CatFx50 - page 578

Hi i completely understand your english and this the last post on this thread since i am going to ignore this one from now on.. In simlicity there was no signal yesterday that's all i wanted to know this cause i was checking it but the originator or nina just puts the numbers and do this do that... you my friend might be able to learn i cannot i dont like people to claim to be good traders just because they are posting numbers. Picture explains more then numbers i think. even if you post yesterday's pics one can learn easily since it's you whose teaching the system not as "Evey one should know!!".




Clearly you have some emotional issues.

Please feel free to not post on this thread anymore.

Thank you


need help

good day to all! i need help with catfx indicator Max bars. the indicator doesnt show up in my USDCHF chart. Its there but no BARS. what seems to be the problem? thanks.

good day to all! i need help with catfx indicator Max bars. the indicator doesnt show up in my USDCHF chart. Its there but no BARS. what seems to be the problem? thanks.

Hi, jerrymar!

I can not help you on that. I'm not a programmer.

BTW, this thread has achieved today the astonish +600k views.

Thanks to all.




In post 5794, you had so many arrows for the aNina indicator, I only saw two for July 11th, can you tell me what your settings were since I did do the setup according to Post1 for the indicators.....



In post 5794, you had so many arrows for the aNina indicator, I only saw two for July 11th, can you tell me what your settings were since I did do the setup according to Post1 for the indicators.....



The same settings you find in the document attached in post 1.

Maybe is a broker issue, the shot is from Neuimex.




BTW, looking at charts and if you know how CatFX50 works, you will see easily that the system has done it great today again.




If one missed the signal, would you try to still go in to catch the trend? If so, what would you be looking for?


asking Nina

Hello Nina,

I red some time ago that you don't live trade and also not with a demo account. The challenge was mainly about (entry) signals and "possibilities"

Is this still true ?

Please tell us what you are doing now, if you changed you mind or not and why.

If you trade live do you obtain results as good as your signal predict.

Thank you

PS : if you have already recently answered, excuse my question, but ther are so many posts, I can't read all of them.

PS 2 : sorry : poor english - not a native english speaker

Hello Nina,

I red some time ago that you don't live trade and also not with a demo account. The challenge was mainly about (entry) signals and "possibilities"

Is this still true ?

Please tell us what you are doing now, if you changed you mind or not and why.

If you trade live do you obtain results as good as your signal predict.

Thank you

PS : if you have already recently answered, excuse my question, but ther are so many posts, I can't read all of them.

PS 2 : sorry : poor english - not a native english speaker


Who said you that I do not trade live? Of course, I do. What I do not like to do is to demo. For demo, I use OANDA: little money, but real. Then you feel what it is to have a trade closed with a -34 lost.

CatFX50 gives good signals, but it has not a set exit. I always try to close part of my position once I have 15 pips and I look at fibopivots. You never know in advance if the move is going to be a big one or just a 20 pips shot.



Hi, traders!

As said long, long time ago, 1,2691 was an important level for EURUSD.

If the pair can not keep above 1,2637 - 1,2691, next will be 1,2594 and then, if that level does not hold, we'll be set to go to 1,2550. Below that level and holding, EURUSD could go as far as 1,2345- 1,2300.

I'm not saying we are going to see that level, but....

EURUSD will be in danger to go down that far till it does not break and hold above 1,2842 - 1,2928.

I do not know if you've seen that market this time has not behaved like it used to do: when turmoil, $ tended to go down and CHF, up.

But now, with oil at almost 80$, gold at almost 670$, US stocks down hard, real danger of another big war at the middle east..... and $ is up.

What would happen if Iran fires a missile against Tel Aviv and Jerusalem fires back? Would $ keep going up?

What would happen if an Iranian missile fired from Lebanon hits Haifa hurt and thousands of people die?

Take care, mates, because everything could happen here.
