CatFx50 - page 203

Hey Nina; I am sure your are doing good.

If possible, could you post your (EUR/USD) chart snapshot (here as attachment), want to see, how it looks.


Hi. xsd!

Here you are.



PD: BTW, another pathetic day for gurus, analysts, elliotists, forecasters and snake oil sellers!!!!

eurusd.jpg  105 kb

As you know, when I started this thread I said this was the easiest system of FOREX World. Remember?

And some, lets say, experimented traders, laughed. Well, I'm laughing since then too.


Nice trades [owner of] Nina (since I'm not talking to your cat). Anyway, thanks for sharing such a simple/easy system... have been following with much interest. I think what causes so many people to be hesitant is the simplistic nature of the system... 2 indicators, that's a beauty.

I'm planning on starting to trade this on Monday... may lose some sleep since I'm CST, but this is the type of trading that is simple, steady, and quite consistent.

So, I guess I'm saying, well done group... continue to bag the pips.




Something about Cat's filter:

Thought you wanted to see it. It is not the holy grail. We'll have losing trades too. As you know, CatFX50 gives a very few false signals. But I think with the filter some could be avoided.

Anyway, we are here to tweak it.


eurusd_a.jpg  148 kb
Nice trades [owner of] Nina (since I'm not talking to your cat). Anyway, thanks for sharing such a simple/easy system... have been following with much interest. I think what causes so many people to be hesitant is the simplistic nature of the system... 2 indicators, that's a beauty.

I'm planning on starting to trade this on Monday... may lose some sleep since I'm CST, but this is the type of trading that is simple, steady, and quite consistent.

So, I guess I'm saying, well done group... continue to bag the pips.


Hi, Paul!!

You are right. You know, every single week you have a day like today. EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

Look, EURUSD regular long signal was on Friday 13th. Since then, the pair has gone up more than 230 pips.

Well, you never know when it can go up like today, but meanwhile you are in making some pips. I'm not trying to sell anything: I get nothing if you trade CatFX50.

Today we've had a very superb long level 2 signals on all pairs. On EURUSD, for instance, it was at 1.2056 (09:00cet). From then till now, fasten your belt, mate!, EURUSD has made 131 pips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that nice? You know, what do you think I like most of CatFX50?

A single thing: it puts me on the right side of the market.

Now, mates, waste your money with Elliot stuff, gurus and so on. Meanwhile, I'll keep making money. Sorry!



Something about Cat's filter:

Thought you wanted to see it. It is not the holy grail. We'll have losing trades too. As you know, CatFX50 gives a very few false signals. But I think with the filter some could be avoided.

Anyway, we are here to tweak it.



Which filter?



Recap 2:


Today's signals so far:

EURUSD, level 2 long at 1.2056 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.2189. + 133 pips.

GBPUSD, level 2 long at 1.7475 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.7594. + 119 pips.

USDCHF, level 2 short at 1.2975 (09:00cet). Made a low at 1.2870. + 105 pips.

TOTAL= + 357 pips.

All of them still alive.

Good luck and enjoy!



Which filter?


Hi, JoZo!

You need to do your homework, mate!

Posts: 2013, 2022 and 2023.



Isn't that nice? You know, what do you think I like most of CatFX50?

A single thing: it puts me on the right side of the market.

Now, mates, waste your money with Elliot stuff, gurus and so on. Meanwhile, I'll keep making money. Sorry!

First THANKS for sharing !

super simple entry, no snake-oil, no rocket-sience, right side of the market, PERFECT

but the exit is also very important ... however, if you're in the market and on the right side, it's an advantage for the brain

will follow this on demo and later live ... is there a simple way to get an alert when EMA crossed and SochMA is in sync ?

Thanks again foxxx



Hi, Nina!

As you analyze the points of pivots to orinetar its businesses. Signal of sell or buy in top of the level of pivot. What to make? It forgives if the question is very simple.....

Which configuration of hist_stochMA? Number bars, 500???


First THANKS for sharing !

super simple entry, no snake-oil, no rocket-sience, right side of the market, PERFECT

but the exit is also very important ... however, if you're in the market and on the right side, it's an advantage for the brain

will follow this on demo and later live ... is there a simple way to get an alert when EMA crossed and SochMA is in sync ?

Thanks again foxxx

Hi, Foxxx!

I'd have wanted that when I began trading FOREX someone had placed me on the right side of the market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
