MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 53



For all that wish to continue developing using the pre build 600 mql4 programming language after the update there is a solution. You may use Notepad++ (free) as the source code editor combined with the 500+ compiler “metalang.exe” which is still there after the 600 update. Build 600+ appears to use a compiler with a different name.

Myself I’ve been using Notepad++ as mq4 editor for many years. After the MetaTrader4 buld 600 update all of my indicators and EAs still compile as before, I am still able to modify code as before, and so far MetaTrader4 execution seems unchanged (stil testing…).

In software development world Notepad++ is one of the best source code editors available regardless of the programming language. With an extensive library of plugins and countless customization options it truly aids with development efficiency especially of larger scale projects. Notepad++ has the ability to use external compilers such as the "metalang.exe" via its configurable Run feature.

As to the new mql4 programming language, I welcome its OOP capabilities and plan on using it for all new projects.

  1. I understood that you have some charts opened, what I asked you is : what is running in these charts (symbol, scripts, ea, indicators ?). I don't have any problem with RAM, so we have to investigate what is causing your problem.
  2. Where is your platform installed ? Where are you saving your template ? You have to save all your data in the new path, you get find it by Menu File -> Open Data Folder. In the window that opens, you have a "templates" folder. You have to save there.

Hi Angevoyageur,

I do not run any EAs, but have scripts running, all of which is is located in the correct files and folders are per MetaQuotes' instructions.

Templates are correctly saved too.

What is of concern to me is that every single time that I restart the platforms, they have saved different Folders and I have to start from scratch again, meaning that my platform goes back to

basics as if I have just downloaded a new one. Have to open up my charts and templates individually.

If I can get say ONE chart to run normally and want to add just one more indicator to that chart, the platform hangs. I have to reboot again with the same results as described above.


Hi Angevoyageur,

I do not run any EAs, but have scripts running, all of which is is located in the correct files and folders are per MetaQuotes' instructions.

Templates are correctly saved too.

What is of concern to me is that every single time that I restart the platforms, they have saved different Folders and I have to start from scratch again, meaning that my platform goes back to

basics as if I have just downloaded a new one. Have to open up my charts and templates individually.

If I can get say ONE chart to run normally and want to add just one more indicator to that chart, the platform hangs. I have to reboot again with the same results as described above.

Can you explain exactly what you mean by . . . . " they have saved different Folders " ?

You might have a bad script that is crashing MT4. Remove all scripts from the charts, restart MT4 and see if it operates normally.



Windows Server 2003 was released before Windows Vista and UAC.

Why is the MT4 using a separate data directory in the C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\MetaQuotes\Terminal\<terminal id> folder?

Is there any way to know when the MT4 is using separate data folder?

Thank you for you reply.


MT4 uses the data folder for any files that would be modified since the original install, this includes chart history data, indicators, EA's, scripts, templates, profiles, log files, etc.


MT4 uses the data folder for any files that would be modified since the original install, this includes chart history data, indicators, EA's, scripts, templates, profiles, log files, etc.

Not in windows XP or when the UAC is disabled in any Windows version

Not in windows XP or when the UAC is disabled in any Windows version

The Windows OS in use and the status of UAC are both irrelevent. MT4 creates and uses the Data Folder regardless.

  • Please do. I would very much be interested in learning something new about UAC.
  • I've read the entire Wiki page and that didn't help too much. Maybe because
  • I skipped the entire Windows Vista experience and jumped to Windows7 recently.
  • Thank You ....

I was going to ubzen until I looked at the new data folder path and realized MT4 is not affected by UAC Virtualization anymore, so I thought it is really no longer an issue to be concerned about (except perhaps with backwards compatability in some instances.)

SDC: I was going to ubzen until I looked at the new data folder path and realized MT4 is not affected by UAC Virtualization anymore, so I thought it is really no longer an issue to be concerned about (except perhaps with backwards compatability in some instances.)
Ok, thank you for the update.