CatFx50 - page 463


Anyone here yet ?



crosses on the majors but no step ma or histo signal. i think yesterday must have killed a couple accounts. so choppy.

crosses on the majors but no step ma or histo signal. i think yesterday must have killed a couple accounts. so choppy.

Fridays can be like that at times - until New York session -- but it was an unusual Thursday


Good to meet you Meriakre -- and congratulations on your coming wedding.

A lot of people are making pips here -- there are many reports of 20,30,10, 50 a day .. this system is a good one and we are grateful to Nina and team for sharing



Hope yesterday didn't "kill a couple of accounts", if it did for anyone their money management and r/r must be way off line.


Hello everyone!

Let me confirm what nina said some hundred posts earlier.. Yes indeed there are a lot of silent readers(I am one of them). Being their representant I want to say to you that we are very very thankful and happy to have met you on this wonderful forum. We do not know how to really thank you for everything you've done , so we thought, ... , and thought, and decided we will give a h*ll of a party!!! It's on us! And I think all of you will agree with the location of the party. It's ... Barcelonaaa!!! So you are all invited!

Ok, now lets leave the childish things. I was wondering, if it is possible and not a top secret info, can you people post here the performance for some previous month. Of course I would like the unleveraged pips.

Greetings to ALL!!!



money management would keep you away from zero. just saying a lot of folks probably lost money yesterday. l

evel 2 signals on cable and chf but staying away.

anyone know a good place to get next weeks calender. I was looking on forex factory but they don't go into the future.



Just pop up to say take care. Market is crummy. Do not do anything if you do not see a big, big rush.



Hi All,

We just had EUR/USD cross at 9 CET.


EDIT: CHF also crossed but I'm not taking it either.