CatFx50 - page 442


mine is 1.8790


8778 is pp for gbp what is interesting is gbp bounced off of mm level

Did anyone else go short on GBP?

My Stochs crossed.


Mine didn't cross, I didn't take any of the signals. I think we are going to have retrace on a lot of these.



GBP Trade

I entered GBP there any reason to stick with it or should I take the loss now?


this gbp might turn into a level2 or level1 the other way

I entered GBP there any reason to stick with it or should I take the loss now?

Hi Down,

It just doesn't look like it's gonna go anywhere, if anything I think it's going to retrace. You might wanna do that!




GMT +3


Tue. 05/23 2:00am E-12 Industrial New Orders m/m

Alexey, I show that news about to happenin 28 minutes.


Thanks Alexey!


Hi @all (if someone is interesting in it at all),

I will be on holidays for the next 2 weeks - so no action from me here in the thread. FXCM informed me that I must spend a little money from my account because this is getting too full -- little joke .

As Nina said once before - if I have no time to trade there are often good trading chances - so I wish you all the best.




Hi Mibl,

Have a good time and relax!

See ya when you get back!
