CatFx50 - page 436

anyone know the corresponding pair to the USD/JPY ? *** by "corresponding" I mean something like the relationship between the EUR/USD & USD/CHF ***





I began trading with very small amounts from the beginning so I got the feel for trading with real cash and so I could gain real experience of the losses and wins. There was no way I would go broke with small amounts but the experience was invaluable. I like you, Money, got the adrelanin rush but I am now learning how to control my emotions with both wins and losses.

Anyway, enough of that, back to grabbing some more without being to greedy, and good luck

Hi Dellan, I know how you feel.

It was hard for me too! In particular when I went for the GBP/USD and then it went south on me. I kept thinking I should exit the trade with a small loss?

What kept from doing that was Money Management. I didn't trade but 2% of my funds on each trade. I figured I'd stay in and ride it out 'cause even if I lost, it wouldn't be a huge loss. I found out I like MM!


yeah but i had some problem

i am in northfinance, so the minimiun limit is 1 dolar/pip


Nina, do you mean that it is not going to be free eventually or that you are leaving?




LOL !!!


You all should be happy here.

Earlier in the morning, try to find the post, I said something about 1.2118 on USDCHF, didn't I?

And this is free, friends. So, enjoy till it is like this.

BTW, Ellioticians are making new counts now. But, you know, it is not as difficult. EURUSD needs to hold, listen, HOLD, above 1.2842 if we want it to last highs again.



Well, you liked it again that 1.2842. As long as we go away up from it, the better. This 1.2842 is like a magnet.


I began trading with very small amounts from the beginning so I got the feel for trading with real cash and so I could gain real experience of the losses and wins. There was no way I would go broke with small amounts but the experience was invaluable. I like you, Money, got the adrelanin rush but I am now learning how to control my emotions with both wins and losses. Anyway, enough of that, back to grabbing some more without being to greedy, and good luck

Hi Dave,

If you only knew! My family has been telling me I'm nuts for knowing so little and wanting to jump in with both feet. I got bored weeks ago!

The display of emotion you see is more from the release of not having to demo one more day! I know eventually I'll flow back to "normal."

BTW, emotional control is great for trading, but it doesn't beat the feeling of not having to demo! WhoooooHoooo !!!


Nina, do you mean that it is not going to be free eventually or that you are leaving?


It's just a saying. But hundreds of traders, newbies and not newbies, pop up here everyday. They are silent, but they are here and they are making money. They do not even say: thank you all! Well, this is internet.

This site is gorgeous. It hosts CatFX50 and it is going to be like this as far as I know.



I can imagine that feeling Money.

Nina, that's good to know.


Hi Folks Looks Like You Guys Made Some Money Today I Made A Rare Appearence In London Session Made My 20 And Passed Out Remember I Said That Over 80% Of Time When Price Opens The Day Above Or Below Daily Pivot It Goes Threw To Other Side Today Was One Of The Days Down Under If You Want Calculated Pivots Go To Page 241 Post 2401 I Have Pivot Indicator That Does That For You