CatFx50 - page 151

Hi, mates!!

As you well know, EURUSD has been trading between 1.1974 - 1.1848 the last 10 days. That is a ridiculous range of 126pips (see chart attached).

A lot of signal providers are in red this month. A lot of them, and their customers are not happy. The same happens with a lot of day traders.

We are stuck in a damn deadly range: there is not direction.

We should not ignore that when we trade.


EURUSD, below 1.1968, the pair could try to go to 1.1720.

USDCHF, above 1.3077, the pair could try to go to 1.3326.

GBPUSD, 1.7423 is the line in the sand on that pair. Below 1.7423, it could try to go to 1.7115. It needs to hold above 1.7511 if we want it up to 1.7757.

USDJPY, below 116,93, the pair could try to go to 114,45.


Post 1509


Just a reminder. The bullishness on $ is impressive so far.

Take care!


Nice to hear that

1 is monday

5 is friday

I dont have opinion in that case, but I made those default values becouse of mibl suggestions. I trade whole week, from monday to friday (monday is risky, friday after 14 is risky too).



When I've time to trade, I trade independent from the weekday. But the mondays are often difficult days affected by box- and rangetrading and the moves are not so stable as usual.

My original question to this was, if anyone has experiences in the CatFX50-signals on mondays - if they are less reliable than on the rest of the week.

But Kalenzo's indicator is a quite good tool for a (optical) qualification of the trading signals in anyones selected trading time.

Regards mibl

I made indicator that will mark trading time, now u can quick check the signals in specified peroid of time. I attached screenshot example.

Thanks Kalenzo for this good Idea!

A littel problem on my side: After installing your indicator, the bars changed to dots (see chart). How can i solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

Good trading

catfx50_1.gif  36 kb
Thanks Kalenzo for this good Idea!

A littel problem on my side: After installing your indicator, the bars changed to dots (see chart). How can i solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

Good trading

U have to zoom out the chart. I dont know why but on high zoom the dots changing to bars.


good morning,

arrived late today, anyone had any signal so far? enjoy your day guys.

good morning, arrived late today, anyone had any signal so far? enjoy your day guys.

No signal for Cat today.

No EMA cross... besides today was very flat day.



From Saxo:

Published: Feb. 27 2006, 15:36 GMT

Data Watch Tonight

Big Asian Data Cluster Tonight - Expect more JPY strength on better than expected figures in Japan overnight.


We have a huge load of data coming out in Japan and Australia overnight.

Expect JPY strengthening across the board and a still improving Japanese rate outlook.


23:30 GMT Nomura/JMMA Manufacturing (Feb). We are seeing a pick-up of economic activity in this sector. The survey should confirm this trend.

23:50 GMT Industrial Production MoM (Jan P), expected at 0.4%.

23:50 GMT Large Retailers' Sales (Jan P), expected at 0.1%. The market is really looking for Japanese internal demand to strengthen. So far it has not got what is was looking for.

23:50 GMT Retail Trade MoM (Jan P), expected at 0.5%.

05:00 GMT Housing Starts YoY (Jan), expected at -3.0%. The negative sign is not important. Focus will be on the current trend - i.e. a stronger housing market.

05:00 GMT Small Business (Feb), expected at 50.0. Has not been higher than 50.9 in the last 15 years. A reading close to this could really stir up the markets.

All in all, the Japanese figures should be good. Apparently, a lot has been priced in already, but if this data cluster confirms that the Japanese economy is on the right track, we should have a massive move higher in yields as BoJ's Fukui has been talking about an end to "quantitative easing" lately and since JGB's are already close to key support, which has already been broken falsely. A decisive more through support could lead JGB's much lower.

JPY should have another boost. Is it too much? Not in JPY. In every other currency, the previous move would have it stop and consolidate or take out the most highly leveraged speculators in a corrective move. JPY (and many Japanese) assets have a tendency to continue for longer than seems appropirate for other assets. The currency looks especially strong vs. European currencies.

Nikkei should go cautiously higher, a bit concerned about the prospects of higher rates. Don't expected the 16777 to be broken this week, but expect to see it tested.


The rather large Current Account Deficit (4Q) is set to attract some attention around 00:30 GMT. The expectation is -13600M. We have no strong opinion on it, but AUD might sell off anyway on JPY strength (as AUD has been used intensively as a long side in the Carry Trade vs. JPY).



Kalenzo On Your Time Indicator What Are The 2 Orange Lines Represent Previous High And Lows ? Do They Move As They Get Broken?

U have to zoom out the chart. I dont know why but on high zoom the dots changing to bars.

Thanks for the answer, yes zooming out helps. I think its a MT bug.



Look at the range from 08:00cet to 18:00cet on majors:

EURUSD, 31 pips.

USDCHF, 35 pips.

GBPUSD, 53 pips. As always, the best.

Thanks CatFX50 to have kept us out.
