CatFx50 - page 582

Just want to let everyone know that there is a chatroom for this system on Paltalk. it is called CatFx50. Join us for the fun.

hi jwoger.. where does the chatroom Paltalk situated?

can u give me the link?


Just click join a chat room and then search for "cat".

Or in the rooms window go to "Business& Finance" and then "Daytraders / Stock & Bonds"


this is not fair.

Why was I kicked out of the chatroom?

this is not fair. Why was I kicked out of the chatroom?

because you are a scammer clean and clear. i don't care what you said. the fact that you live with scammers and agree with what they do, makes you a scammer. Don't even attempt to argue or i'll try and kick you from this forum also. Take care and stop scamming.


hmmm, obviously you misunderstood my f... statement

I live with them ---- means ---- I live in an ex-soviet union country, scammers are are all over this country this is what I wanted to say. And that is not fair. Not fair at all!

Did I ever tried to scam anyone?

Until you have proof you cant name me a scammer!

Just click join a chat room and then search for "cat". Or in the rooms window go to "Business& Finance" and then "Daytraders / Stock & Bonds"

is it in or somewhere else?

i'm a newbie.. don't really understand..


Chatroom is on PALTALK, room is available under Business==Daytraders "CATFX50"

if you dont have paltalk, download it from

Chatroom is on PALTALK, room is available under Business==Daytraders "CATFX50" if you dont have paltalk, download it from

thk dude... this is the answer...


anyone got any pips on the rush?


We did have a signal today at 09:00 CET on EUR/GBP.

