The Murrey Math Trading System - page 39


Ihope mm can confirm that pattern too

It would have actually been a SL at +2 mMML if you are playing the weekly data for a mMML. The +2 bMML would have only been 16 pip loss, attempting to take a 31 point gain. I want to finish my ExitMaster EA so the spikes we saw would end up as profit taken for bMML. (delayed Trailing stop of 10 would have earned another 22 pips on my bMML trade) I need to finish the EA, I could have done 3 wins going to the 4/8 line :/

Did you use octave~5? or another mml? can you post it here?




Xard777 thanks a lot for all the time and effort u give to develope the mm , can u please attach " octave v8"


Trading MM

Can you explain the white lines?

Is this where the market opens?


Did you use octave~5? or another mml? can you post it here?



Octave v5


Thanks bro..




jborgesnm: that version might work for all currencies over 1.5625, but nothing under that price. Try MM-Octavesv5 or Xard's newest template

Kappari: as xard777 posted, that was a very classic MM move straight out of the book. If the price goes under 0/8 but not below -2/8 then it will come up to the 4/8 line. Xard posted the graph of this, I'm working on an EA for it.


Can someone post mm octaves v8 please?


To all interested in Market Profile,

English is not my native language and MP is complex. So please read the attached 'handbook' and it answers a lot of questions.

also I have read this book:

Market Profile is an approach

Murrey Math is an approach

Together they will increase profitability tremendously

Trading MM

Can you explain the white lines?

Is this where the market opens?


I believe it's the line where price level was traded on the biggest volume for the day.

That line could be a strong S/R for the next day(s).