CatFx50 - page 512



Can you tell me what spyware was that? My MT4 too is running slow when i load up CatFX indicators.



Level 4 signals


Can Nina or someone tell me what Level 4 signals are? In the first post of this thread there are only 3 levels. As i was reading through the pages of this thread, i suddenly find the talk about Level 4 signals and i am now confused about it. Can someone please help me with the info.



Can you tell me what spyware was that? My MT4 too is running slow when i load up CatFX indicators.


A thing called internat, if you alt-ctrl-del and bring up the task window you can see if it running.

if that particular nasty is not on your system, you can look at what you do have running in the window, then typs each name into google and do a search, if you come up with lots of trojan sites, chances are you have one too!

Also another little piece I discovered, if MT4 crashes, 10 to one you lose your alert window messages, just edit the terminal.ini file in MT4 config folder and replace these lines






Can Nina or someone tell me what Level 4 signals are? In the first post of this thread there are only 3 levels. As i was reading through the pages of this thread, i suddenly find the talk about Level 4 signals and i am now confused about it. Can someone please help me with the info.



This will prove to be very useful. See up top of this page, there's a link called "Search this Thread" ? Give it a go, search for "Level 4." I just did and it returned 20 pages of results.

I'm sure if you scan through the results you'll come to an explanation that will suit you.

Another idea: Downunderdave posted a MS Word document with a description of the 4 levels. Do a search for his postings and it will be in there.




On post 1 I've attached the CatFX50 rules.

Thank you to Igorad, Kalenzo, ShadowWZ, Moneyline and downunderdave40.

I'd like to avoid with this the same questions each time a new viewer pops up.


On post 1 I've attached the CatFX50 rules.

Thank you to Igorad, Kalenzo, ShadowWZ, Moneyline and downunderdave40.

I'd like to avoid with this the same questions each time a new viewer pops up.


Hi Nina,

This certainly very helpful for us Newbie so we don't have to ask when we new to this thread, however, if you could also post all the links of the indicators on your first post. I thinks this will eliminated alot of questions of where to find all catfx50 indicators..

ps: I already have all your indicators. I am asking not for me but to anyone new to this thread. Thanks for the great system...


On post 1 I've attached the CatFX50 rules.

Thank you to Igorad, Kalenzo, ShadowWZ, Moneyline and downunderdave40.

I'd like to avoid with this the same questions each time a new viewer pops up.


Nice Presentation.Fine work. Thank you nina,It will be very usefull to newbies.


As per youCatFx50 rules attached, can you please attach aNina_v1, SDX-TZBreakout and the Camarilladt7 indicators.

thanks heaps!


Cat Indicators

As per youCatFx50 rules attached, can you please attach aNina_v1, SDX-TZBreakout and the Camarilladt7 indicators. thanks heaps!

Here ya go.


Here ya go. Dave


The indicators you have posted are not the same I said. I'll post the only ones I validate today. Camarilla and SDX tend to give a lot of problems because some take data from Sunday and they should take it from Friday (Camarilla). Then we have the breakouts. They must be shifted at the rigth time. I do not want to see 1000 post asking about that. So, as they are not main tools, I'll post them once shifted to CET time.
