The Murrey Math Trading System - page 48


I'm curious how profitable is your template? It get's more complicated, you try to program some mirracles - and that's good of course, every each of us has their own way to trade

I came to Murrey thanks to this topic but i like to keep things as simple as possible. I trade pure Murrey lines + some fibos help and overall elliot waves theory + my own observations from last year (while not trading MM).

For example I trippled my ballance last week so I'd like to compare my results My daily target is 30 pips to make things cute but last week for example on monday I've made 120 pips and so on... How many pips can you squeeze daily? I trade Cable which has very nice amplitudes

PS I've lood at few main trading ideas on this forum and for me Murrey just rocks! The market doeas exactly what lines say!

Best regards and loads of pips

I'm curious how profitable is your template? It get's more complicated, you try to program some mirracles - and that's good of course, every each of us has their own way to trade

I came to Murrey thanks to this topic but i like to keep things as simple as possible. I trade pure Murrey lines + some fibos help and overall elliot waves theory + my own observations from last year (while not trading MM).

For example I trippled my ballance last week so I'd like to compare my results My daily target is 30 pips to make things cute but last week for example on monday I've made 120 pips and so on... How many pips can you squeeze daily? I trade Cable which has very nice amplitudes

PS I've lood at few main trading ideas on this forum and for me Murrey just rocks! The market doeas exactly what lines say!

Best regards and loads of pips

Hi Hdrys,

can you post a pic of your chart where the MM lines are visible, may be H4 or daily chart??


Hi Hdrys,

can you post a pic of your chart where the MM lines are visible, may be H4 or daily chart??



in the right window I switch between longer TF, mainly M30 but I constantly check H and Daily

PS the visible short has about 65 pips profit right now (veeeeery nice )


Hadrys, which version of MM indicator that you use?

Hadrys, which version of MM indicator that you use?

probably the latest or near that but I changed colors of lines for my convenience and added a square that paints P bars in past (period) and for P bars so I could easiely see which period is being calculated in current Timeframe

It is my understanding that without the most recent current versions, the indicator is flawed. I am still trying to confirm this, it appears there are tricks we need to do to interpret the results and can't be programmed until several sets of additional programming are completed to make the system a full replica of the Murrey Math Trading System (Price, time, speed lines, automatic reversal days, parallel channel lines, zones of conflict, gap movements, relative volume, square in time adjustments, polarity shift detect, etc... we currently have "price" ... sort of. Just price alone can still be traded profitably.


This is a common and a good question. Gann's system reacted to new high and new low data - everything had to be recalculated. Murrey's system, heavily based on Gann, does not require recomputing. If you think of Murrey math as a bunch of boxes where the width is time and the height is price, then you start to picture the Trading Squares. If you imagine a wall of these boxes that starts every October and continues 256 weekday trading days, then you are seeing how they are drawn out.

A new high or low may change *which* box you are in, but the boxes themselves don't move. (crossing over 1.5625 may change that - still researching/validating) The box height (price) is precalculated. If the price keeps jumping in between two boxes constantly, then the 'effective box' is half of each box.

Murrey has some little idiosyncracies I'm still studying. Strange things happen sometimes, like using a square 2 octaves tall as 4 octaves. It makes sense for the graphs, but is horribly difficult to program without clear descriptions. Currencies are *much harder* to trade with MM, I'm considering switching to MetaStock 9 and practicing with stock data first. All of the "clear descriptions" were intended for stocks. I might also use MM with MT4 on brokers that give stock data and compare my results vs Murrey and MetaStock.

Murrey's system is incredibly complex. Most trading systems have 4-20 if-then rules. Murrey would have at least 200 for a full implementation and some of the "if" parts are really hazy. I intend to implement 1 or 2 rules and then trade them profitably, slowing increasing how much of the MM Trading System I implement over time.




