CatFx50 - page 524

Looking at your CatFX50 word document which goes over this system, I see where it says to add in the filters of "Set filters on Step: +0,04 and -0,04"

Where do you do this in the indicator?



Please see the attached image.

1.bmp  363 kb

Signal is riskier, still according to system, beside that I use Stepchoppy as indicator as well, and sometimes all 3 indicators met with 1 bar delay after break of ema, so sometimes i open close of the bar which was 1,2539 for 15:00cet. I did backtest system for last 8 monthes this way (opening even if price is higher then 20 pips and even if i open on second bar after break if all 3 indicators met (stepma_hist, nina and stepchoppy). It did save alot of times from false breaks.

But it was backtest, im testing it live (on demo account for now obviously) only for 2 weeks.

So any your comments are welcome and highly needed,

Thank you, Nina.

The question regards level 4 was very actual, do we take low from previous us session or morning's european session (Hans indicator) ? And do we buy/sell on level 4 break after stepma hist shows strong signal only after the close of that bar right ? so actually we didnt have level 4 signal today on break lower ? the price broke low first (setting new low) but 30m bar wasnt closed, and only after bar closed, we can look at stepma, it showed red and yes we broke previous low (but only by few pips ). I'm also unsure regards how we exit from level 4 position? when red/green stepma dies (does below 0.04 or above -0.04) ?


Fet0r, I knew you were going to say that.

Can you tell me where EMA50 was when you had the signal? How many pips where there between the entry and EMA50?


Hi Nina,

Ok, thanks for telling me to go master the system. I was able to identify that your EUR trade was a Level 4 signal. But i still dont know the reason behind the GBP trade. You say u took that trade based on strength , how is that measured ? RSI? Or does one of our existing indicators show something that can determine strength of the move.



I did not sell EURUSD because at 14:30 bar was not possible and at 15:00 bar was more than 20 pips away from EMA50. I was ready to short it though if it would have broken 1.2529 (level 4 sell).

I bought it at 1.2605, last high and I closed it at 1.2630.

I bought cable at 1.8396 when I saw bar of hist was green and with strength.

I closed it at 1.8468.

I did not do the same with EURUSD cause it was more fastened to USDCHF and I had already taken a long on cable in a very dangerous environment.

Why did not do the same on eurusd and GBPUSD on its way down when we all see how red bar was getting longer?

Well, I sold them, but as what I did it has anything to do with catFX50, I do not want to post it.



I agree that the euro short signal was not strong, but what about the gbp short, that was as good signal as any, 22 pips from ema50, closed just below pivot point, good momentum, I think it is a valid short signal, even though it s 22 pips, only 2 pips above filter.

Now, there is an absolute clear long @ 1.2610 (i like to add the spread when talking of longs), you got 35 pips there.

Another clear long is gbp @ 1.8460, a level 4 too, prev high of the day and a heavy resistance from past days, also got 30+pips (you even had a retest there and a bounce for another 30).

Now both shorts after the news were ok to trade in my opinion, since they were coincident with the expected outcome of the news, without doing too much analysis, you could have waited for a break of 1.2525 on euro to confirm the dolar rally. I personally took the gbp short, not the euro.

Bottom line is, although it might have gave loosing signals, that s part of the game, prev to that you had 2 other level 1 longs with great results, so I just would recommend to stick to it, trade the signals with it s filters, take partial profits if you want to ride it longer, and enjoy the profits, with a +80% of positive outcome, you should not be worried about a couple of loosers, it is part of the game, and remember that a looser is just a possible big winner, only after the fact we know it s a looser.



Well said, guibermc.

I'm not worried at all with those losses, i have backtested system and read all rules docs and big part of this thread.

I'm just trying to find optimal filters to have profit/loss ratio higher.

Maybe Stepchoppy filter is useless and only add lag, i cant backtest this cause sometimes when there is big move, it redraw previous bar as well (not just last).

Therefore i would like to hear Owner's opinion/comment and in general recommendation for me. No one knows and feels this system better then you, Nina. It would be very useful and kindful if you can share your experience with me and address question that i pointed in previous post regards level 4 low/high and in general more correct information regards +20 pips opening from EMA50, if in long term its profitable to trade with this filter (or we are missing more good raither then false signals). To use StepChoppy indicator or its kinda useless due to lag it has and redrawing of last 2 bars? Or just to stick with nina+StepMa Histogram?

With respect,



I agree that the euro short signal was not strong, but what about the gbp short, that was as good signal as any, 22 pips from ema50, closed just below pivot point, good momentum, I think it is a valid short signal, even though it s 22 pips, only 2 pips above filter.

Now, there is an absolute clear long @ 1.2610 (i like to add the spread when talking of longs), you got 35 pips there.

Another clear long is gbp @ 1.8460, a level 4 too, prev high of the day and a heavy resistance from past days, also got 30+pips (you even had a retest there and a bounce for another 30).

