CatFx50 - page 72


thx Kalenzo , it is good indicator...


Good Morning, United Traders of the World?

How are you this morning?

Asian people made the work today.

Take care and good luck!



Just a Road Map:

GBPUSD, as long as keeps trading above 1.7749 and main level 1.7714, it is set to go to 1.8050.

EURUSD, next huge level to watch: 1.2294-1.2315.

If it keeps trading above 1.2250-30, we'll see 1.2370.

USDCHF, as long as it keeps trading below 1.2700 and 1.2751, it is set to go to 1.2450.

Take care.


NOTE: 13:30CET, EURUSD has topped (so far) at 1.2294. (He, he)


For those who like to guess and play with tech levels:

EURUSD will keep going North if U.S. Dollar Index do not break 90.51.



It's days like this that I wish I was done with my personally imposed forex training and had an actual real money account. I'm trying to gain as much knowledge thru paper trading as I can, so that I'm not gobbled up by a market such as last week. Many pips to all who are riding this wave.





Hello Nina !

Excellent work! May I ask, how do you determine your roadmap numbers? Manually or do you have a news service? Just curious. I have only been trading for a year and many variables regarding open/close numbers.

I am gmt -5. I need all the help I can get, I really suck at trading.


Let's see how many pips CatFx50 has generated from last signals:

Friday 20th:

EURUSD, long (15:00CET) at 1.2094. Made a high so far at 1.2309. +215 pips.

USDCHF, short (15:00CET) at 1.2820. Made a low so far at 1.2561. +259 pips.

GBPUSD, long (11:30CET) at 1.7592. Made a high so far at 1.7880. +292 pips.

TOTAL= +766 pips.

It is now 23:30CET


For those who like to guess and play with tech levels:

EURUSD will keep going North if U.S. Dollar Index do not break 90.51.


Hi Nina,

Could I ask you where in the net you get that sort of "tech levels" analysis information?

Or is it your personal wisdom?



Hi Nina,

Could I ask you where in the net you get that sort of "tech levels" analysis information?

Or is it your personal wisdom?



Hi, Sadaloma and WannaBeATrader!

Many hours, days, weeks and years studying, learning, computing and losing.

I do not surf the net for tech levels nor signals.

I've posted a system here that fits the way I trade and I thought it could let people make money. I've done it here cause this site is awesome. Now I post tech levels. I call them "magnets". Take them as a gift.



To Nina

how moch point at all have you earned trading with catfx50, approximately!! thx..