The Murrey Math Trading System - page 47


Using Fixed Octaves

Can I please ask for some advice. I use the MMl version 4 that Xard placed on the board and the levels work fine for me. I have decided to look at the fixed ocatave but I am not sure how you trade it.

So I have a question;

When you trade using the fixed octaves how do you trade the 8 levels in that octave?

Thanks for any advice


First of all a great thread on MM. I have been trading currencies for +/- 6 years using only MM. Of course the best source of MM is Murrey himself and his book and posts on his webboard. Xard in particular has done great work in writing the respective indicators and sharing it with the members.

However there is one problem. The spread between the lines should be .001525 and not .001953125 for the currencies like EUR GBP AND CHF. I have confirmed this again with Murrey yesterday and he pulled up a chart of the Euro futures where the spread was 15 pips between the lines.

Keep up the good work


The number you quote for the spread between the lines 0.001526.

Should that not be 0.0015625 which would still be 15pips (15.625pips) spread.



hallo .

.i have some question about MM indecator.....

what is the differance between the murrey amth indecator in the first page & octaves indecators.....what is the murry math indecators in the first page (bMM or mMM ot MMM )....

is the octaves indecators change by changes in HI low in last 64 or 32 ...ect normal murry indecators......

The number you quote for the spread between the lines 0.001526.

Should that not be 0.0015625 which would still be 15pips (15.625pips) spread.


No it should be 0.001525. In his book he stated the rhythm of the BP as 0/8th = 0 and 8/8th = .0244. Therefor each 1/8th is .00305. This is for fast market conditions. 1/2 that gives you .001525



sometimes it may be preferable to use the indicator and master it's application.. rather than changing the calculations........

That selection of tools that xard uses has proven to be effective and I am thinking that changing the numbers will not improve the profitability. whereas perfecting its use will do what we need.........

Quite often we want to change things when actually perfecting our use of the tools at hand will give us the profitability that we seek


No it should be 0.001525. In his book he stated the rhythm of the BP as 0/8th = 0 and 8/8th = .0244. Therefor each 1/8th is .00305. This is for fast market conditions. 1/2 that gives you .001525 Regards

The caculations are right...

sq 100/8 = 12.5/8 = 1.5625/8 = 0.1953125/8 = 0.0244140625/8 = 0.0030517578125/8 = 0.0003814697265625 * 4 = 0.00152587890625



hallo .

.i have some question about MM indecator.....

what is the differance between the murrey amth indecator in the first page & octaves indecators.....what is the murry math indecators in the first page (bMM or mMM ot MMM )....

is the octaves indecators change by changes in HI low in last 64 or 32 ...ect normal murry indecators......

no one to want to help

sometimes it may be preferable to use the indicator and master it's application.. rather than changing the calculations........

That selection of tools that xard uses has proven to be effective and I am thinking that changing the numbers will not improve the profitability. whereas perfecting its use will do what we need.........

Quite often we want to change things when actually perfecting our use of the tools at hand will give us the profitability that we seek


"Perfecting the use" Well it makes a big difference in interpretation when price is at different colour lines.



trading MM Octave 9........

"Perfecting the use" Well it makes a big difference in interpretation when price is at different colour lines. Regards

Kindly let us know how are you trading using Xard's MM Octave template?



hallo .

.i have some question about MM indecator.....

what is the differance between the murrey amth indecator in the first page & octaves indecators.....

It is my understanding that without the most recent current versions, the indicator is flawed. I am still trying to confirm this, it appears there are tricks we need to do to interpret the results and can't be programmed until several sets of additional programming are completed to make the system a full replica of the Murrey Math Trading System (Price, time, speed lines, automatic reversal days, parallel channel lines, zones of conflict, gap movements, relative volume, square in time adjustments, polarity shift detect, etc... we currently have "price" ... sort of. Just price alone can still be traded profitably.

what is the murry math indecators in the first page (bMM or mMM ot MMM )....


is the octaves indecators change by changes in HI low in last 64 or 32 ...ect normal murry indecators......

This is a common and a good question. Gann's system reacted to new high and new low data - everything had to be recalculated. Murrey's system, heavily based on Gann, does not require recomputing. If you think of Murrey math as a bunch of boxes where the width is time and the height is price, then you start to picture the Trading Squares. If you imagine a wall of these boxes that starts every October and continues 256 weekday trading days, then you are seeing how they are drawn out.

A new high or low may change *which* box you are in, but the boxes themselves don't move. (crossing over 1.5625 may change that - still researching/validating) The box height (price) is precalculated. If the price keeps jumping in between two boxes constantly, then the 'effective box' is half of each box.

Murrey has some little idiosyncracies I'm still studying. Strange things happen sometimes, like using a square 2 octaves tall as 4 octaves. It makes sense for the graphs, but is horribly difficult to program without clear descriptions. Currencies are *much harder* to trade with MM, I'm considering switching to MetaStock 9 and practicing with stock data first. All of the "clear descriptions" were intended for stocks. I might also use MM with MT4 on brokers that give stock data and compare my results vs Murrey and MetaStock.

Murrey's system is incredibly complex. Most trading systems have 4-20 if-then rules. Murrey would have at least 200 for a full implementation and some of the "if" parts are really hazy. I intend to implement 1 or 2 rules and then trade them profitably, slowing increasing how much of the MM Trading System I implement over time.