Now both shorts after the news were ok to trade in my opinion, since they were coincident with the expected outcome of the news, without doing too much analysis, you could have waited for a break of 1.2525 on euro to confirm the dolar rally. I personally took the gbp short, not the euro.

Bottom line is, although it might have gave loosing signals, that s part of the game, prev to that you had 2 other level 1 longs with great results, so I just would recommend to stick to it, trade the signals with it s filters, take partial profits if you want to ride it longer, and enjoy the profits, with a +80% of positive outcome, you should not be worried about a couple of loosers, it is part of the game, and remember that a looser is just a possible big winner, only after the fact we know it s a looser.


Hi, Guibermc!

I did not sold cable cause EURUSD warned me. That's why. Had EURUSD broken its lows, I'd have entered short on cable. But, anyway, today I did not lose a single naked pip. I was lucky. Maybe tomorrow I lose what I have not lost today.


Well said, guibermc.

I'm not worried at all with those losses, i have backtested system and read all rules docs and big part of this thread.

I'm just trying to find optimal filters to have profit/loss ratio higher.

Maybe Stepchoppy filter is useless and only add lag, i cant backtest this cause sometimes when there is big move, it redraw previous bar as well (not just last).

Therefore i would like to hear Owner's opinion/comment and in general recommendation for me. No one knows and feels this system better then you, Nina. It would be very useful and kindful if you can share your experience with me and address question that i pointed in previous post regards level 4 low/high and in general more correct information regards +20 pips opening from EMA50, if in long term its profitable to trade with this filter (or we are missing more good raither then false signals). To use StepChoppy indicator or its kinda useless due to lag it has and redrawing of last 2 bars? Or just to stick with nina+StepMa Histogram?

With respect,



If you read the document in post one, you will see that I do not say a word about Stepchoppy.

About those +20/-20 from EMA50. Well, as you've seen today they kept us out of false signals. Another day it could keep us out of good profit.

The nearest of EMA50 we get the validated signal, the better.

But the key for me today was that stop of EURUSD 10 pips shy of last lows.

About level 4: it is well documented in post one. At least we need three bars of consolidations and then we play the break out. On eurusd today, this level 4 was at 1.2576, but look at it, there are more. And there are the last high, which it is a pick, not a consolidation. But with the strength we had, it was clear that it was a trade.

I say always that we need to feel the market. Didn't we see how eurusd was going up? It was going up as a rocket. I know, I know, the rules say "open of new bar". Yes. And? We see a knife going against us and we do not move because the rules say do not move?

News time is a different beast and we should know that.


Hi, Guibermc!

I did not sold cable cause EURUSD warned me. That's why. Had EURUSD broken its lows, I'd have entered short on cable. But, anyway, today I did not lose a single naked pip. I was lucky. Maybe tomorrow I lose what I have not lost today.


Nina, good for you, but you know my policy, so even though i took a loss, i was already in profits, and made it back and some more after that.I don t beleive in luck in this biz, you make decisions, some are profitable, some not, but I just wanted to stress out that you don t have to be a brain surgeon to trade, although you need to be just as fucused and commited to this to be CONSISTENTLY profitable, and consistency comes when you trade your edge (Cat50fx) without hessitation or second thoughts.

If it s profitable, trade it, if it isn t just move on.

And remember that when you bend the rules and it works, it WILL work against you at some point if you keep bending and adjusting.

Finally, and I say this with all due respect, there is not a big correlation (sometimes) between euro and gbp, proof of that is eur/gbp, so I will stick to what i said, and i think i read here in the thread, that is to trade each currency with it s signals.



Anyone taken the Short GBP trade triggered at 20.30 GMT(18.30 CET)?

Nina, good for you, but you know my policy, so even though i took a loss, i was already in profits, and made it back and some more after that.I don t beleive in luck in this biz, you make decisions, some are profitable, some not, but I just wanted to stress out that you don t have to be a brain surgeon to trade, although you need to be just as fucused and commited to this to be CONSISTENTLY profitable, and consistency comes when you trade your edge (Cat50fx) without hessitation or second thoughts.

If it s profitable, trade it, if it isn t just move on.

And remember that when you bend the rules and it works, it WILL work against you at some point if you keep bending and adjusting.

Finally, and I say this with all due respect, there is not a big correlation (sometimes) between euro and gbp, proof of that is eur/gbp, so I will stick to what i said, and .



i think i read here in the thread, that is to trade each currency with it s signals

Yes, this is mine.

The optional rule of +20/-20 are here from the beginning.

And remember that when you bend the rules and it works, it WILL work against you at some point if you keep bending and adjusting.

You are right. But I'm not going against the rules.

but I just wanted to stress out that you don t have to be a brain surgeon to trade, although you need to be just as fucused and commited to this to be CONSISTENTLY profitable, and consistency comes when you trade your edge (Cat50fx) without hessitation or second thoughts.

Right. The more you hessitate, the worst. But we shouldn't trade blindly.
