CatFx50 - page 687


I suggest you wait till you reach a million view then go and find a job as a forex fund manager and put these million views of the catfx50 thread in your CV, they will hire you at once

Hi, Nybegynner!

Glad to know you are making money.

I'm not saying CatFX50 is better than EW. What I want to stress is that any system out there is better off than EW. ANY!!!!!!

People do not like to believe that and they keep finding waves. They do not realize that EW is all a marketing issue. They do not realize that they are going to lose all they have and they are going to waste time.

We like to know the future. That's why EW and other esoteric methods have customers. They cheat us, but we are happy: WE KNOW THE FUTURE.

I used to be a EW trader. I know what I'm saying. A simple, lonely, naked trend line is going to give you more money that all that shit.

CatFX15 is awesome, but it is not going to be posted.


This is the most hilarious post i have ever seen. I don't visit threads, but a friend of mine told me there was a guy/girl talking BS about elliot waves.

I was a student of Mr. Glenn Neely the best EW trader there is. At this point in my live Ew gave me the tools to became very very well, financial speaking, let's just say i don't need to work any more for the rest of my life.

Ew is marketing issue for people like you, that failed in their learning process. It's not easy i know, Ew doesn't fit the average Joe...

Btw do you trade full time with that "system"? I guess not, because the market would eat you alive.

Anyway, for all the others: EW are real, they make money, a lot of money for those who master it!



I see: no link. That's a pity: no learning.


This is the most hilarious post i have ever seen. I don't visit threads, but a friend of mine told me there was a guy/girl talking BS about elliot waves.

I was a student of Mr. Glenn Neely the best EW trader there is. At this point in my live Ew gave me the tools to became very very well, financial speaking, let's just say i don't need to work any more for the rest of my life.

Ew is marketing issue for people like you, that failed in their learning process. It's not easy i know, Ew doesn't fit the average Joe...

Btw do you trade full time with that "system"? I guess not, because the market would eat you alive.

Anyway, for all the others: EW are real, they make money, a lot of money for those who master it!

Hi, Migman!

That's great: a student of Mr Glenn Neely, the best EW trader. Nice, gorgeous.

I'm really happy to know that you do not need to work any more for the rest of your life.

This naked sentence is telling me all I wanted to know.

Donate to EW broken students. Don't be greedy. But take care, maybe all your "fortune" will blow up.


PS: Migman, could I have a link where I could see your great contribution to FOREX community? Do not give me all that EW stuff, my friend. I'm asking for your contribution, cause if a man does not need to work any more for the rest of his life, he should have something, shouldn't he?


Hi, Migman!

That's great: a student of Mr Glenn Neely, the best EW trader. Nice, gorgeous.

I'm really happy to know that you do not need to work any more for the rest of your life.

This naked sentence is telling me all I wanted to know.

Donate to EW broken students. Don't be greedy. But take care, maybe all your "fortune" will blow up.


PS: Migman, could I have a link where I could see your great contribution to FOREX community? Do not give me all that EW stuff, my friend. I'm asking for your contribution, cause if a man does not need to work any more for the rest of his life, he should have something, shouldn't he?


My last post here co's i don't wanna waste my time with you and with small talk...

Cat my contributions are on a higher level, i make donations to:

Do you think you have made any contribution to traders with this thread? Oh boy, no words for this...

Now i don't have to do anything else related to work you are right, i am taking flight lessons on a MIG plane. God bless the Russians, i hope they let me buy the mig .

PS: yep that's me...

f_pilotag10.jpg  106 kb
My last post here co's i don't wanna waste my time with you and with small talk...

Cat my contributions are on a higher level, i make donations to:

Do you think you have made any contribution to traders with this thread? Oh boy, no words for this...

Now i don't have to do anything else related to work you are right, i am taking flight lessons on a MIG plane. God bless the Russians, i hope they let me buy the mig .

PS: yep that's me...

No link to learn your skills and wisdom. A great pity!

You can not; again, YOU CAN NOT maintain a "big or high" talk about EW, mate. YOU CAN NOT. It is impossible.

There are as many EW countings than Elliot analysts.

EW theory is too vague to be useful, since there is not always a clear definition of when a wave starts or ends, and prone to subjective revision. It is a borderline fraud, useful only for selling information to naive investors.

If the theory is true, widespread knowledge of its patterns would lead so many investors to "bet" with it that the patterns would be altered, rendering it useless. Any predictive method based on public, market-wide data faces the same axiom. The efficient markets hypothesis states that no such method can yield positive average profits.

But we want to know the future and that's why EW snake oil sellers have customers.



Wrong, Migman !!!

My last post here co's i don't wanna waste my time with you and with small talk...

Cat my contributions are on a higher level, i make donations to:

Do you think you have made any contribution to traders with this thread? Oh boy, no words for this...

Now i don't have to do anything else related to work you are right, i am taking flight lessons on a MIG plane. God bless the Russians, i hope they let me buy the mig .

I dont know if its really you on that plane or if you are taking flight lessons with russians. A have also pictures of myself in a weapon-loaded figther plane, just because an air force general is a friend of my family !!!

And i dont think you make ANY contribution at all, just marketing yourself or something you want to sell

CATFX50 WORKS !!! ITS FREE !!! i am trading with it with a great sucess, and it help me very very much. If my testimony helps, i give it to NINA and his great work and patience. I have seen CATFX50 grow and gain pips month after month, consistently. I wish i trade it live from the begining, but i am now and the pips are REAL.

TKS. NINA. I am 100% with YOU !!!!



Ok, mates, lets go back to CatFX50.

I have said all I wanted to say about EW. I know EW followers tend to behave like members of a sect. I've been there and I know what I'm talking about. So, it is hard, very hard to realize that you've spent a lot of time and money in something that is a failure. But you can prevail if you comprehend and therefore amend the errors.

I would like to know the future. Trust me.

Wish you the best.



is it me or is there an agreement from others that what you have to offer can be gotten on any forex web page (forex 101),Since you refused to ever give a heads up to traders when a trade was coming you have given nothing.I personally think all this stuff is your ego.Its amazing that every month there is a new batch of people coming to this page in hope of the holy grail and you feed there ego' s with these end of day pip calculations. Your said you would stop posting then do it already and put this thread to rest its totally boringand so are you.



You do not listen, mate. I'm here for my ego.

I'm here to see people like you. You light my fire. You make me feel alive. You improve my trading and you are free. What else can I ask?

Man-without-punctuation: start your own thread with your own system or whatsoever. But, please, do not use 74 indicators to validate a trade. Ok?

You know, man-without-punctuation, people like you make people keep what they have for themselves. I was about to post my CatFX15 and I decided not to do it. I used to post my levels (I think, honestly, that they are one of the best in FOREX world) and I decided to stop.

But, anyway, keep posting, man-without-punctuation.

My last reply to you.
