The Murrey Math Trading System - page 46

Ihope mm can confirm that pattern too

As you can see Murrey lines confirmed the pattern for a nice 156 pips ,

i was stopped at the 1.1500 but i think the CAD can go higher to the +2/8 ,


Vertical MM Lines?

Hello everyone. I have a really stupid question, but cannot find the answer myself, so eventually decided to post it. Isn't it true that vertical (time) MM lines can be calculated in the same way as the horizontal ones?


No, the vertical lines are timeframe. The starting day for timeframe is new each year, and sometime in October (for stocks it is usually Oct 7 if the 7th is during the work week). From there, you have 4 quarters of 64 "trading" days. The 64 day interval is different in forex, because we have trading activity on sunday.

This is much different from static MML. (MML don't change at all.)


Hi, Xard777

Could you kindly provide the data chat as a separately indicator which can be attached in the main window?

Thanx alot.





Hi Guys,

Have closed my MM extreme signal GBP short trade, collected 100 pips as expected

Still behind on the long CHF, short EUR and short AUD

Is anyone doing ok using MM with the recent strong market?



Valid values for the scale setting in MM-OctaveV5 appear to be:

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512.

This is derived from looking at charts for MurreyMath trading software, and trying to reverse engineer the MML.

NDX-16day = 1812.5-1687.5=125

NDX-32day = 1875-1625=250

NDX-64day = 2000-1500=500

DJI-16day = 12500-11875=625

DJI-32day = 12500-11250=1250

DJI-64day = 12500-10000=2500

SMH-16day=35.94-32.81=3.13 (unround to 3.125)

SMH-32day=35.94-32.81=3.13 (unround to 3.125)


Using numbers besides 1 8 64 512 should be considered advanced techniques used to examine different timeframes. Note that the NDX16 and NDX32 have non-coinciding MML 0/8 and 8/8 lines. I have not figured out this discrepancy yet.

If anyone here has the MM Trading software and is willing to examine charts to perform the same calculations I would greatly appreciate it. I hope to figure out the discrepancy between non-coinciding mMML and bMML. I think it is a base value of 24 over an interval of 16 not matching a base value of 32 over an interval of 16.


Page 76 and 77 of the manual explain this with 5 charts, some advanced terms and some weird tactics that make sense now. When I first read it this seemed like hocus pocus. I am too tired to explain it now, so I shall slumber.


MM Lines

First of all a great thread on MM. I have been trading currencies for +/- 6 years using only MM. Of course the best source of MM is Murrey himself and his book and posts on his webboard. Xard in particular has done great work in writing the respective indicators and sharing it with the members.

However there is one problem. The spread between the lines should be .001525 and not .001953125 for the currencies like EUR GBP AND CHF. I have confirmed this again with Murrey yesterday and he pulled up a chart of the Euro futures where the spread was 15 pips between the lines.

Keep up the good work



MM lines

Here is the post he made. Unfortunately I did not save the chart.

"18:18:21 {murrey} look at Euro futures.....8/8th at 1.3367 did you short yellow 1.3351 then go long at 1.3260 ?"

The yellow is of course the 7/8th line
