CatFx50 - page 528


same here

only i should write on my monitor : "DON'T REACT, THINK FIRST"

or should i cut off my finger or cut off my mouse cable..

almost all loses came from 'reacting' to false price movements ...GREAD

also when in trade i should tourn of my comp. after puting SL and TP , it is the only way to not ruin potential good position for more then scalping pips

only i should write on my monitor : "DON'T REACT, THINK FIRST"

or should i cut off my finger or cut off my mouse cable..

almost all loses came from 'reacting' to false price movements ...GREAD

also when in trade i should tourn of my comp. after puting SL and TP , it is the only way to not ruin potential good position for more then scalping pips

Some time I made a test. I was on the vacation so I didn't follow the markets all time or most time of day. I was just turning on the pc, check the charts a few minutes, put a demo trade and turn off PC.

I was allways puting const SL.

After 5 days of that kind of trading I never lost. Mabye it was a good week. I got > 100 pips, so ppl can say that wasnt much. But I was trading a few minutes per day, no stress, clear decisions. 100 pips with one lot trade (1:100) gived me 1000$ so U dont have to make a lot of pips. U have to feel confident, and push the button in the right time, in the right way...


my best trading period was 2 years ago on vacation.

i traded verry litle time,just cheek the situation,grab fast 10 - 20 pips and go out on the sea.i made 20 trades in a row without losing for 1 month but when i got back home i started again to play 'smart' ....

siting all day in front of the screen is trading suicide

and always (for me) when day is good to make money i am not there,always something else to do (job,kid,wife,

but when day is chopy ..guess what...i am here and i lose

most loses i made when price did not move more than 50 pips both ways

so my advice for all ,learn first to control your emotions,learn to lose and if lose once dont trade that day any more unless it brakes the range for sure

funy thing is that i know to predict market day ahed ,using teh,fundamental

i am first on the list in prediction site and i still lose money


my best trading period was 2 years ago on vacation.

i traded verry litle time,just cheek the situation,grab fast 10 - 20 pips and go out on the sea.i made 20 trades in a row without losing for 1 month but when i got back home i started again to play 'smart' ....

siting all day in front of the screen is trading suicide

and always (for me) when day is good to make money i am not there,always something else to do (job,kid,wife,

but when day is chopy ..guess what...i am here and i lose

most loses i made when price did not move more than 50 pips both ways

so my advice for all ,learn first to control your emotions,learn to lose and if lose once dont trade that day any more unless it brakes the range for sure

funy thing is that i know to predict market day ahed ,using teh,fundamental

i am first on the list in prediction site and i still lose money



So, make us a favor, predict market for us every day.




i will if you want but can you trade it to win ?i can't

i am not joking, i have around 70 % good predictions last month in forex majors and gold and i am ranking num 1 in some prediction site (waiting to see 1000 prize )

don't get me wrong, i am not tryng to sell here anything i only say how trading is dificult even if we know much even if we know what will be tomorow

p.s. and i post my predictions in the morning london time just after opening the charts and news shedule so i am doing it just for fun and with no deeper


let's just stick to your good system


so what do you guys think about the market today?


i will if you want but can you trade it to win ?i can't

i am not joking, i have around 70 % good predictions last month in forex majors and gold and i am ranking num 1 in some prediction site (waiting to see 1000 prize )

don't get me wrong, i am not tryng to sell here anything i only say how trading is dificult even if we know much even if we know what will be tomorow

p.s. and i post my predictions in the morning london time just after opening the charts and news shedule so i am doing it just for fun and with no deeper


let's just stick to your good system


No problem, you can post your predictions here. I'm not saying to trade your predictions, but maybe they could help CatFX50 to be more accurate. Things must be tested.

It's up to you, anyway.



Hi Nina,

i did not have any intentions to post predictions,why did you get me wrong.

I was only sayng how hard is forex and how stupid i am.

It was weekend conversation about trading...

Even if someone want me to post some pradicitons , i could not take that responsability


Trading fears


I strongly recommend you this book to read:

Trading in the zone, if you haven t already.

try this link to have it:




As there are some mates that like to put always a little bit of salt to everything

-sometimes this is good-, CatFX50 is not any exception.

I'm asking for volunteers to make daily recaps without any success so far. Ok, no problem.

I'm going to post today's recap. But I could not always do it.

EURUSD, level 4 sell at 1.2583 (12:00cet bar). Made a low at 1.2551. + 32 pips.

You had another level 4 sell at 1.2581 (14:00cet bar) with the same low.

USDCHF, level 4 buy at 1.2383 (14:00cet bar). Made a high at 1.2432. + 49 pips.

GBPUSD, level 2 sell at 1.8440 (14:30cet bar). It made a low at 1.8367. As it was more than 20 pips below EMA50, you could not have taken it. Ok. Then you had a level 4 sell at 1.8418 (15:00cet bar). It made a low at 1.8367.

If you sold at 1.8440, the amount of pips that CatFX50 has generated is +77.

If you did it at 1.8418, the amount is +51 pips.

Let's be conservative and the result is 32 + 49 + 51 = +132 pips.



PS= Do not try to add EURJPY nor GBPJPY or you are going to get sick.