx for several months and found him quite helpful and not intentionally malicious at any time. I read his opening thread and his opinion is that forex-tsd threads have a way of messing up good systems by trying to perfect them to the point of useless.

I don't necessarily agree with him on that point, I have read many threads where good intentions seem to mess up a, confuse, a good system. Having worked with ValeoFX on this I know his intentions are to improve the XO - not ruin it.

Just my opinion, Paultx is trying to be helpful but does not hold a high regard for the forex-tsd forum - that is his right. He is still a good guy and I hope you all will not assume his intentions are negative towards you all.

Anyway, I am a believer in the XO. Let's stay on task.

Peace to all.

Well said HoggZilla,

I have been involved in a few forum wars and it gets ugly real fast and no one wins. So let's move on and stay on task. This system rocks, let us keep it that way.



No more repainting

Hi everyone,

I'm new on TSD and I discovered this forum thanks to the post of paul in the sbfx forum. I won't go into arguing about this little war... for me both threads are valuable and the ideas of everyone are welcome on a great subject like this system.

Because the thread on sbfx is a little resting right now, I would like to upload here, on the original thread, my indicator that hopefully will fix the issue with repainting, backtesting, taking values in the future, or the way you want to name it.

I don't have a lot of tests with it but it seems fine. Some people tried it on sbfx and it seems they had to make a bit of cleaning with the various installed XO indicators to make it work. I don't know why, maybe a MT4 issue.

Feel free to test it and comment it. I hope it will help everyone.



xo_ext.mq4  3 kb

XO Indicator

Chris, I changed it so that I can use it on 5m chart as well, but I must be honest, it does not do much for me. Neither the 15m one Perky posted or the one I changed is as good as the XO-combiantion we are running at present. However, I am still testing Perky's indicator until next week Friday.

Hi Valeo,

I'm getting a bit confused with all of the XO indicators. When you say XO-combination do you mean the ZZ 4 FT XO or the XO_Combined indicator?

I am currently runing the ZZ 4 TF XO and the #MTF_OX_A set for 240 minutes side by side with the ZZ_MTF_Super XO_4H indicators on the 30 minute chart. It seems there are many times the ZZ 4 TF and #MTF_XO indicators don't match up with the ZZ_MFT_Super XO indicator. Which indicator do you prefer the ZZ 4 TF XO or the ZZ_MTF_Super indicator? I have seen at least 3 posts with people trading from different time frames. Is there a perfered time frame to trade from? I've been using the 30 minute charts so maybe I am missing an earlier entry ?



Hi everyone,

I'm new on TSD and I discovered this forum thanks to the post of paul in the sbfx forum. I won't go into arguing about this little war... for me both threads are valuable and the ideas of everyone are welcome on a great subject like this system.

Because the thread on sbfx is a little resting right now, I would like to upload here, on the original thread, my indicator that hopefully will fix the issue with repainting, backtesting, taking values in the future, or the way you want to name it.

I don't have a lot of tests with it but it seems fine. Some people tried it on sbfx and it seems they had to make a bit of cleaning with the various installed XO indicators to make it work. I don't know why, maybe a MT4 issue.

Feel free to test it and comment it. I hope it will help everyone.



Thanks Nicolas, your time and valuable input is much appreciated. I will try your indicators and report back to you.

Best wishes.

I am on both sides. I have worked with Paultx for several months and found him quite helpful and not intentionally malicious at any time. I read his opening thread and his opinion is that forex-tsd threads have a way of messing up good systems by trying to perfect them to the point of useless.

I don't necessarily agree with him on that point, I have read many threads where good intentions seem to mess up a, confuse, a good system. Having worked with ValeoFX on this I know his intentions are to improve the XO - not ruin it.

Just my opinion, Paultx is trying to be helpful but does not hold a high regard for the forex-tsd forum - that is his right. He is still a good guy and I hope you all will not assume his intentions are negative towards you all.

Anyway, I am a believer in the XO. Let's stay on task.

Peace to all.

HoggZilla, you know how much I respect you, so yes I agree let us put our "quarrels" behind us and move forward to being successfull. Your support and the support of other friends here (MoneyLine, Dave to just mention two and not to offend anyone not mentioned) have been tremendous.

Best wishes always.