CatFx50 - page 648

nina, it didnt work...the bars to count number does not increase when i hold shift+F12


Disable the two buttons. If F12 does not work, use arrow to the left on your keyboard.

Hi! Disable the two buttons. If F12 does not work, use arrow to the left on your keyboard.

the chart moves to the past data but the bars to count figure stays the same...what should i look out for

Hi! Disable the two buttons. If F12 does not work, use arrow to the left on your keyboard.

Nina i did it but how often do we have to do it to keep our data updated?

Nina i did it but how often do we have to do it to keep our data updated?


How many bars have you got now?

Each platform allows you to have a maximum of bars loaded. I do not know much about that though.



idea for programmers


i got an idea how to avoid fals data from broker but i cant write it in mql4 (i would need at least all day).

If we have bad data like neuimex on 24.08 at 11AM where showed usdchf something below 1 ---- 0.352436 and we know that is impossible why dont we just put few lines in a_nina code where it will check if diferance betwen average of past 10 or whatewher bars is more up or down from next bar by let say 500 pips;if yes then we dont count this bar in the calculation of the indiators insted if necessery we can take average of past few good bars for calculation and go on untill end of data

or just to compare high and low of previus (good bar)

lets put it in some kind of basic language for better understunding

if low-low > 0.500 or high-high>0.500 then


end if


like this we will have smaller mistake in indicator calculations

i hop someone understund me


and who want to bet that broker did corupt data on purpose to fck our good indicators

let's fck them


How many bars have you got now?

Each platform allows you to have a maximum of bars loaded. I do not know much about that though.


i have 16854 bars but the histo for the GU long is still green


I have imported complete Alpari Intraday Data for cable (~28800 Bars) but still got a buy signal.

Any explanations?

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I have imported complete Alpari Intraday Data for cable (~28800 Bars) but still got a buy signal. Any explanations?


It is due to data feed.



Hi, traders!!

Signals so far according to Neuimex (13:30cet):

EURUSD, level 2 sell (09:30cet) @ 1,2595 with stop loss at 1,2617. It has made a low so far at 1,2531. + 64 pips.

USDCHF, level 4 buy (09:00cet) @ 1,2625 with stop loss at 1,2594. It has made a high so far at 1,2691. + 66.

GBPUSD, level 2 sell (10:00cet) @ 1,8664 with stop loss at 1,8686 or at 1,8706. It has made a low so far at 1,8554. + 110 pips.

Total so far= + 240 pips. (Total of pips CatFX50 has generated taking its lows and highs).
