CatFx50 - page 259


For those who use the modified fibo-pivot indicator, which I modified to draw the lines ony on the last day - here is a new version.

The "old" one will indeed post the right levels but the labels are not actualized, so if the price label is turned on the price on the label does not fit to the line itself. This should be corrected in the attached one.



Okay I am getting semi-excited over this now.

The way I see it.... you are a woman that is hungry for pips..... and I am a man that can take pips and translate them into huge profits over the course of a year.

This could turn out to be a great team.

Now my money management requires using only one currency. I've rethought this and see no problem with combining your three CatFx50 currencies as one super currency in my spreadsheet.

Basically there must be a start and stop period to collect the profit/loss of the three and enter them into my spreadsheet.

The only problem is.... what do we do about the stops? My spreadsheet is set up for 39 pips of total losses. I guess I'll just have to work with what you give me.

Okay people I think we might have a solution for the exit problem and that would be to exit all your trades when you have a COMBINED total of 84 pips simultaneously. That would require simultaneous currencies being open.

I am thinking it could be a bit complicated but maybe someone in the group can push this further.


Okay I am getting semi-excited over this now.

The way I see it.... you are a woman that is hungry for pips..... and I am a man that can take pips and translate them into huge profits over the course of a year.

This could turn out to be a great team.

Now my money management requires using only one currency. I've rethought this and see no problem with combining your three CatFx50 currencies as one super currency in my spreadsheet.

Basically there must be a start and stop period to collect the profit/loss of the three and enter them into my spreadsheet.

The only problem is.... what do we do about the stops? My spreadsheet is set up for 39 pips of total losses. I guess I'll just have to work with what you give me.

Okay people I think we might have a solution for the exit problem and that would be to exit all your trades when you have a COMBINED total of 84 pips simultaneously. That would require simultaneous currencies being open.

I am thinking it could be a bit complicated but maybe someone in the group can push this further.



The only problem I see here is that I'm a man.



I'm sorry Mr. Nina.

So back to what I was saying.... It's obvious that the total POTENTIAL for these trades is usually over 100 combined pips over a few days.

That's great!

The bad thing is combining those three puts us in a situation where we could be stopped out at 39 X 3 = a 117 pip loss...

What sort of whipsaw action do these entries usually see? Is a 10 pip stop reasonable? How about 20 or 30? Tell me what I have to work with here.... Can I get away with being bumped out of a few trades because of a small stopout?


Hi Traders

Are there ant re-entry rules for Nina if you took all profits on the table and did not stay over for the weekend? (like today on gbp)



Someone else posted a messages after mine handling it as the Fib numbers was his idea ... well anyway ... take a 50 MA and use the level function to create certain levels (fib numbers) below and above the original MA. You´ll see what I mean if you watch it for a few days


i think it was my posting. I don t sold it as my Idea. It was just a recommondation for a way to exit. I got the idea through the so called "Tunnelmethod" from Vegas.

Here is a chart with the fibolevels 38 and 55 (plus and minus)

I still think its a very good Idea for the exitproblem.


catfx50.gif  21 kb
You'll find the current indicators here: mibl

Mibl, thanks alot !

Good trading
