CatFx50 - page 584


I am a newbie to forex. I have been studying CatFx50 strategy and it is successful. But i don't know how to distinguish between a right and false signal. Because today I saw usdchf, gbpusd and eurusd giving level 1 signals. I thought they were false so I entered only eurusd.


it seems this thread is dieing a slow death less and less posts by nina less and less charts etc might be time to move on

Hi, Victory777!

What do you want, Victory777?

Do you want me posting a chart like the one attached everyday?

I can not do it, sorry. I haven't got enough time to do it and I think that everybody has got all it is needed to trade CatFX50 in post number 1. And now there is a room at PalTalk.

Another important thing to take into account: it is July. There are a lot of people on vacation. I'll go on vacation soon too.


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hi guys.

i have just checked for the paltalk room room and i did not find it


this is definately not good. Dont you have the power to survive without nina? maybe he is on vacation! Lets move on till he comes back...

this is definately not good. Dont you have the power to survive without nina? maybe he is on vacation! Lets move on till he comes back...

Hi, Meriakre!

Not yet, soon though I'd be on vacation. But I do not need to post everyday to say CatFX50 has given money again.

What I should say is that we are facing these days a thin market and whatever issue or rumor can make a big move. For instance, it should come as little surprise that the Beige Book echoes the testimony of Bernanke last week. Well, you've already seen the move.

So, if you weren't long on eurusd from 1,2614, you had the opportunity to do it at 1,2665 just following CatFX50 rules.

What can I say about GBPUSD and USDCHF?

Have fun and good luck!



Agreed but it's better if the trades are posted


I agree with you that the discussions are no more needed as such but it's always better if the trades are posted daily. For some of the days, trades are a little bit trickier and then there remains a room to discuss it. Some people like me usually don't visit chat rooms. This is so good a thread; I don't like it to die slowly.


- Sukhen


I agree with you that the discussions are no more needed as such but it's always better if the trades are posted daily. For some of the days, trades are a little bit trickier and then there remains a room to discuss it. Some people like me usually don't visit chat rooms. This is so good a thread; I don't like it to die slowly.


- Sukhen

Hi, Sukhen!

You are right. But there are a lot of people following and trading live or demoing CatFX50. I welcome charts and whatever question, but I can not keep answering and posting every minute because I trade and I have a job.

So, I'll do it when I see there is something relevant or when I read an answer to a question that I think it is not right.

You know, a lot of us do not focus, we are always searching for the holy grail. This is a big, big, big mistake.

People are switching from here to there and from there to here. Result: failure.

As you know, my motto is FOCUS, PATIENCE AND DISCIPLINE. Now I add CONSTANCY.



I completely agree.


if you guys really want to learn, why don't YOU post the trades catfx has had, and i will gladly review them and point out any errors.


The best system

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