MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 32

Yes its free. Because even when I pay for the Platform. I still have to pay the same Spreads and Commission. Haha back @ cha.

... BTW, claiming that that's free is exactly the same as my wife saying that shoes A cost $300 and shoes B cost $400, and therefore A are a bargain. And MT4 isn't actually the cheaper alternative in this metaphor simile.

MT4 does not cost zero, and it can cost more than alternatives.

... I'm not saying that it's not worth it to pay extra to use MT4. I'm just saying that it's untrue to claim that MT4 costs Zero$$$, and it's also untrue that it's "free" in some weird sense that it's no more expensive than comparable alternatives.

You don't acknowledge the point I'm making ... and I wouldn't acknowledge yours. That's how you argue your case ... I wouldn't bother explaining. Let the readers decide.

I'll acknowledge that TradeStation isn't free (unless you very carefully trim down the packages). But you can't trade through MT4 like you can through TradeStation: taking the simplest and most technological point, MT4 has a limit of 1024 symbols, whereas TradeStation can and will let you trade each individual component of the S&P 500, the FTSE 350, the Nikkei 225 etc. TradeStation is not primarily an fx platform, and it can afford to charge a premium for its core non-fx traders who want to trade a bit of fx on the side. Comparable mainly-fx platforms to MT4 have the same business model and are no more expensive - and none of them is free for trading real money.

Now acknowledge my point, and tell me why it's true that MT4 costs Zero$$$.

When someone moves from one broker to another, what's going to happen?
I can understand it if you are now arguing for paying a small premium for using MT4 - I fully agree on that - but it would mean that you are acknowledging that MT4 does not in fact cost Zero$$$ as you claimed.
gchrmt4: I'll acknowledge that TradeStation isn't free (unless you very carefully trim down the packages). But you can't trade through MT4 like you can through TradeStation: taking the simplest and most technological point, MT4 has a limit of 1024 symbols, whereas TradeStation can and will let you trade each individual component of the S&P 500, the FTSE 350, the Nikkei 225 etc. TradeStation is not primarily an fx platform, and it can afford to charge a premium for its core non-fx traders who want to trade a bit of fx on the side. Comparable mainly-fx platforms to MT4 have the same business model and are no more expensive - and none of them is free for trading real money.

This is the gap that Meta-Trader5 is trying to achieve for Free. And this is why I do-not kick meta-Quotes when they're down.

If everyone is singing praises about meta-Quotes then I'll be the guy to give the other side of the story.


This is the gap that Meta-Trader5 is trying to achieve for Free. And this is why I do-not kick meta-Quotes when they're down.

It still won't be "free", and other platforms are already there in this same sense of not-actually-free. But I agree that such an offering in MT4 or MT5 would probably result in some costs moving - some, not all - from traders to brokers.

Having answered your point about TradeStation, I'm still waiting to hear in what sense MT4 costs Zero$$$.


I send you the source code:
Attached files:
LePireEA.mq4 (15.34 KB)

Fix this

//#property show_inputs

ArrayInitialize(spreadHistory, 30);

Then Working fine! in test


Having answered your point about TradeStation, I'm still waiting to hear in what sense MT4 costs Zero$$$.

(Sorry, but after a very rapid exchange of posts it's now 30 minutes since your last response, and I've gotta go and do something else. Apologies if you're in the middle of typing something revelatory.)
Has anyone found online the manual or pdf for the latest version of Mql4? I would really like to have a copy of it before I proceed. Someone dropped a zip file of a .chw file which I have been unable to open thus far. I t's really not that helpful to say 7 months in advance.. "Hey we are going to make some major changes!" without providing some documentation outlining the changes in detail. Merely saying... "we have changed the order of precedence from the way it is to be more like it is in c++ is NOT really very helpful. I mean if I write a new Expert.... can I use start() any more or has it become like mql5 using onTick or onTimer? Can we still use Bid, Ask, Period()? Someone direct me to the documentation please because apparently I'm too stupid to find it. Thanks...PipPip..jimdandy
Has anyone found online the manual or pdf for the latest version of Mql4? I would really like to have a copy of it before I proceed. Someone dropped a zip file of a .chw file which I have been unable to open thus far. I t's really not that helpful to say 7 months in advance.. "Hey we are going to make some major changes!" without providing some documentation outlining the changes in detail. Merely saying... "we have changed the order of precedence from the way it is to be more like it is in c++ is NOT really very helpful. I mean if I write a new Expert.... can I use start() any more or has it become like mql5 using onTick or onTimer? Can we still use Bid, Ask, Period()? Someone direct me to the documentation please because apparently I'm too stupid to find it. Thanks...PipPip..jimdandy

build 600 is merely a mechanism to eventually force all to a (merged) MT5.

The currentt release is a total disaster as far as backwards compatibility is concerned. It is rather difficult to determine the reason why so many of my indicators are now broken unless one has a detailed knowledge of the MT5 language.