CatFx50 - page 692

if you do you will see me come and congratulate you every couple of days on those imaginary pips

Every trader know what these ranges means and it's their obligation to know if they are interesting for them.

Please avoid going against a thread without giving ideas to improve an specific system (it's not the goal of the forum).


Hi mates

My first post in fórum

Regads to Nina and the other who develop this fabulous system

But i'm studying this system for a long time

The guy say IMAGINARY pips ? Let's see haha

Regards ;D

by cFm^


@JaneFx, jay dee, mike_cole, ...

Feel happy!!! If you go on this way a little further you've managed it: The only topic in this thread in the last days was about throwing shit to each other. You are on the best way to kill a well running thread. Bravo!

Is that the way you interact with others in real life too?

And until now, we could never see any constructive contributions from you guys.

Let live Nina and the followers in peace and win or loose their perhaps "imaginary" pips. If they want to do it, they should - its their decision and not yours!

The world of FX allows it that anyone can try this approach on a demo account and if it works for him he could try to make real money with it. If not he could try other approaches and even didn't loose any money, only time.

There are many different approaches to trade and make or loose money, but I never heard about that the shit-throwing-approach achieved any single cent for us.



Hi, mates!

I do not need to challenge EW nor whatsoever strategy.

How could I try to compare myself or CatFX50 with those masters? My God!!

BTW, I lost 20 pips on my long on eurusd at 1,3274 with stop at 1,3254.


Even they who are recognized traders are having a some losers ones. If I have to be rigorous I count 8 consecutive losers signals. Softly, I count 5.

Hi, Linuxser!

I like your Dolly. Well done.

You are right.



Thank you nina

I personally have found ninas posts in this thread very helpful, you are a great person and I am thankful for you, hope there were more people like you. Now this great thread is gathering dark clouds over it thanks to some people who just want to try to find every bad think in every post nina makes. I know you guys just want to be helpful and warn people, but I think its everybodys own decison whether they follow ninas guidance or not. So lets just stop "fighting" and get this great thread back on track. Thank you.

I personally have found ninas posts in this thread very helpful, you are a great person and I am thankful for you, hope there were more people like you. Now this great thread is gathering dark clouds over it thanks to some people who just want to try to find every bad think in every post nina makes. I know you guys just want to be helpful and warn people, but I think its everybodys own decison whether they follow ninas guidance or not. So lets just stop "fighting" and get this great thread back on track. Thank you.

Hi, Kateeus!

Thanks for your nice words.

Kateeus, there are three groups of dissenters:

a) EW followers. They are entitled to criticize CatFX50, cause I'm against EW and I say it. They should do it politely though. I could say something about Murray Math now, but CatFX50 followers could rise their hand.

b) people that never give you anything nor start any thread with what they know. They just go against whatever they see big and whatever they see small just for the fake of their therapy. The majority of them haven't read the document in post one.

c) people that get upset --they might have had a bad day-- when they see a recap with thousand of hypothetical pips.

d) Stupids that post each time with a different nickname. I know them, but I do not say anything.

Kateeus, we must accept criticism. It makes us free and help or should help us to make things better. Of course, I know what you think, people should read first. Yeah, right, a lot do it, but there are some that only want to spit up. No problem, we'll prevail.




BTW, those Professional EW snake oil sellers haven't changed their view.

They were saying today we would go down hard. Great. EURUSD is trading now @ 1,3341; cable @ 1,9822 and USDCHF @ 1,1908 (They saw it up).

No comment.



Up to Nina

CatFx50 is one of the best trading systems free for day traders ;D

One more time thank's to Nina and others

Anyone see the signals today before ISM ? And the comments from the 'source' of ECB saying there's more rate hikes in 2007 ???

by cFm^