I am thinking that for a "64 day square in time" that we should only count 64 trading days *excluding sunday*. Base the Forex week on 5*24 hours instead of 5.5 hours for purposes of counting days. I will use GMT times.

This year started Friday Oct 6 at 0:00 GMT closing at 22:00 GMT. The next day was Monday, starting at 0:00 GMT closing Friday at 22:00GMT. That is 6 days. Repeat 2 more times, and we have our 16 day cycle. Oct 6 to Oct 27 = 16 Murrey Math days. Next 16 day cycle starts Mon 30 at GMT 0:00 closing Fri Nov 3 at GMT 22:00. Last day in the 16 day cycle is Monday *at 22:00 GMT*. That creates a 2 hour gap that I'm uncertain about, but it is the only way to ensure that the same number of hours are in each week (effectively having 4 fridays in each 16 day block).

Counting 16 calendar days is a horrible mistake, and counting 16 broker days if the broker has an offset is a horrible mistake. We need 16 GMT trading days. I'm not certain that I'm right, but I am certain including sunday as a "day" and including saturday as a "day" is wrong.

Ideas? feedback? code snippets?

I am thinking that for a "64 day square in time" that we should only count 64 trading days *excluding sunday*. Base the Forex week on 5*24 hours instead of 5.5 hours for purposes of counting days. I will use GMT times.

This year started Friday Oct 6 at 0:00 GMT closing at 22:00 GMT. The next day was Monday, starting at 0:00 GMT closing Friday at 22:00GMT. That is 6 days. Repeat 2 more times, and we have our 16 day cycle. Oct 6 to Oct 27 = 16 Murrey Math days. Next 16 day cycle starts Mon 30 at GMT 0:00 closing Fri Nov 3 at GMT 22:00. Last day in the 16 day cycle is Monday *at 22:00 GMT*. That creates a 2 hour gap that I'm uncertain about, but it is the only way to ensure that the same number of hours are in each week (effectively having 4 fridays in each 16 day block).

Counting 16 calendar days is a horrible mistake, and counting 16 broker days if the broker has an offset is a horrible mistake. We need 16 GMT trading days. I'm not certain that I'm right, but I am certain including sunday as a "day" and including saturday as a "day" is wrong.

Ideas? feedback? code snippets?

The Start date for this year is Monday October 9 and not Oct. 6


The Start date for this year is Monday October 9 and not Oct. 6 Regards

So far I'm a practical user of MM.

At this point now, I'm wondering how do u guys come to this conclusion about date number?

Someone can explain please.


So far I'm a practical user of MM.

At this point now, I'm wondering how do u guys come to this conclusion about date number?

Someone can explain please.


Oct 9. Murrey comes up with the number on his own and then updates the software automatically. The date that Murrey mentions in his manual is Oct 7 and says that it is in the first week of October. I used that method to calculate the number (Oct 6) but this was indeed wrong. I was sent some MM charts and sure enough, the charts show 64 day charts starting at Oct 9. Sometimes I see nice hard concrete rules, and other times... *sigh*

Here are potential square in time calculations for MML.



8*2 ... etc 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512

and not the standard "divisible by 8" blocks that Murrey claims. I don't know how to calculate this, if I get 100 MM charts for 16 32 64 days I might be able to figure it out. Nobody has posted any, nobody from this forum has contributed any. Sticking with the 8 sized octaves isn't wrong, but sometimes Murrey uses a subset of those squares. Sometimes he uses the same MML for both 16 and 32 day square in time.

Even more annoying: 8*2+4, 8*8+4, etc

The reason for this is good, if the square is riding a 0/8 line and trading above/below it then the effective MM square is 4 octaves of both top and bottom squares. To program that into an EA, I'm probably going to do detection on high/low numbers for the last 50 bars and make sure they aren't straddling the 0/8 line. This would definitely affect our trading, thankfully I think we can add a filter for it.

Making an EA to trade 2 simple MML rules now has 2 corrective filters :/